Inferences 1
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Inferences 5
These athletes train a great deal. They eat a very healthy diet. Some compete in short races and others compete in long races called marathons. What is the sport?
What is running
The rain was hard and steady. Sue stomped around the room and checked the clock every five minutes. The book that she bought the day before was flung in the corner beside the picnic basket and blanket. She stamped her feet and voiced her displeasure with nature. What plans did Sue have for the day?
What is go on a picnic
Even though the man didn't want to do it he knew it had to be done. He picked up the phone and made the necessary arrangements. A few hours later, he found himself in a brightly lit room. He sat down in the movable chair. The person in charge bent over him as he began. Where was he?
What is dentist office
The waves crashed against the beach. Thunder cracked and lightning lit the sky. The wind howled and bent trees over sideways. People put shutters on their windows, bought supplies, and were ready. What were the people expecting?
What is hurricane
The room was a mess! Pots and pans were piled in the sink. Drawers and cabinets were flung open. Chocolate chips dotted the floor and empty cartons were on a sticky counter, but the smell was delicious. Why was the room a mess?
What is someone made cookies
There are many things to see. Many farm animals are on display. The midway is full of people playing games and eating food. There is also a place where you can go on many different rides. What is the place?
What is fair or carnival
The girl showed the lady her ticket. Then she walked down the stairs and found her seat. The players ran onto the field. They got into their positions. The ball went up in the air and the game began. Where was the girl?
What is football game
People giggled and pointed at her feet. She didn't understand until she looked down. She turned red with embarrassment. She realized she should not have gotten dressed in the dark. Why shouldn't she have gotten dressed in the dark?
What is she put on two different shoes
The decision was difficult. No one would find out. She was the only one that would know. It would guarantee her a good grade, but was it worth it? Would she really feel proud passing this way? What was her struggle?
What is whether or not to cheat
The young woman looked down at her long dress. She felt like a princess. She and the others stood in the hall. They listened to the music. Then she heard the cue. She walked down the aisle as she held her flowers. What was the event?
What is wedding
The girl saved all her money. It was exactly what she wanted. She imagined gliding down the road pedaling effortlessly. She finally had enough money to make her dream come true. What was her dream?
What is to buy a bike
The bear ate lots of nuts and fish. Her fur got thick. She prepared her den. The leaves fell from the trees and the days turned colder. What was the bear getting ready to do?
What is hibernate
Mailboxes are lined outside the door. There is a long counter inside with scales. You can buy stamps, envelopes, and boxes. There are slots where you can mail a letter and long rows of boxes where some people go to pick up their mail. What is this place?
What is post office
The cat stretches and yawns. She strolls over to her favorite spot. The sun shines in and makes it very warm. She watches the birds and squirrels. Sometimes the fresh air blows in on her. She climbs up into her soft bed and looks at the animals for a while. Then she curls up and goes to sleep. Where is the cat's favorite spot?
What is by the window
The man measures the wood and uses a saw to cut it. He puts the wood in place and hammers nails into it. He continues until the entire wall is built. What is this man's job?
What is carpenter
The boy found it in the middle of the road on his way home from school. It was very tiny so he picked it up. He fed it food for several weeks. Soon, it grew and got very long. What did the boy find?
What is a snake
The students were very quiet when the teacher walked over to the science center. The children sat at their desks and looked down at their hands. No one made a sound. The teacher looked around the classroom. Then she saw the pieces on the floor. What happened in the classroom?
What is someone broke a glass beaker
The children looked up at the twinkling lights. The background was pitch black. Although the air was a bit cool they didn't mind. They were busy looking at shapes, designs, and even some streaking lights. Where were the children?
What is planetarium
The boy rode his bike to his friend's house after dinner. When he got there, he rang the bell. He waited, but no one came to the door. He looked in the driveway. The car was not there. There were no lights on and the windows were all closed. The boy got back on his bike and went home. What did the boy think?
What is no one was home
The girl sneezed. Her dad felt her forehead and took her temperature. She told him her throat hurt. He pulled the blankets over her. He told her to try to sleep while he called her teacher. Why did he call her teacher?
What is she was sick and would be absent

There are no other kids Junior's age on the block. What can you infer about how Junior might feel.

What is Junior may be lonely

"Tasha", my ma broke into my happy thoughts, "your father and I decided that you're old enough now to take on certain responsibilities." My heart came to a sudden halt. "Responsibilities". What inference can you make about Tasha?
What is Tasha does not want any new responsibilities
We were so good that some of the boys in the stick ball game watched us. We had an audience, so I really showed off..... What can you infer about Tasha?
What is she likes attention

A part of me was gone and I had to find it. "Please, please," I said out loud, "please let me find him." What can you infer about Tasha's feelings about her brother?

What is Tasha loves her brother


It's always so wet under these trees.  If you look through the vines, you'll see colorful birds.

What is a rainforest.