Feeling Inferences
Body Language
Character Traits
Why is that absurd?
Why is that inappropriate?

He clinched his fists and his face turned red after his mother would not allow him to stay up late to watch a movie.

What is furious?


When someone rolls their eyes and sighs loudly they feel.......

What is annoyed?


Karen always does what she is told, even when she doesn't agree with what is asked.  She is......

What is obedient?


I decided that I needed more money to pay the gardners, so I drove to the shoe store to take out money.  That is absurd because......

What is because you need to go to the bank for money, not the shoe store?


You interrupt when two teachers are talking to tell them about your weekend. That is inappropriate because.....

What is because you need to wait until they are done talking before you speak with them.


She jumped up and down, could not stop smiling and could not wait to tell everyone her good news.

What is ecstatic?


When you are speaking with a classmate and they keep looking elsewhere and looking at their watch, they are not........

What is not interested in what you are saying?


Whenever Mark does not get his way, she yells at his mom and jumps up and down until she changes her mind.  Mark is........

What is spoiled?


My breathe smelled from the onions, so I brushed my hair.  That is absurd because.....

What is because you don't brush your hair to clean your breath, you brush your teeth.


Some girls at the park are playing and you want to play too.  You go over to them and tell them that they have to let you play with them.  That is inappropriate because......

What is because if you want people to play with you, you need to ask them, "Can I play with you?"


He put his head down on the desk and could not keep his eyes open.  He tried to stay awake, but could not.

What is exhausted?


When someone says, "I can't talk now," and starts running away, they are in.......

What is a rush?


Michael is always thinking of others, getting them presents, sending kind messages, etc.  Michael is.....

What is thoughtful?


Jasmine threw the bone across the yard for her fish to fetch.  That is absurd because........

What is a fish does not fetch a bone, a dog does.


You see a friend going to get a basketball to play with at recess, you run ahead of her and push her out of the way and grab the ball.  That is inappropriate because.......

What is because If you see that your friend wants the ball, you should let her have it and wait until she is done with it or ask her to play with you.


He felt a pit in his stomach, his legs were shaking and he could not stop biting his nails.

What is anxious?


When a student is slumped down in a chair and is staring out the window, they are.......

What is bored?


Rebecca only thinks of herself.  Whenever her mom asks for help, Rebecca says, "Do it yourself, I am playing my game."  She never wants to do anything her friends want to do at playdates.  Rebecca is.....

What is selfish?


The scuba diver dove out of the plane and flew threw the air.  That is absurd because........

What is because a scuba diver dives under water, not out of an airplane.


Your mom is on the phone with your grandma and it is an emergency.  You keep asking your mom to get you a snack.  That is inappropriate because.........

What is because your mom needs to be able to hear your grandma and you can wait for your snack or get it yourself.

When she tripped and fell down the stairs in front of everyone at school, her face turned bright red and she ran off and prayed that no one would make fun of her.

What is embarrassed?


When someone stares at their other friend while you are talking and they both start to laugh; they are ........

What is mocking you?


Allison always did her homework on time, took care of her pets and helped around the house.  Her mother even trusted her to care for her litttle sister when she was out running errands.  Allison is........

What is responsible?


The submarine drove down Main Street in Queens. That is absurd because......

What is because a submarine moves under the ocean water, not on land.


You are talking to 2 friends and they want to respond to you, but you talk over them when they try to comment on what you are saying.  That is inappropriate because......

What is because You need to let your friends have a chance to speak?