Clean me up Scotty
Infectious Insanity
Break the Chain
No Fear with Gear
Germaphobia Mania
Semi-critical Devices like endoscopes & vaginal ultrasound probes that have contact with mucous membranes are cleaned and then soaked in a gluteraldehyde solution. This is called
What is high level disinfection
Evidnce Based guideline for the removal of urinary catheters.
What is Nurse driven Foley Removal Protocol
The purposeful prevention of trasnfer of organisms from one person to another (i.e. setting up a sterile field)
What is Aeseptic technique
Treat ALL persons blood and body fluids as if it is infectious, whether or not it contains visible blood.
What are Standard Precautions
Lives in the environment for months and Has surpassed MRSA as the organism of greatest concern in hospitals. Treatment failure and recurrence are increasingly common. Usually follows a prolonged course of antibiotics
What is C difficile
This process may need to be done prior to disinfection when an item is visibly soiled.
What is cleaning
When using an IV access port minimize contamination and the risk of a blood stream infection by doing this
What is scrub the hub for 15-30 seconds or use a Curo port protector
The single most important practice to reduce infectious agent transmission
What is hand hygiene
Simple procedure to reduce tansmission when an infectious respiratory condition is suspected.
What is placing a surgical mask on the patient
IN the menu of mutil drug resistant organism alphabet soup, this is the new kid on the block often resulting in high morbidity and mortality requiring this type of isolation precaution.
What is CRE and Contact Isolation
The time the area must remain "wet" with disinfectant for it to be effective
What is contact time
Cough, bloody sputum, weight loss and night sweats and an upper lobe infilitrate should prompt this thought.
What is TB?
One needle, one syringe only one time
What is injection safety
HCW must complete this anually prior to donning a N95 respirator
What is fit testing
Initiate droplet isolation in addition to standard precautions when this diagnosis is suspected
What is influenza
The disinfectant type used when C. diff is suspected or confrimed.
What is bleach based
The occupational transmission risk for this group of organisms when exposed range from 0.3% to 62%. Prevention is primary and if a potential needlestick or splash occur I should immedistely take action
What are bloodborne pathogens
When working in endoscopy, aside from gown & gloves, these PPEmust alwasy be worn
What are mask & goggles (eye protection)
Should not be worn in the hallways
What is PPE
A pateint admitted to the ER with suspect diagnosis of menigitis should be placed on this type of isolation precautions until confirmation of the causal agent is identified.
What is droplet isolation precautions
If equipment is designated as multi patient use staff must follow these specific recommendations for cleaning and disinfection between pateint use.
What is manufacturers receommendations for cleaning & disinfecting
In our facility this person is responsible for preventing and controlling infections.
Who is every HCW
In the 1800s a doctor in Vienna and a nurse in Crimea observed a connection between hand washing and patient infections
Who are Ignaz Semmelweis and Florence Nightingale
Specific history or assessment information needed to prevent the spread of infection using Standard Precautions
What is None
When reactivation of a childhood viral disease results in vesicles that are not localized and appear outside the primary group of the dorsal root ganglia (dermatome), the manifestation may be considered disseminated and require the implementation of Airborne preacutions.
What is Herpes Zoster, Shingles