Rough Face Girl
Inferences 2
Story Structure
What is the main conflict in the Rough Face Girl?
What is the Rough Face Girl wants to be the one to marry the Invisible Being?

Dad began tapping his fingers on the table. His stomach growled as he looked at his watch. Mom fiddled with her straw and eyed the food at the other table. The kids where fighting and whining. There was a crashing noise and suddenly the server appeared and apologized. Where are they at? What happened?

They are at a restaurant, waiting for their food, when the waiter burst through the door.  


After getting the assignment, Octavio shoved it into his folder (but not in the pocket). He scribbled down the homework in the back of his notebook, and at the end of the day, he threw everything into his bag. Papers spilled out into the hallway, as he ran for the school doors.

He is he is messy and unorganized.


What would be the main characters in the Rough Face Girl?

The Rough Face Girl and the Invisible Being.


What symbols are on the wigwam?

What are stars, plants, animals, and planets?


White flakes fell from the sky and covered the roads. Lucy crawled out of bed and peeked out the window. She immediately turns the television on and looks down the alphabetical list, waiting patiently for the P's to appear. Her eyes lit up when she saw it listed. Then, she crawls back to bed and throws the covers over her head. Why does Lucy turn on the TV? What is she looking for? What does she find out?

What is she is looking to see if school is canceled and it is so she goes back to bed.


He jumped onto the truck and they sped toward the blazing burning.



What is the first conflict in the Rough Face Girl?

The Rough Face Girl is being mistreated by being scarred by the fire.  


Describe the Rough Face Girl's elder sisters.

They are cruel and mean and make fun of her.  


"Ohhh, Ahh!" said the boys. As another one sparkled in the sky, they jumped up with excitement, "Boom!" They waited patiently for the grand exit when colors zoomed across the sky and loud noises filled the air.

What is the fireworks show. Boom, colors in the sky, loud noises, are all text clues.


Before John put away his knives in his bag, he made sure they were clean and sharp. Then he finished cleaning the counters and making sure everything was refrigerated.

Cook or chef 


What is the climax of the story?  (Remember, climax is the turning point, or the most intense point)

When the Rough Face Girl has to pass the test and prove she sees the Invisible Being


What can you infer about the Invisible Being?  How would you describe him?

He is mystical, otherworldly, ghostly.


The sun was low in the sky. Kay's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down on the big pile of leaves and headed for home. What can you infer from this passage?

What is Kay had worked a long time raking leaves.


She looked at her patient over her clipboard. "It doesn't look good."

Doctor or Surgeon 


What is the Resolution of the Rough Face Girl?

The Rough Face Girl marries the Invisible Being.


What can you infer about the Rough Face Girl?  Even though she is mistreated, she...

She is confident and believes in herself.  


As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied and his backpack was unzipped. He had traveled only one block when he heard his mother shout his name. He looked back and saw her waving his brown bag lunch.

Jim forgot his lunch.  


Kelvin was waiting in front of the corner store at 3:56. His muscles were tense and he was sweating a bit more than usual. The other kids gathered in front of the little storefront were much more relaxed, even playful. They joked back and forth lightly to each other but for Kelvin, time slowed. 3:57. “Don’t worry, Kelvin. He ain’t even gonna show up.” Kelvin hoped that he wouldn’t. A black four-door Camry with tinted windows pulled up and parked across the street. Kelvin gulped. 3:58. A group of teenagers piled out of the car. James was in the front. “Hi-ya, Kelvin. Glad you could make it,” James said. Kelvin felt smaller. Why is Kelvin waiting at the corner store?

He's going to fight James.


How is the Rough Face Girl symbolic of strength?

She refuses to left people or her sisters get to her or bother her.