Chain of Infection
OSHA-BBP Standard
Modes of Disease Transmission
Microbes that are transferred through contact with blood. Examples (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV)
What are blood borne pathogens?
A causative agent that could spread infection.
What is a germ:bacteria, virus, fungus, mold)
"helping to break the chain of infection"
What is the responsibility of every employee? What is Washing your Hands?
This describes what we do after a fingerstick or exposure to a blood borne pathogen.
What is the Exposure Control Plan? 1. Make the wound bleed if a puncture site, flush splashes to the nose, mouth, or skin with water. Irrigate eyes with clean water, saline or sterile irrigates 2. Report to your supervisor of exposure 3. Seek Medical Attention as appropriate 4. Fill out a bloodborne pathogen exposure report.
Occurs when microorganisms are transmitted to an object or surface, and then transferred to another person who touches those objects or surfaces
What is Indirect Transmission?
Standard Precautions
What are procedures recognized by the CDC which are required to protect healthcare providers from infectious diseases - Applied to care of all residents regardless of suspected or confirmed infectious agent.
Susceptible Resident/person of getting infection
What is a person who can't resist infection due to an impaired immune system or is fatigued and under stress?
What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infection?
This is the concept that healthcare providers are to treat all human blood and body fluids as potentially infectious.
What is Standard Precautions?
These bacteria has spores and can live outside human body on surfaces for up to 6 months. Requires bleach to kill spores. Must wash hands with soap and water! ABHR are ineffective against spores. Contact precautions required. Symptoms: diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite.
What is Clostridium difficile (C. diff)?
Personal Protective Equipment
What are items such as masks, gloves and eyewear used to protect employees?
Portal of Exit
What is drainage, excretions, secretions, urine, blood examples of how infection can leave the body
******DAILY DOUBLE*********Transmission-based precautions include....
What are airborne precautions, contact precautions, droplet precautions?
Room for biohazard waste, such as sharps containers is placed where.
What is biohazard room (Room A202 - by receiving)
Occurs when tranmission is through person-to-person contact
What is Direct Transmission?
Washing your hands or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer
What is hand hygiene. Washing your hands with friction for at least 15 seconds or rubbing your hands together with ABHR until completely dry. REMEMBER to get around your cuticles and between your fingers and under nails.
Portal of Entry
What is nose, mouth, fingerstick - how infection can entery the body?
never bent or recap needles - place in appropriate biohazard container when full bring to room A202.
What do we never do with needles? Where do we place sharps?
Bloodborne pathogen causes the immune system to break down. Transmitted by contaminated blood, sexual contact, sharing needles. Screened for in blood & tissue donors. Symptoms fatigue, diarrhea, weight loss, shortness of breath
What is HIV?
Occurs when the spread of disease is through droplets of moisture, also known as "droplet infection"
What is Droplet Transmission?
*******DAILY DOUBLE********Occupational Exposure
What is any possible contact or injury of the mucuous membranes or blood system and infectious materials on the job performing daily tasks? Please complete GREEN illness forms when return to work following illness used for tracking infections.
What is person who has the infected germ?
Personal Protective Equipment - gloves, mask, goves, face shield, sign on door used according to task needing to be done to prevent spread infection.
What is PPE? How do we select PPE to use?
We have a vaccine available and all employees are offered and encouraged to receive upon hire. Serious disease caused by virus attacks liver and can cause scarring of liver, liver cancer, liver failure and death. Transmission by contaminated blood, sharing needles, sexual contact. Symptoms: jaundice, loss appetite, fatigue, N/V
What is Hepatitis B?
Occurs when certain pathogens are carried in the blood or body fluids of an infected individual, can be passed to another individual through Direct or indirect transmission.
What is Blood-Borne Transmission?