Conclusions 1
Making Inferences 1
Antonyms 1
Context Clues
Main Idea

The wind blew through the rigging as the boy watched the clouds roll in. As the waves grew bigger and bigger, he decided it was time to head home. 

What is the boy doing? 

a. eating breakfast 

b. sailing 

c. riding his bike 

d. playing with his friends

What is B. sailing


Inferring: What can you "infer" by reading the passage below? 

"I hate the idea of having all those people out there watching me...I just don't like it when I'm around so many people. I wish I just could hide somewhere," whispered Violet. 

a. Violet can be a mean girl 

b. Violet can be somewhat relaxed 

c. Violet is probably somewhat shy

What is c. Violet is probably somewhat shy


Which of the following are antonyms (opposite)? 

a. big and tall 

b. enormous and huge 

c. good and bad 

d. silly and funny

What is c. good and bad


The truck drivers rallied together against

the company.

In this sentence, the word rallied means:

a. entertained

b. come together

c. divided

d. enjoyed

 B. Come together 


Yesterday, we got a new puppy. We named the Puppy Fluffy. Fluffy has long light brown hair and a long tail. It is very cute. 

What is the main idea?

Yesterday, we got a new puppy.


Michael and Seth are on their way to Benson State Park. They like to go to the park on weekends during the winter. They like to skate on the frozen lake. Every day, the park ranger checks the ice on the lake. If it is safe to skate, she puts up a sign that says, TODAY THE ICE IS SAFE. If it is not safe to skate, she puts up a sign that says, TODAY THE ICE IS NOT SAFE. Michael and Seth are at the park. They read the sign for today, and then put on their skates. 

You can tell that... 

a. Today is Saturday. 

b. Today is a safe day for skating. 

c. Today is a warm day. 

d. Today is not a safe day for skating.

What is B. Today is a safe day for skating


The skunk starts hissing, clicking its teeth, and stamping its feet. 

What can you infer? 

a. The skunk is warning you. 

b. The skunk is spraying you. 

c. The skunk is biting you. 

d. The skunk is playing with you.

What is a. The skunk is warning you.


After the snow storm we were able to build a snowman. Which is an antonym for build? 

a. create 

b. accept 

c. destroy 

d. fix

What is c. destroy


I’m still not sure how I got a position as a sailor on Christopher Columbus’s

trip across the Atlantic, or who gave me the job in the first place.

The word position most likely means:

a. work done for pay

b. to have nothing to do

c. place

 a. work done for pay


Saltwater and freshwater are different from one another. Saltwater contains a large amount of salt. The Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans are examples of saltwater bodies. Freshwater is found in lakes and streams and contain little to no salt. Humans drink freshwater.

What is the text mostly about?

a. where saltwater can be found

b. how saltwater and freshwater are different

c. which ocean has the most salt

b. how saltwater and freshwater are different


Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. 

Where was Shanay? 

a. the ocean 

b. the aquarium 

c. to pool 

d. a park

What is b. the aquarium


To make an inference, you... 

a. use background knowledge. 

b. use details from the text to make an educated guess. 

c. answer a and answer b

d. guess about what will happen next

What is  c. answer a and answer b


Which is an antonym for DROUGHT? 

a. drenching 

b. dryness 

c. sleepy 

d. dissatisfied

What is b. dryness


The first voyage, or trip, to the Americas lasted less than a year.

The word voyage most likely means:

a. journey

b. disappointment

c. to remain in one place

What is  a. journey


Paula noticed that her house was unusually dark. She looked at all the cars parked on her street and wondered if her neighbors had company over as she opened her front door.

 “Surprise!” yelled a group of people with party hats and horns as Paula turned on the lights. All of her family and friends were there.

What is this text mostly about?

a. There were many cars parked in front of Paula’s


b. Her house was unusually dark.

c. Paula was given a surprise party. 

c. Paula was given a surprise party.


Once upon a time, dogs used to bury their bones to help keep them safe from other animals. Even though most dogs have plenty of food to eat today, their instincts still tell them to bury their bones and favorite toys. 

Based on the passage above, why do dogs today still hide their bones and toys? 

a. They think it is a fun game. 

b. They like to save a snack for later. 

c. They enjoy digging them up. 

d. They want to hide them from other dogs.

What is d. They want to hide them from other dogs.


Annie could hear the music playing over the loud speaker in the mall. She and her mother were shopping for a present for her father. Annie could see a big line in the center of the mall. She wondered what all the people were waiting for. She then heard a jolly "HO! HO! HO!" from the center of the crowd and she quickly realized what the people were waiting on. As Annie and her mother walked through the mall, she noticed that the store windows were decorated with green, white, and red decorations. 

Which of the following is a conclusion that could be made from the story? 

a. Annie and her mother were shopping for a birthday present for Annie's father. 

b. The music was coming from a band. 

c. The mall is close to Annie's house. 

d. The people were waiting in line to see Santa Claus.

What is d. The people were waiting in line to see Santa Claus.


We had to TRIM the items on our list so we could afford everything. If add is an antonym of trim, then trim means: 

a. pay 

b. close 

c. increase 

d. cut

What is d. cut


When I got on board, I noticed that most of the sailors wore simple outfits, but the captain was often seen in ornate clothing.

The word ornate most likely means:

a. fancy

b. clean

c. plain

 a. fancy


Camouflage is a useful tool that many animals utilize in order to survive. This is when an animal looks like its environment. By looking the same color and texture as a branch, a walking stick insect can pretend to be a stick rather than an insect. The creamy white fur of a polar bear enables it to hide next to the snow.

What is the main idea? Explain.

a. Camouflage can help an animal survive.

b. Branches help animals survive.

c. A walking stick is a type of insect. 

a. Camouflage can help an animal survive.


The van was packed full, and some things were attached to the luggage rack on top. My mom and dad, two sisters, and I left early Saturday morning for a one week vacation. We were going about halfway, 400 miles, the first day. My dad had made a reservation at a motel just off the highway. We were moving along on schedule, when all of a sudden there was a bang, and the car lurched. My father grasped the steering wheel tightly to keep the car under control, and then drove it onto the shoulder of the road out of the way of traffic. 

What do you think happened? 

a. We were out of gas. 

b. The things of the top of the car had fallen off. 

c. The car hit a rock. 

d. We had a blowout.

What is d. We had a blowout.


Burkina Faso is a country in Africa that was once owned by France. Today, the country of Burkina Faso has a population of over 15 million people. Residents are divided into two different tribes: the Voltaic Mossie and the Mande. 

Based on the passage above, you can infer that which language is likely spoken in parts of Burkina Faso? 

a. Spanish 

b. French 

c. English 

d. African

What is b. French


An antonym for SLENDER is 

a. skinny 

b. fat 

c. nice 

d. beautiful

What is b. fat


The apploga bounced really high when Jimmy threw it on the ground. Then, Cathy threw the apploga through the net and scored two points. We like playing with the apploga during recess.

What is an apploga? 

a) table 

b) ball 

c) orange

d) ghost

 b. Ball 


Can you tell when a storm is coming? When light and fluffy cumulous clouds turn an ashy grey, most people know that a storm is coming. In addition to cumulous, there are high forming cirrus clouds. Altostratus clouds are lower than cirrus clouds.

What is the main idea? How do you know?

a. There are different types of clouds.

b. Cirrus clouds are high in the air.

c. A storm can form in lower clouds. 

a. There are different types of clouds.