I was so parched that I drank an entire glass of water in one gulp. Parched means... (A) hungry (B) thirsty
(B) thirsty
I am part of your eye but is also a student, like you. I am a _____.
Janet's eyes are very heavy. She had been studying all night and didn't get enough sleep. She is feeling...
The sub left a bad note for the teacher when he returned from school. The teacher told the students that they must respect any sub when he is absent or suffer consequences. What will the teacher most likely do? (A) give the students a free day (B) give them silent work (C) make them play a game of tic-tac-toe
(B) give them silent work
I have sand, water, and swimsuits. I am...
Wilson Put on a heavy coat, a wool scarf, several pairs of socks inside his boots, and fur-lined gloves to protect himself against the frigid weather. Frigid means... (A) warm (B) cold (C) hot
(B) cold
I'm full of holes, yet I am full of water. (I am also a character on a kid's TV show). I am...
Shawn is very quiet in class. Whenever the teacher calls on him in class, his face turns red and she looks away. Shawn feels...
Jessica Bell loves to read. In fact, she has her own "library" at home. When the school's book fair opened, what will she do? (A) wait until she gets home to read (B) ask her teacher can she go there (C) nothing
(B) ask her teacher can she go there
I have turkey, the Mayflower, parades, football and fall on a Thursday. I am _____.
The saturated, dripping dog ran in the house after swimming in the lake. Saturated means... (A) dry (B) wet (C) mosit
(B) wet
I go up and down but with a string, of course. (Kids and even grown-ups play with me as a toy.) I am a _____.
Casey is the lead singer in the school choir. She is the leader in her dance group. She is an excellent piano player and is in the school play. A word to describe Casey is...
In the passage we read on Monday, the author discusses a lot about sharks. She also tells us that sharks are not only predators but also are prey to humans. Does the author like sharks or doesn't like them?
She likes them.
I have food, tables, and waiters/waitresses. I am...
I tried to persuade her to recycle her plastic bottles, but I just couldn't talk her into it. Persuade means... (A) explain (B) narrate (C) convince
(C) convince
Water may put me out, but I am still red and too hot to touch unless you want to get burned. I am _____.
I had to make a speech in front of the class. Before the speech, I was pacing back and forth and my palms were sweaty. I was feeling...
Molly did not talk to any one when her teacher passed out her report card. In fact, she threw it away in the trash can, as she got on the bus. Molly's grades were probably _____. (A) excellent (B) ok (C) bad
(C) bad
I have doctors, nurses, and patients. I am...
Candles, flashlights, and lamps illuminate the room. illuminate means... (A) light up (B) dim (C) cut off
(A) light up
I like to measure and is known for having straight lines (and usually come with an inch). I am a _____.
John loves to live life on the edge. He climbs mountains, races cars, and wrestles alligators. A word to describe John is...
When Mr. Jackson says, "Let's go outside, class." One student says, "Can she go to the library instead?" Another time, when Mr. Jackson takes his class outside, she says, "Can I go to Mrs. Mays' class instead?" What can we best infer about this student? (A) They like the indoors. (B) They like the outdoors. (C) The have a birthday coming up soon.
(A) They like the indoors.
I have tickets, a large screen, and popcorn. I am...
movie theater