Riddle me this #1
Riddle me this #2
Riddle me this #3
Riddle me this #4
Riddle me this #5

I am a bird that moves on 2 feet, Lives in a pond, And says quack.

What animal is it?



I'm at a place were there's water, A sign nearby that says "No Running", and there are people in red and white clothes who help people when they're drowning. 

Where am I?

Swimming Pool


I am in the sky, but mostly no sun, I am crying, but with no eyes, And I am darkness in the sky.

What am I?



Nick got brand new video game and he played it for 2-3 hrs that night. He went to bed and forgot to set his alarm. It was a school night.

What do you think will happen the next day?

Nick ran late for school!


Mari and Lisa are in school with other classmates, and there was a fire drill coming that day. They heard the alarm and what do you think they did next?

They need to line up and walk together outside.


I am an animal thats green, It hops up and down, And it says ribbit.

What animal is it?



I'm at a place were employees work, Where there's lots and lots of food and drinks, And you pay for the foods and drinks before you leave the store.

Where am I?



I am full of water, but not wavy, I am still, but not moving, And I am sometimes in the end or the middle of a big field.

What am I?



Isabella and Zach made a delicious pie for Thanksgiving and put it in the oven. Zach forgot to set the timer on the oven and he and Isabella went upstairs to clean. Later they smelled something funny. What happened?

The pie burned because they forgot to set the timer!

Kim and Micheal were going on a road trip to a new place. Kim was looking at the map on her phone for how to get there. All of a sudden her phone lost its battery.

Whats going to happen next?

BONUS points if you think of a good solution to the problem!

They may get lost.

Problem solution--stop and charge the phone to see the map again and get back on the right way to go.


I am an bird thats bigger then a regular bird, It has big wings, And its a great animal you talk about at EHS.

What animal is it?



I'm at a place where there's a big screen, Where the speakers make sounds, And Where people need to pay attention to the screen and be very quiet.

Where am I?



I have keys, but no door, I am black and white, and I play music.

What am I?

What is a piano


Ryan is going to the park. He has a basket, food, and and blanket.

What going to happen next?

He will have a picnic.


Lucy forgot to put her puppy in his crate before she went to school that day. When she came home there was a huge mess. "My room is ruined!" Lucy said. 

What happened?

The puppy chewed and messed up Lucy's things because he wasn't in his crate.


I am an animal thats long, It lives in the out back, It's legless, And it loves the letter S.

What animal is it?



I'm at a place where its nice and quiet, A place where you can get books, And a place where you borrow and return books.

Where am I?



I am a face, but no mouth nose or eyes, I have hands, but no fingers, And I have numbers that tells time.

What am I?



Mary was so excited for her soccer game. "You know there's supposed to be a big storm," said Mom.

"It won't rain!" said Mary. On the bus to the soccer field, she heard a loud rumbling sound in the sky. What was it?

Thunder, meaning a storm was coming.


Danny is eating popcorn and sitting in a comfy chair looking at something with lots of people. Where is he?

At the movies!


I am animal with 4 legs, It moves very fast, And wears gold shoes to help it run fast.

What am I?



I'm at a place where you get food and drinks, a place where you place your order, and a place where you can eat at the table.

Where am I?



I'm a bowl, but bigger, I am in the bathroom with a faucet, and you use me all day long to wash your hands.

What am I?



Madison was walking down the stairs carrying a big basket of clothes and couldn't see. Her brother left his baseball on the steps. What might happen?

Madison will probably trip on the baseball because she can't see it.


John is eating something red and white that is a candy you eat at Christmas. What is it?

A peppermint.