Can you Infer this...
Riddle Me...
Using My Schema

A new girl comes to class and she has no friends, what can you infer on this?

The new girl will sit alone and have no one to talk to.


I am a liquid used to stick things together, what am I?



John was speeding and ran red lights and stop sighs to get home to watch to soccer game and doesn't realizes the cops behind him, what do you think is going to happened next? Why do you think so?

John gets pulled over and gets tickets, and will probably miss a lot of the soccer game he wanted to watch.


If I call my friend even when she said not to, I can infer that...

She will get mad and keep texting me to stop calling her.


I get a cart and start to shop, I take the milk and bread and put it into the cart and go to the check out, where am I? A) Grocery store. B) Dog park. C) Friends house. D) Doctors.

A) Grocery store


Jordans friend has a birthday party, but no one comes but Jordan, Jordan feel bad about what happened, what can you Infer on this?

Jordan will comfort his friends when he sad.


I am a tool used to cut things apart, what am I?



Hailey wants to go home from helping her family move all week, Hailey thinks that she can just go home and take a nap, Haileys family wants her to babysit when the adults go out and have dinner. What do you think is going to happen next? Why do you think so?

Hailey will fall asleep babysitting her cousin and sisters, while the house is a mess and her family yelling at her to wake up, and Hailey will probably never babysit again for a long time.


If I see a boy in the hallway that I ghosted, I can infer that...

He will give me a dirty look and never talk to me again.


I walk into the gate and let my dog run around with all the other dogs, the dogs play around and drink water, where am I? A) Dog park. B) Outside. C) Friends house. D) The store. 

A) Dog park


Lea has a school event and her favorite side of the family comes over an watches her school event, what can you Infer on this?

lea becomes very happy, smiles the whole time, and can't wait to hug all of them.


I am a tool used to write your name, what am I?

A Pencil


Logan wants a new phone because he has been doing good this week at school, Logan's mom tell him, "You're not getting a new phone, you should do good even when you don't get anything." What do you think is going to happen next? Why do you think that?

Logan starts to run upstairs and slams his bedroom door and cry, Logan's mom is probably gonna get on to him for slamming the bedroom door because he didn't get a new phone.


If I see my best friend in the hallway and he waves to me, I could infer that...

I will wave back to my best friend and talk to him for a while.


I get out of the pool with my hair up and a towel, I walk in the gate and lay my stuff down on the chair, I walk over in get in the water with my friends, where am I? A) Water Park. B) Swimming Pool. C) Dog Park. D) Backyard.

B) Swimming Pool


A new girl comes to school not ready at all, the whole school day she gets in trouble by her teacher for being a disrespectful and mean towards the kids, what can you infer on this?

The new girl will get what she deserves and gets In School Suspension. (ISS)


I am a tool used to help you correct your mistakes when your writing, what am I?

An Eraser 


Finleys childhood dog jumps over the fence because he saw something go by really fast, Finley spends all night think for her dog but Finley has no luck. What do you think is going to happen next? Why do you think that?

Finley puts up missing dogs posters all over her neighborhood, Finley will probably have a little more luck then just her looking and a lot of people helping her look for the childhood dog.


If I jumped off a cliff and land in the water, I can infer that...

I will love it and do it again and again.


I walk up stairs put my stuff down and take a nap before volleyball, where am I? A) At school. B) Friends house. C) Home. D) Backyard.

C) Home


Jennifers parents leave town for a couple of weeks and she has a party while there gone, her parents call home and tell her that there coming back early, and there's a HUGE mess in the house, what can you Infer on this?

Jennifer's parent come home before Jennifer can take everyone out of the house and clean.

I am very big and grey, I can run but can't climb up a tree. I have a long trunk, What am I?

An Elephant


Sophia wants to go to the beach with her friends but all of her friends are already doing something for school sports. What do you think is going to happen next? Why do you think that?

Sophia will stay home wishing she was at the beach with her friends, Sophia will probably go to the beach with her sister instead of her friends.


If I go to my friends house and see all go his cats and dogs, I can infer on that...

I will spend more time with his dogs and cats then him.


I sit down and get a menu I order food and drinks for my friends when were all down we get the check pay and talk for a little bit before we leave, where am I? 

A) School. B) Fast food. C) Restaurant. D) Dog park.

C) Restaurant.

Key word: Menu, Food, Drinks, and Check.