Inferences 1
Inferences 2
Inferences 3
Inferencing words 1
Inferencing words 2

David couldn't believe his eyes. It was even bigger than he ever imagined it could be. He couldn't wait to see Mickey Mouse and ride the rides. How does David feel about about being here? What clues from this passage helped you to make this inference?

David is excited to be at Disney World ( Land). I know this because the text states, " He couldn't wait to see Mickey Mouse and ride the rides."


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The sky turned dark, and the wind began to howl. The trees swayed violently. What is likely to happen next?

A) It will start raining

B) The sun will come out

C) It will get very hot

D) The wind will stop

A) It will start raining


Sarah was ecstatic when she saw her test score. She had studied hard and it paid off. What does “ecstatic” most likely mean?

A) Angry

B) Confused

C) Very happy

D) Tired

Very Happy


The magician’s trick left the audience in awe. At the end of it all of their mouths were left wide open. What does “awe” most likely mean?

A) Boredom

B) Fear

C) Wonder

D) Anger


Janice couldn’t wait to leave. She grabbed her gloves a scarf, a warm hat, and some thick socks. She walked down the street and watched her breath hit the air. What season is it in?

Elizabeth was so proud of her garden. She planted the seeds early in the spring and watered the plants every morning. Last Friday, her mom called and asked her to come over for the weekend because she was feeling sick. When Elizabeth came back home, her plants were bent and drooping. Why were the plans bent and drooping?

She had not watered them for a few days.


The ice cream melted quickly in the hot sun. What is likely to happen to the ice cream?

A) It will freeze

B) It will become solid

C) It will turn into liquid

D) It will stay the same

It will turn into liquid


Tom forgot to water his plant for two weeks. The leaves turned brown and started to fall off. What does “wither” most likely mean?

A) Grow

B) Bloom

C) Shrivel

D) Shine



The students worked diligently on their group project, making sure every detail was perfect. What does “diligently” most likely mean?

A) Lazily

B) Carefully

C) Quickly

D) Carelessly



Mike wants to go swimming. He gets his suit and towel. He puts on sandals. Mike gets a beach ball. Suddenly, he hears thunder and lightning. What will Mike do next?

Mike will change his mind and stay inside.

Jane knew she had to make this shot. The whole game depended on her. She dribbled the ball and threw it. She closed her eyes and hoped she made it. What game is Jane playing? What sentence helped you to infer this?
Jane is playing basketball She dribbled the ball and threw it.

When Sarah walked into the room, everyone stopped talking and looked at her with wide eyes. Question: What can you infer about Sarah’s entrance?

A) It was unexpected.

B) It was boring.

C) It was planned.

D) It was unnoticed.

A) It was unexpected.


Jenny was apprehensive about her first day at the new school. She wasn't sure if she would make new friends. What does “apprehensive” most likely mean?

A) Excited

B) Nervous

C) Happy

D) Confident



The artist was meticulous in her work, ensuring every brushstroke was perfect. What does “meticulous” most likely mean?

A) Careless
B) Lazy
C) Detailed
D) Quick



You are in class and one of your peers walks in late. His shirt is untucked and wrinkled. He forgot his homework. He seems exhausted and frazzled, and doesn’t seem to know what is going on in class today. He looks concerned, and he is yawning every other minute.  What can you infer about the situation?

The classmate did not get a lot of sleep and is tired

All the girls giggled while they painted their toenails. Next they would tell scary stories and eat popcorn before going to sleep. What can you infer from this passage? What words from the passage helped you to infer this?
The girls were having a sleep over. They would tell scary stories and eat popcorn before going to sleep. The girls giggled while they painted their toenails.

Tom’s hands were shaking, and he kept glancing at the clock as the teacher handed out the test papers. Question: What can you infer about Tom’s feelings?

  • A) He was excited.
  • B) He was nervous.
  • C) He was bored.
  • D) He was happy.

B) He was nervous


After the long hike, the hikers were famished and couldn’t wait to eat. What does “famished” most likely mean?

A) Thirsty

B) Tired

C) Very hungry

D) Energetic

Very Hungry


She showed great empathy towards her friend who was going through a tough time, listening to her problems and offering support. What does “empathy” most likely mean?
A) Indifference
B) Understanding
C) Anger
D) Joy


When we woke up the next morning we saw snapped trees and our neighbors lawn chair in our backyard. We were thankful to be alive. What can you infer from this passage? What clues told you this?
We can infer that there was a bad storm during the night. Some clues are: When we woke up the next morning we saw snapped trees and our neighbors lawn chair in our backyard.

There is a big storm today and it's going to last until tomorrow. Jimmy is supposed to pick up his friend Lily from the airport. Jimmy's phone was ringing and say Lily's name. He picked up the phone and said, "Okay. Just tell me when you get there." What do you think Lily told Jimmy?

Lily's flight got delayed by the storm.


The playground was filled with laughter and children running around, while the ice cream truck played a cheerful tune.Question: What can you infer about the atmosphere at the playground?

A ) It was quiet.

B) It was sad.

C) It was lively.

D) It was empty.

C) It was lively


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During the assembly, the principal commended the students for their excellent behavior. What does “commended” most likely mean?

A) Scolded

B) Praised

C) Ignored

D) Punished

B) Praised