Erin cannot find anything in the piles of her clothes and toys. What can you tell about Erin?
Her room is messy and not organized.
desktop, netbook, tablet, laptop
types of computers
Do not strike a match near flammable liquids.
easy to catch fire
Bitsy tried to find her bone.
her - Bitsy
"Children, wait until I tell you it is safe to cross."
crossing guard
Mandy stayed up all night and then had to babysit. What can you tell about Mandy?
She tired.
sparklers, firecrackers, bottle rockets, Roman candles
types of fireworks
We suspect that raccoons are eating our pets' food.
believe to be true
Dan's shirts have his name printed on them.
them - shirts
"One, two, three, tap. One, two, three, tap."
dance teacher
Jesse had directions to the party but got lost 3 times. What can you tell about Jesse?
He had the wrong directions, he can't follow/understand the directions.
cap, visor, fedora, sombrero
types of hats
Allie didn't sleep well last night and was drowsy all day.
Judy and I like our new car.
our - Judy, I
"Time to feed the elephants."
Everyone Jack serves leaves him a generous tip. What can you tell about Jack?
He's a good sever, works as a waiter, has a good personality.
fire truck, tomato, stop sign, strawberry
things that are red
Goldie was a husky cat, but she has slimmed down.
heavier than average
I love popcorn, but Dad doesn't like it.
it - popcorn
"Good afternoon. How may I direct your call?"
They devoured all the food on the table, including the beans. What can you tell about them?
They were hungry.
thesaurus, dictionary, novel, comic
types of books
Sid used a spade to dig holes for the fence posts.
small shovel
Do Amy and Ann know how many people they invited?
they - Amy, Ann
"How thick should I cut your pork chops?"