Run-On Sentences
Textual Evidence

Correct the run-on sentences by applying the correct punctuation mark.

1. I like the longer passing period my friend does not.

What is: Placing a period after the word "period."

Correction: I like the longer passing period. My friend does not.


What is the definition of "inference?"

What is: An educated guess or assumption based off of known facts expressed in a passage or argument.


Define the term "cite."

What is: To reference to a line, paragraph, or section of a text.


What is "textual evidence?"

What is: Any specific information from a text, used to support an idea about the text.


Which part of speech is the following word that is placed inside the parenthesis?

(Love) is a beautiful thing!!!

A. Noun

B. Pronoun

C. Adverb

D. Preposition

What is:

A. Noun


Correct the run-on sentence using the correct punctuation marks.

2. Students can use the extra time to go to their lockers they might use the time to go to the restroom.

What is: (Placing a period behind the "lockers," and then capitalizing the "t" in the word "they."

Students can use the extra time to go their lockers. They might use the time to go to the restroom.


True or False...

A conclusion is a type of inference.

What is: 



Define the term "evidence."

What is: Any details that will strengthen, add variety, or weight to any argument.


 "Information that is obvious in a text, in which the reader does not have to guess about?"

What is: 



 Which part of speech modifies a noun?

What is:



Correct the run-on sentence using the correct punctuation mark...

3. Morgan Sykes talked at the pep rally she received a standing ovation.

What is: (Place period after the word "rally," then capitalize the pronoun "She.")

Answer: Morgan Sykes talked at the pep rally. She received a standing ovation.


True or False....

A generalization is a type of inference.

What is:



Define the term "inference."

What is: An assumption, educated guess, or conclusion of based off of given facts about a text, or argument.


Fill in the blank.

"Explicit is to ______ as a command is to order. 

A. Textual

B. Cite

C. Indirect

D. Direct

What is: 

D. Direct


Which of the following nouns could be labeled as an idea?

A. Cleveland Cavaliers

B. Joy

C. Smart

D. Athletic

What is: 

B. Joy


Correct the run-on sentences using the correct punctuation marks.

4. The students signed the petition asking for a longer passing period the principal agreed with them?

What is: Place a period after the word "principal." Then change the question mark after "them" to a period to end the sentence.

Answer: The students signed the petition asking for a longer passing period. The principal agreed with them.


Fill in the blank...

Making inferences helps you to ______ ideas about the situations in the text even though the author does not directly state them. 

A. Understand

B. Confuse

C. Plagiarize

What is: 

A. Understand


What does the term "textual" mean?

What is:

 Part of text.


Fill in the blank...

When we have ideas about what we read, we must cite _____ textual evidence to support our ideas.

A. Imaginary 

B. Supportive

C. Explicit

D. All of the above.

What is:

C. Explicit


What are the two steps of the "problem solving" process?

What is: Brainstorming and Logical Thinking


Correct the following run-on sentence by using the correct punctuation. 

Paraphrasing helps you understand complicated readings plagiarism is copying someone else's words and ideas and claiming that they are your own.

What is: Placing a period after the word "readings." And then capitalizing the "P" in plagiarism. 

Paraphrasing helps you understand complicated readings. Plagiarism is copying someone else's words and ideas and claiming that they are your own.


True or False...

Conclusions, generalizations, paraphrasing and predictions are types of inferences.

False: Paraphrasing is not a form of inference.


Define the term "evidence."

What is: Support for your answer, opinion, or idea.


Why do we cite textual evidence?

What is: Reason 1: To support our ideas about a certain passage or argument.

Reason 2: To prove that we are accurate in our answer.


The most commonly used suffix to identify an adverb is????

What is:
