
I was the first person to walk on the moon in 1969. I said the famous words, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." 

Who am I?

Neil Armstrong


James and his friends had been kicking the soccer ball back and forth when suddenly, it was gone. They searched the yard, checked behind the bushes, and looked near the fence. Then, James spotted a small hole in the fence and heard barking from the neighbor’s yard.

Where did the soccer ball go?

It went through the hole in the fence into the neighbor’s yard.


I have no legs, but I can move. I can be found in the grass, in trees, or even in the water. Some of my kind are harmless, while others are venomous. 

What am I?

A snake.


The days were growing shorter and colder, the animals were all ready for their long rests, people everywhere were snuggled up around fires. The tree felt its last golden leaf start to tremble and tried to hold on as long as it could, but with a cold gust of wind, the leaf broke free and the tree watched as it slowly fell down to the pile of colorful leaves left all around its trunk. 

Why was the tree losing all of its leaves?

It was winter time and leaves fall off in the winter.


Emma adjusted her backpack straps and took a deep breath. She glanced around at the other kids, some chatting excitedly, others looking just as nervous as she felt. Teachers stood by the school doors, greeting students with warm smiles. A sign near the entrance read, “Welcome Back!”

When is this story taking place?

The first day of school.


Dad patted his pockets and frowned. “I just had my keys,” he muttered. He checked the kitchen counter, his coat, and even the couch cushions. Then, he saw the dog sitting happily by the front door, chewing on something shiny.

How did Dad’s keys go missing?

The dog probably took them and was chewing on them.


I was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. My plane disappeared during a flight, and my mystery remains unsolved. 

Who am I?

Amelia Earhart


I am a place where knowledge is free, but you must be quiet. You can find me filled with shelves of stories, facts, and adventures waiting to be explored. You need a special card to take things home, but you must return them on time. 

Where am I?

A library.


I am a part of speech that describes a person, place, thing, or idea. Without me, sentences would lack subjects. 

What am I?

A noun


Bees are small insects, but they play a big role. They travel from flower to flower, collecting nectar and spreading pollen, which helps plants produce vegetation. However, in recent years, scientists have noticed that many bees are disappearing. This is a big problem. Some scientists believe pesticides, habitat loss, and disease might be causing the bee population to shrink.

Why are scientists worried about the disappearing bee population?

Without bees, plants wouldn’t get pollinated, making it harder for fruits and vegetables to grow.


Liam wiped the sweat from his forehead as he ran across the playground. The sun shone brightly, and kids lined up at the water fountain, taking turns for a cool drink. A group of friends tossed a frisbee while others licked melting ice cream cones. A teacher called out, “Remember to put on sunscreen!”

When is this story taking place?

During the summer


Emma was reading in her room when she noticed a strange smell. It was smoky and sharp, and it reminded her of when her dad accidentally left toast in the toaster too long. She ran to the kitchen and saw her brother fanning the air near the toaster.

How did Emma know something was burning?

She smelled smoke, and it reminded her of burnt toast.


While others grow older, I refuse to change. I lead a band of misfits called the Lost Boys, challenge my greatest foe who has a Hook as a hand, and travel with my fairy companion, Tinkerbell. Despite my thrilling adventures, I must face the truth that growing up is not always something to be feared. 

Who am I?

Peter Pan.


I am filled with treasures from long ago. Some of my visitors come to see dinosaur bones, while others marvel at ancient artifacts. People come here to learn about history, art, and cultures from all over the world. 

Where am I?

A museum.


Grandma’s famous apple pie had been cooling on the kitchen counter, but now, only a few crumbs remained on the plate. Jack wiped his mouth and avoided eye contact with his sister, who stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at him.

What happened to the pie?

Jack ate it.


Liam sat nervously at his desk as his teacher walked around collecting assignments. He glanced at his backpack. He had finished his assignment the night before, but in his rush to get to school, he had left it sitting on the kitchen table. He hoped his teacher would understand, but he knew he would have to explain what happened.

Why is Liam nervous?

He forgot his homework at home and might get in trouble.


