Riddle me this #1
Riddle me this #2
Riddle me this #3
Riddle me this #4
Riddle me this #5

I’m where yesterday follows today and tomorrow is in the middle. What am I?



I have a head and a tail but no body?

What am I?

A coin


I am in the sky, but mostly no sun, I am crying, but with no eyes, And I am darkness in the sky.

What am I?



What kind of room has no doors or windows?

A mushroom


Mari Chorrlete and Lisa are in school with other classmates, and then there was a fire drill coming there way, and then...

Whats going to happen next?

The alarm is going sound and everyone needs to line up and stay together outside.


What has one eye but cannot see?

A needle


What has 13 hearts, but no other organs?

A deck of cards


If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. 

What am I?

A secret


Isabella and Zach were both for baby chick the hatch out the egg and then that night they fell asleep and then...

Whats going to happen next?

In the morning the baby chick is going to hatch.


Maya and Micheal are packing the car for a 8 night trip, then they buckled up so they can be safe and ready and then...

Whats going to happen next?

Their going to follow the map.


Everyone has me but nobody can lose me. What am I?

A shadow


I come out at night without being called, and am lost in the day without being stolen. 

What am I?

The stars


Who makes it, has no need of it.
Who buys it, has no use for it.
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it.
What is it?

A coffin


Ryan is going on a picnic so their packing food, drinks and silver wear and then...

What going to happen next?

Their going to set the picnic table.


Athena is having recess with her class, she's was slide down the slide until she got thirsty, and then...

Whats going to happen next?

She's going to use the outdoor water fountion.


I have to be broken before you can use me.

What am I? 

An egg


I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old.  

Where am I?

A candle


I have hands, yet I cannot shake your hand, cannot give you five and have no fingers.  

What am I?



All the freshman is running the Java lounge, they first put on gloves and were going to serve food, and then...

What going to happen next?

Their going to make eye contact, their going to smile, and their going to talk.


Danny is getting ready for bed, So he needs the shower, get in PJ's, brush teeth, and then...

Whats going to happen next?

He's mom is going to read hi a story.


You can hold me without using your hands or your arms. 

What am I?

Your breath


You can drop me from the tallest building and I’ll be fine, but if you drop me in water I die. 

What am I?



I can be found at the beginning of eternity the end of time and space the beginning of every end.

What am I?

The letter "e"


There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. 

What is it?

A watermelon


Robbie is going the park with his friends, and going to walk to the park and then...

Whats going to happen next?

He will play catch with a few friends.