What is the method of cleaning your hands when taking care of a resident, entering/exiting their environment.
Temperature 2 degrees above the established baseline for that resident
What is the definition of fever
All lifts
What is wiped down after every use and thoroughly cleaned every NOC shift.
24 hours fever free without the use of fever reducing medication
What is the policy on when a staff member with respiratory s/sx may return to work
Set of criteria use to determine a clinical diagnosis of UTI/CAUTI. It is used for surveillance purposes as well.
What is McGeer Criteria
Gown, gloves, and mask if splashes are of concern.
What is the proper PPE to wear when taking care of a resident with C-diff.
Residents should remain in their room for the duration of the illness, defined as 24 hours after resolution of fever and respiratory symptoms.
What is the duration of respiratory isolation
Med carts, and nursing station surfaces
What is wiped down every shift
Treating all residents as though they may be infected. Using gloves, handwashing etc.
What is standard precautions.
Dark concentrated and/or strong smelling urine
What is "NOT a sign of a UTI"
When loose stools have resolved for 72 hours.
What is the rule to discontinue contact precautions.
Resident should remain in room for 7 days after onset of illness or until 24 hours after the resolution of fever and respiratory symptoms. WHICHEVER IS LONGER.
What is the duration of Influenza Isolation
Ice carts and ice bucket
What is cleaned every NOC shift
1. Before touching a patient
2. Before clean/aseptic procedure
3. After body fluid exposure risk
4. After touching a patient
5. After touching patient surroundings
What is the 5 moments of hand hygiene
1. Fever
2. Rigors
3. Hypotension
4. New onset of confusion/functional decline AND increased leukocytosis
What is an example for defining CAUTI in long term care residents
Share the toilet
What is something roommates should NOT do.
3 or more residents/and or staff on the same wing with illness onsets within 72 hours of each other.
What is the definition of an outbreak
What is cleaned on a weekly rotation on NOC shift.
48 hours after resolution of vomiting and/or diarrhea
What is the policy on when a staff member may return to work after a GI illness
Acute dysuria alone OR
Fever + at least one other symptom OR
If no fever, at least 2 other symptoms
1. Urgency
2. Frequency
3. Suprapubic pain/Costovertebral angle tenderness
4. Gross hematuria
5. Incontinence
What is criteria for urinary tract infection (without a catheter)
What is the cleaning solution that you use to clean the lifts, and the surfaces in the environment of a resident with C-diff
Fever, Runny nose or nasal congestion, cough (new or worsening that is productive or non-productive, sore throat, myalgia (muscle aches) greater than the resident's norm.
What is the definition of acute respiratory illness as defined by DPH.
4 minutes
What is contact/dwell time for Bleach wipes
3 minutes
What is contact/dwell time for Grey top cleaning wipes
A positive urine culture without any s/sx localizing to the urinary tract