Inference 1
Inference 2
Inference 3
Inference 4
Inference 5

The coach blew the whistle. They took their ball and practiced dribbling and shooting into the net. Where was Mary? 

basketball practice


Students, teachers, and some parents boarded the bus at the beginning of the day. The students saw old artifacts on the tour. At the end of the day, everyone got back on the bus. What did the students do that day?

The students were on a field trip.


The players hung their heads low as they came off the field. Next time they will try even harder. What happened to the team? 

They lost the game.


The class had a celebration. After the party, everyone said goodbye and wished their classmates a good summer. What day was it?

The last day of school.


The farmer walked into the hen house. He saw some cracks in the eggs and a few chirps. What was happening?

The eggs were hatching. 


The teacher was standing in front of the class with her arms crossed. The students were turned around, talking to each other.  How is the teacher feeling?

upset or frustrated


Rudy was very happy because she didn’t have to ride the bus anymore. She saved up her money for a long time so she could have her own space. She was happy in her shiny new purchase. What did Rudy buy?

a brand new car


The son and his dad drove to school. As they entered the building, the dad took his graded papers and headed to a different part of the building. What is dad's job?

 a teacher


The cat jumped on the counter while the owner was washing dishes. It's owner looked at her watch and opened the cabinet and took out a can. What can you infer about the cat?

The cat is hungry.


Sophia ran downstairs. Her dad made Sophia's favorite breakfast, pancakes with chocolate chips, and sprinkles. Later her family handed her a surprise? What was special about today for Sophia?

It was her birthday.


OH NO! Thought Jack. It happened again. He jumped out of bed, quickly brushed his teeth, and got dressed and ran downstairs. He headed to the bus stop but it was too late. Now he would have to ask his mother to drive him. What is Jack’s problem?

Jack was late for school.


People bought snacks and went to their seats. Everyone put their phones on vibrate. The lights turned off and the people turned forward. Where is everyone?

at a movie theatre


The kids walked down the street, going from door to door. They neighborhood was decorated! What holiday is it?



Charlie searched worriedly around his messy bedroom. He couldn’t find what he was looking for. It had all his homework in it. If he didn’t find it, his teacher would be upset and maybe give him a zero. What was Charlie looking for?


his backpack


Rocky was looking around. He tried to find the right scent, but he was confused and scared. He hoped someone might find and call the number on his collar? What animal is Rocky and what is his problem?

Rocky is a dog and he is lost.


The kids stood nervously on line. The principal came out to welcome everyone back. What day was it?

The first day of school


The dog slumped in front of the door with his ears hung low and whimpered. The house was so quiet. "Why was it taking so long?" What was the dog's problem?

The Dog Missed his owner.


Jack was waiting for the bus, and his lips were turning purple. What was Jack’s problem?

He was cold.


Carolina was really excited to go to the amusement park. She looked out the window and was disappointed. Why couldn’t Carolina go to the amusement park?

It was raining.


All the kids stood back and watched. The birthday boy spun around and then we heard a “whack.” Then children rushed to pick up the goodies. What were the children doing?

Hitting a pinata


It was a stormy day. Travelers were standing and sitting around the gate. A woman stands behind the desk making announcements. People look impatient and worried that they won’t be able to get where they are going.  What is the problem?

The plane is delayed.


They got a bucket they had flags to put on top. They built it far away from the water so it would stay up. What were they doing? 

building a sandcastle


The students were on a field trip. The children were excited to see creatures from all over the world in their own city. Where were they?

at the zoo


First, she spread out the dough. Then she added sauce and cheese and few other toppings before putting it in the oven. What was she making?



The boy entered carefully. He kept his flashlight with him and tried not to drop it. This was not his idea of fun.  What was the boy's problem?

He was afraid of the dark.