This product is used for wiping down wheelchairs, SCD machines, IV pumps, and other various patient equipment

What are Oxivir wipes?


Before touching a patient, before clean/aseptic procedure, after body fluid exposure risk, after touching a patient, and after touching patient surroundings.

What are the 5 moments of Hand hygiene?


____________ technique used to prevent contamination with microorganisms. 

What is Aseptic Technique


Treat ALL people’s blood and body fluids as if it is infectious, whether or not it contains visible blood. This is called _______ Precautions.



When starting an IV, this is important to activate in order to prevent a needlestick?

Safety device

*Discuss how to activate safety-must remove the needle from the catheter. This is also important to do when you miss the vein as well. DO NOT remove the entire needle with catheter as this will not activate the safety and could lead to a needlestick.


This process may need to be done prior to disinfection when an item is visibly soiled.

What is cleaning?


When using an IV access port, you minimize contamination and the risk of a blood stream infection by doing this.

What is scrub the hub for 10-15 seconds?

*Other bundle elements to prevent CLABSI-Swab caps, CHG dressing, CHG bath, dressing change Wednesday, RCA


The single most important practice to reduce infectious agent transmission.

What is Hand Hygiene?


Simple act to reduce transmission when an infectious respiratory condition is suspected.

What is wearing a surgical mask?


Initiate droplet precautions when this is suspected and maintain for 7 days post onset of symptoms.  

What is influenza?


The _____ time is how long the area must remain “wet” with disinfectant and allowed to dry before it is considered effective.

What is dwell, wet or dry time?


Cough, bloody sputum, weight loss and night sweats and an upper lobe infiltrate should prompt this thought

What is “Could it be TB?”

*Discuss process for maintenance and logging negative pressure rooms

*If transfer pt out of room, what must pt wear for pts in airborne precautions?


Using a needle and syringe only one time when accessing a medication vial is called _______ Safety. 

What is Injection or Needle Safety?

*Outbreaks of Hep C have occurred at facilities where this is not followed. Use same syringe but change needles are use same insulin pen and change needles. 


These took the place of N95 masks for airborne precautions.

What is CAPR?


A patient admitted with a suspect diagnosis of meningitis should be placed on this type of precautions.

What are Droplet precautions?

*Don't want until diagnosis has been confirmed before placing patients in precautions. If anything is suspected, go ahead and place in precautions until ruled out. Many orders now have automatic orders for isolation, such as pertussis, TB, c-diff. 


This disinfectant type is used when C. diff is suspected or confirmed.    

What is bleach?

*Also have to wash hands with soap and water, cannot use alcohol scrub

* Requires the use of enteric precautions


The occupational transmission risk for this group of organisms when exposed range from 0.3% to 62%.  Prevention is primary and if a potential needle stick or splash occurs I should immediately take action.

What are bloodborne pathogens?

*Discuss three types, what to do when exposed and sharps in laundry

*Also discuss illness reporting. Anytime you have an illness, promptly report to your supervisor and Employee Health. This will ensure that guidelines are followed for testing and/or time off from work if necessary, in order to prevent illnesses being spread to our patients and co-workers.


When doing procedures likely to generate splashing or splattering of blood or bodily fluids, such as surgery, endoscopic procedures, dialysis catheter insertion, intubation, and manipulation of art lines, this PPE must always be worn.

What is a fluid resistant gown, mask, gloves and eye protection?

* Discuss many instances of exposures where employees were not wearing PPE during procedure where splash occurred.


Should not be worn in the hallways

What is PPE?

*Discuss process for patients being transferred and are in precautions. 


Patients who are considered high risk for this bacteria receive nasal decolonization and a CHG bath

What is MRSA?


If equipment is designated as multi-patient use, staff must follow whose specific recommendations for cleaning and disinfection.

What is the manufacturers recommendation for cleaning and disinfection?


This should be done 3 times a day for non-ventilated patients and every 2 hours for ventilated patients to help prevent pneumonia

What is oral care?


Only place if meet criteria, sterile technique during insertion, remove as soon as no longer necessary, keep bag below the level of the bladder, ensure sterility of closed system, routine hygiene, no kinks, regular emptying, use of securement device.

What are ways to prevent CAUTI?

*Other bundle elements-indwelling catheter alternatives such as Purewick, 2 person catheter insertion, nurse-driven catheter removal protocol, removal of catheter when infection is suspected, RCA


Gloves, then goggles or face shield, followed by gown, mask, and finally wash hands.

What is the proper order of removal (doffing) for PPE?

*Dirtiest to cleanest-Don't want gloves on and reaching up at your face


When the reactivation of a childhood viral disease results in vesicles that are not localized and appear outside of the primary group of the dorsal root ganglia (dermatome), the manifestation may be considered disseminated and require the implementation of airborne precautions.

What is Herpes Zoster, Shingles?

*Contact precautions vs. Airborne precautions