
Dad called Connie. There was no answer. Then, Mom went to the door of Connie's room. She called too. "Breakfast is ready" said Mom. There was still no answer. What time of day is it? What is Connie doing?

It is morning time. Connie is sleeping.


On Saturday, the Browns parked in the huge lot. They walked to the big building. Inside, they passed many stores. They stopped to buy shoes for Carl. They looked in the windows of a watch shop. Mrs. Brown bought some perfume in another store. Mr. Brown tried on a belt. By lunchtime, everyone was ready to wait in line at the snack shop. Where were the Browns?

At the mall


Perhaps you have read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This book is by Eric Carle. He is also the author of The Very Quiet Cricket. Another book that Carle wrote is A house for Hermit Crab. Before he writes a book, Carle learns a lot about his subject. What do you think he learned about when he wrote The Tiny Seed. What does Eric Carle seem to enjoy writing about?

He learned a lot about seeds. He writes about nature.


Nan opened the drawer and took out five forks. She counted out knives and spoons too. Then, she got water glasses and plates down from the cabinet. She folded some napkins and found her little brother's bib. Nan even remembered to get out the salt and pepper. Where is Nan? What is she doing?

Nan is at her house. She is setting the table for dinner.


Mr. Bruno slowed down as he came to the toll. Traffic was heavy and there were lines of cars in front of him. Slowly, he inched forward. At last, he was through the entrance. He drove carefully, staying in his lane and away from the walls. After a mile and a half, he was out in the open again. He was glad to see the sky overhead. Where is Mr. Bruno driving?

He is driving through a tunnel. 


Sally dashed from the elevator. She gave her grandmother a quick hug at the door. She dropped her book bag on the table. Then, Sally headed for the kitchen. Out came the bread. Out came the jam. In no time Sally made a snack. How would you describe Sally? Where did Sally come from?

Sally is hungry after school.


Mrs. Elliot looked at a lot of samples. She brought many of them home. She held them up in different parts of the living room. She asked all the members of the family to name their favorite. She called her friends and asked their opinions as well. Finally, she made a decision. Mrs. Elliot called the painter the next day. What is happening?

Mrs. Elliot is having her living room painted.

Neil rubbed his eyes and yawned. He was thinking about the television program he'd seen last night. As his eyes closed, Neil's head dropped to his chest. Then, a noise made him jump. Startled, Neil tried to read the page in his book again. If only he could take a nap. What happened? What was the noise?

Neil stayed up too late last night. The noise was Neil's alarm clock.


A cargo plane lands at the airport in the middle of the night. By 5:30a.m. the valuable cargo is on a truck. An hour after that, a painting is carefully unpacked in a large building. Specially trained experts check to be sure that the artworks is in good condition. Later that day the painting will be one of many hanging in the gallery. What is the painting for?

The painting was sent for an art show.


Jake held his breath. His head moved back and forth as he followed the acrobat. His neck hurt from looking up into the top of the tent. For a long moment, his hand paused over the bag of popcorn he held. Finally, the acrobat landed safely. Jake cheered in relief and began eating again. Where is Jake?

Jake is at a circus.


Sami watched a movie, but did not want to be home alone after it was over. Why does Sami feel this way?

He watched a scary movie.


Elvis works in a hospital in San Francisco. Elvis's job is to carry medicine from place to place. Elvis is no ordinary worker. For one thing, Elvis weighs 600 pounds. He also has wheels instead of feet. When told where to go, Elvis chugs down the hallways, gets on elevators, and never bumps into anything. What is Elvis?

Elvis in a hospital robot.


A loud roar came from an island in the Pacific Ocean. Fiery rock and smoke shot into the sky. People 3,000 miles away heard the noise. Dust hung in the air. Great waves rolled through the sea. They slammed into villages along the coasts of other islands. The damage was huge. What happened?

A volcano erupted on the island.


Karl sat and gazed at the view. He could see some of his friends in the distance. Lazily, he moved his feet back and forth in the sand. It felt fine and warm. Karl was so comfortable, it was almost too much trouble to get up. But that was why he was here. Suddenly, he stood and yelled "Here I come!" Then he ran toward the water. Where is Karl?

Karl is at the beach.


Lenora wakes up early. She has to be on the set by 6:00a.m. She doesn't bother to do her hair or put on makeup. The makeup artist and hair dresser at work will take care of that for her. She dresses in comfortable clothes and sneakers. She'll change into her costume before filming begins. What is Lenora's career?

She is an actress.

Max read the newspaper. He cheered when he found last night's score. What part of the paper is Max reading? Why did he cheer?

Max is reading the sport section of the newspaper. He cheered because the team he liked, won.


The jar fell off the shelf and crashed to the floor. Red sauce sprayed everywhere. Pieces of glass flew around too. Christine looked at the mess with wide eyes. Would she have to pay for the broken jar? She paused and wondered what to do. Then, Christine left her cart and went looking for the manager. What happened? Why did Christine look for the manager?

Christine accidentally broke the jar and is looking for the manager to tell him.


The little boy stood on tiptoe to see inside the display case. He pointed to one of the containers. As the clerk opened the case, the little boy shook his head. He looked some more. He pointed to another container. But, no, that wasn't he one either. Finally, the little boy nodded and pointed to still another container. The smiling clerk began scooping. What was the boy doing?

The boy was choosing an ice cream flavor.


The earliest people didn't have numbers. They probably knew that there were more of some things than others, but people wanted to keep track of what they had. how many sheep did they have? How many spears? At first people made marks on a stick or wall to count things. Later, they invented symbols for different amounts. We call these numbers. Why were numbers invented?

Numbers were invited to keep records.

Kevin ran to the mailbox. With his back turned to the house, he opened the envelope containing his report card. After a quick, confirming glance, he crumpled the report card and stuffed it into his pocket. He went into the house, put the rest of the mail on the kitchen table and ran up to his room. Why did Kevin do that?

He did not have good grades on his report card.


The men slid down a pole. In no time, they drove away in their truck. Who are the men?



The sun was warm on her back, so Kim took off her sweatshirt. She picked up the shovel and turned over the soil. She spread some fertilizer in the freshly dug earth. Then, Kim made narrow rows and sprinkled in seeds. How long would it take for these flowers to grow, she wondered. What time of year is it?

It is Spring.


Mr. Patel was ready to leave for the day. He kissed his wife and children goodbye. He gave the dog a pat on the head. Then, he picked up his briefcase and opened the door. Stepping outside, Mr. Patel looked up. He held out his hand. Quickly, he turned around and went back into the house. Why did Mr. Patel turn around and go back into the house? What time of day is it?

Mr. Patel noticed it was raining and went back into the house to get an umbrella. It is morning time.


Dale sat at his desk and sharpened a pencil. He stared at the blank pad. No ideas. Sighing, Dale played with his eraser. He looked out the window. He gazed around his room. Maybe a snack would help. Dale ran down to the kitchen for some cookies. Then, he called his friend, Jack, to talk about the assignment. By six o'clock, Dale was getting worried. What is the problem?

Dale is having trouble starting his assignment.


Melissa watched Jason walk down the ramp to the airplane. She waved slowly and began to cry. She had lived next to Jason her entire life and didn't know what she would do without him. How do they know each other? What is Jason doing? 

They are neighbors. Jason is moving away.