Complete Sentences
Articles (a, an, the)
Just for Review
Inference - Mixed
Inference - Mixed

She has five people in her family. (What is the subject?)



___ sun is very bright.



Choose the correct homophone:

_______ family is going to Montana next summer.

A. They're

B. Their

C. There

A. They're


The bike skidded out of control. It slammed against the sidewalk. The rider hit the ground hard. His pant leg was ripped. His knee was scraped and bleeding. He began to sniffle. 

Why did the bike rider sniffle? 1. He had a bloody nose. 2. He had allergies. 3. He smelled something funny. 4. He was starting to cry.

4. He was starting to cry.


The shirt needed repair. A button was loose. The wife walked down the hall and through a door. Inside the door was a dresser. She fluffed a pillow. Her pajamas had been thrown over the chair. She stuffed those into a drawer. Then she reached under the chair and pulled out the sewing kit. 

Where did the wife keep the sewing kit? 1. in the laundry room 2. in the bathroom 3. in the living room 4. in the bedroom

4. in the bedroom


Bella is friendly. (What is the verb?)



There is ___ park near my house.



What is a synonym for yell?

a. speak

b. shout

c. talk

B. shout


James and his dad were driving down the road on their way to the next city. Without warning, one of the tires began making a thump, thump, thump sound, and the car felt strange. Dad pulled the car over the side of the road and stopped. Dad immediately saw the problem and went to get the jack from the trunk of the car. 

Why did Dad pull the car off the road? 1. A tire exploded. 2. It was over heating. 3. He was getting a speeding ticket. 4. A tire was flat.

4. A tire was flat.


William and Jane went on a hike. They used ropes and special equipment to climb higher and higher. When they got to the top, they rested and looked all around. Being so high up, it was an amazing sight! Where are William and Jane? 1. in a valley 2. by a stream 3. on a mountain 4. on a hill

3. on a mountain


_______ lives in Los Angeles. (What is missing?)

the subject


Can you give me ___ red pen on the table?



How many states are there?

a. 49

b. 50

c. 52

B. 50


It was 98 degrees outside. Derek and his father were running some errands. They had just finished grocery shopping, but had to run into the dry cleaners to pick up a suit. As Derek got out of the car, his father asked him to leave his window open a crack. 

Why do you think Derek's dad told Derek to leave the window open a bit? 1. Derek was staying in the car. 2. Someone might want to drop coins in the car. 3. It was freezing outside. 4. He wanted to let some air into the car.

He wanted to let some air into the car.


The fourth and fifth grade classes are collecting items from this year. They have newspapers and magazines. Some students wrote letters. They also have some pictures. All the items will be put in a special box. It will be put in the cornerstone of the new school. You can guess the box is a _________ 1. mess 2. time capsule 3. gift for the principal

2. time capsule


Apples, bananas, and pears good. (What is missing?)

the verb (taste, smell, looks) 


There is ___ bank on Lexington Avenue. You can get cash at ___ bank.

a, the


Which u.s state has the tallest building

A. California

B. Illinois

C. New York

D. Virgina

C. New York


Melanie was doing her homework. She kept busy but she kept looking at her watch. When it was 6:00, she smiled. She put her homework down. She went into the living room and picked up the remote.

 Why did Melanie smile when it was 6:00? 1. She found the remote. 2. It was time for her mom to come home from work. 3. A sad news report was coming on. 4. Her favorite TV show was on.

4. Her favorite TV show was on.


Mrs. Appleby handed out cupcakes to all the children at the party. She realized that there weren't enough to go around for everyone. There was one cupcake left but Sara and a little girl hadn't gotten any yet. Sara told Mrs. Appleby to give the cupcake to the little girl. 

You can guess that ___. 1. Sara was unfriendly 2. Sara was kind and sharing 3. The little girl wanted two cakes

2. Sara was kind and sharing


Ryan and his friends at the park. (What is missing?)

the verb (play, sit, run)


___ Museum of Modern Art is ___ interesting place.

The, an


What is the longest river in the world

A. Nile

B. Amazon

C. Yangtze

D. Mississippi

A. Nile


I wasn't sure how to work it. I am tech-challenged. I pushed several buttons. Finally, a tray opened. I laid the DVD into it. I pushed more buttons and the tray slid back into the machine. I pressed the button marked "play." I was shocked when the movie started. 

Why does the person have trouble with the DVD player?

They don't know how to use it.


Terry owned a miniature poodle that weighed all of six pounds. She loved to walk her dog. People laughed, though, when they heard what she called him. You can guess that Terry called her dog ___. 1. Tiny 2. Peanut 3. Big Dog

3. Big Dog