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I was so parched that I drank an entire glass of water in one gulp. Parched means...
What is thirsty?

The more you have of it, the less you see. It is...

What is darkness?


Every time Derek is given a task at work, he rolls his eyes and sighs. His pace is slow when we begins the task.

Describe Derek

What is lazy?


I have thousands of words, but I never speak. I am...

What is a book?


I have many seats, tickets, a big screen, and darkness. I am...

What is a movie theatre?

Wilson Put on a heavy coat, a wool scarf, several pairs of socks inside his boots, and fur-lined gloves to protect himself against the frigid weather. Frigid means...
What is cold?
At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen. They are...
What are stars?

“No way,” thought the Janet, as she refused to give up her purse to the robber.

Describe Janet.

What is brave/bold/persistent?


You can catch me, but you can't throw me. I am...

What is a cold?


The air blowing off of the water was clean and crisp. As she slowly made her way to her destination, the damp sand beneath her feet began to stick to the bottom of her toes. Finally, she was close enough to see. There was a wicker basket and a stack of plastic plates set out on a blanket.

What is a picnic on the beach?

Because of his recent foot injury, his gait was clumsy and awkward. This made getting to class a difficult journey. "Gait" means...

What is walk?


If you give me a drink, I die. If you feed me, I grow. What am I?

What is a fire?

Casey is the lead singer in the school choir. She is the leader in her dance group. She is an excellent piano player and is in the school play. A word to describe Casey is...
What is talented?

I'm full of holes, but I can hold a lot of water. I am...

What is a sponge?


It was noisy and crowded inside. At the door, we were told it would be about 30 minutes. We looked at each other with grumbling stomachs and agreed it would be worth the wait. I am at...

What is a restaurant?


As soon as I showed up to work, I was inundated with customers. The line went out the door and down the block! "Inundated" means...

What is overwhelmed or bombarded?


You break me the moment you make a sound. I am...

What is silence?

I had to make a speech in front of the class. Before the speech, I was pacing back and forth and my palms were sweaty. I was feeling...
What is nervous?

If you drop me, I'll shatter. If you smile at me, I'll smile back. I am...

What is a mirror?


There is an overflowing trash can, a strong smell that some people love and others hate, a locked ice machine, and a sign listing prices. I am at...

What is a gas station?


When we entered the restaurant, we were greeted by an amiable hostess. She greeted us with a smile and made small-talk with us while we waited for our table. "Amiable" means...

What is friendly?


What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?

What is a river?


John has a hard time being in one place for too long. He is always looking for the next exciting hike, risky climb, or thrilling race he can partake in.

Describe John.

What is adventurous?

I am sort of a guess, but I need a lot of support. I will help you while reading, but without a lot of details I will fall apart. I am...
What is an inference?

There is a singular lightbulb with a pull-string, the smell of dust, spiderwebs, and boxes.

What is an attic (or a basement)?