Jason kicked through a pile of crunchy leaves, watching them scatter in the wind. He zipped up his hoodie as a chilly breeze made him shiver. Pumpkins and scarecrows decorated the houses on his street, and the smell of cinnamon and apples filled the air.

When is this story taking place?

During Autumn/ Fall.


Marcus had been painting a colorful picture for the art contest when he accidentally knocked over the water cup. A streak of blue ran across his paper, and paint splattered onto the table. His face turned red as he looked around, hoping no one had noticed.

How does Marcus feel about what just happened?

He feels embarrassed, frustrated, or worried that he ruined his artwork.


I spend my days wandering through an enchanted forest with my loyal friends, seeking out the one thing I love most, honey. Despite my simple nature, I often find myself in unexpected adventures, sometimes needing help from a wise owl or a bouncing friend. 

Who am I?

Winnie the Pooh


Mia brushed away the dirt and gasped. Beneath the old oak tree, she had finally found the small wooden box her grandfather had told her about. Its surface was worn, and the rusty lock clicked open as she lifted the lid. Inside, she saw old photographs, letters, and a shiny gold coin.

Where was the treasure hidden?

Buried in her backyard under the old oak tree.


I am a force that pulls everything toward Earth. I keep you from floating into space, and I make things fall when dropped. 

What am I?



When Maria got home from school, she found a small box on the front porch. It had no return address, but her name was written on it in neat handwriting. She shook it gently and heard something rattle inside. It wasn’t her birthday, and she wasn’t expecting a delivery. Curious but cautious, she brought it inside to open it with her parents.

Why did Maria decide to open the package with her parents?

Since it had no return address and she wasn’t expecting it, she wanted to be safe.


Liam ran outside with his kite, feeling the cool breeze against his face. The sun was low in the sky, painting the clouds orange and pink. He could hear crickets chirping, and the streetlights flickered on one by one. His mom called from the porch, "Time to come inside soon!"

When is this story taking place?

In the evening, just before sunset.


Liam was playing outside when the wind suddenly picked up. The sky, once bright and blue, turned dark with heavy clouds. The trees swayed, and he felt the first drops of rain on his arm. His mom called from the porch, “Better come inside now!”

How did Liam know a storm was coming?

The sky turned dark, the wind got stronger, and it started to rain.


Lucy tiptoed through the dimly lit mansion, her candle flickering with every step. The wooden floor creaked beneath her feet, but then—another sound. A soft rustling, followed by soft footsteps that weren’t hers and a low growling noise. She held her breath, her heart pounding, as she turned toward the dark hallway. The first things she saw was the sharp claws!

Who might be in the mansion with Lucy?

A werewolf was in the mansion with her.


Lena’s voice bounced back at her, repeating everything she said. She laughed and clapped her hands, listening to the sound return a second later. Her footsteps echoed, too, making soft tapping sounds against the cold stone walls. The air felt cool and damp, and a drop of water splashed onto her shoulder.

Where is Lena?

She is inside a cave or tunnel.


I am a landform that rises high above the ground. I can be rocky, covered in trees, or even have snow on my peak. People often hike or climb me. 

What am I?

A mountain.


Oliver woke up and looked outside. Instead of the usual green grass and sidewalks, everything was covered in a thick, white blanket of snow. The street was silent—no school buses, no cars. He ran to check the news and cheered when he saw the announcement.

Why was Oliver so excited after watching the news?

He saw that school was cancelled because of the snow. 


Noah lay on a blanket in the grass, staring up at the night sky. Suddenly, a loud boom echoed, followed by a burst of colorful lights. Families cheered, waving tiny flags, and the smell of grilled hot dogs filled the air. His dad smiled and said, “What a great way to celebrate our country!”

When is this story taking place?

The Fourth of July.


Liam opened his backpack and froze. His notebook, which held all of his math homework, had a huge tear down the middle. Some pages were missing, and the rest were crumpled. He sighed, remembering how he had stuffed it into his bag in a hurry after lunch.

How did Liam’s notebook get torn?

He probably shoved it into his backpack carelessly, causing it to get crumpled and torn.