Hand Hygiene
Outbreak Management
Environmental Services
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Routine Practices and Additional Precautions
Before Patient/patient environment contact, Before aseptic technique, After blood and bodily fluid exposure, and after patient/patient environment contact
What is the four moments for hand hygiene?
These two illnenesses represent the main types of outbreaks in acute and long term care facilities
What is Respiratory and GI outbreaks.
Once daily is required in patient/resident rooms
What is routine cleaning
you wear these when there is blood or bodily fluid
What is gloves
According to routine practices, staff must do this before every interaction with a patient or resident
What is perform a point of care risk assessment
This product is the "gold standard" for hand hygiene
What is alcohol based hand rub (ABHR)
This respiratory illness is preventable with an annual vaccine.
What is influenza?
these items are referred to as high touch surfaces (name at least two)
What are door knobs, door frame, call bells, light switches, sink taps, computer key boards, telephones, remote controls, bed controls, overbed table, soap dispenser, ABHR dispenser.
This item protects you mouth and eyes from droplets
What is mask with eye protection
Persons know to have MRSA infection in a draining wound need to be on this precaution
What is contact precautions
This should take 40 to 60 seconds to complete
What is hand washing with soap and water
In this type of outbreak, food from outside the facility is a no no.
What is GI
These are not to be used on more than one bed space
What is cleaning cloth
You use this item for airborne precautions
What is fit tested N95 respirator.
When there is a cohort (two infectious persons in the same room at the same time) routine practices states you must clean the room at least this often.
What is twice a day.
This should not be worn when completing hand hygiene
What is rings, watches, bracelets?
This is the specimen you collect if you think someone has a respiratory virus
What is a nasopharyngeal swab (NP).
Removing everything from the bedspace including supplies, bed linens, garbage, then cleaning the space is known as this type of cleaning
What is discharge cleaning.
This is the sequence you should follow when putting on PPE (also known as donning)
What is clean your hands, don gown, then mask, then eye-shield protection, and gloves last.
According to public health agency's routine practices, equipment in health care must be dedicated to the person, or this must occur.
What is clean between use on different people.
Natural nails are best and should be no longer than this.
What is 1/4 of an inch.
A six foot spacial separation with the curtain drawn allows for this.
What is isolation in a muti-bed room (ei, 4 bed ward or semi-private).
This is the process for cleaning a bed space.
What is high to low, clean to dirty
This is the sequence you should follow when taking off PPE (also known as doffing)
What is remove gloves, then gown, perform hand hygiene, remove eye protection, then mask, and perform hand hygiene.
To prevent cross contamination and work place injury, laundry bags must be only this full.
What is 3/4 full.