The Ugly Truth
Academic Vocabulary
If I...

What does the author mean on paragraph six when he says, "all animals have a job to do?" A. All animals should have to work for their food.  B. All animals play an important role in their environment.

B. All animals play an important role in their environment.


A conclusion reached on the based on evidence and background knowledge.



The bear sleeps in it all winter? Where am I?

A cave 


Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What do you think is happening?

A police officer is pulling him over and he will get a speeding ticket. He will probably miss part of the football game that he wanted to watch.


If I have a new classmate who came in the middle of the school year, I could infer that...

The new classmate feels nervous. The new classmate will make some new friends.


What is the author's main point in the section "Who Are You Calling Ugly?"  A. Many ugly creatures are endangered and need our help. B. Animal-protection groups are working to save giant pandas. C. All animals, even ugly ones, are important parts of an ecosystem. D. Pangolins have unique adaptations.

C. All animals, even ugly ones, are important parts of an ecosystem.


A fact, feature or description given by the author.



She kept her eggs warm in it. Where are the eggs?

A nest


Tia is starting to feel tired but she told herself she could do it. She only needs to over take one more person to win. "I can do this!" , she said and pedaled faster. What is Tia doing? What key words helped you come to that conclusion?

Tia is in a biking or cycling race. Key words are "win" and "pedaled faster"


If I saw person kept eating junk food, I could infer that ...

The person will not be very healthy.


Which detail from the article best explains the purpose of the pangolin's adaptation?

A  “. . . so they don’t have to use a lot of energy chasing their next meal” (paragraph 14) 

B  “. . . protects it from tigers and other predators.” (paragraph 9) 

C “. . . attracts mates and scares off enemies.” (paragraph 13) 

D  “. . . so it appears to be limping when it walks.” (paragraph 12)

B  “. . . protects it from tigers and other predators.” (paragraph 9)


A writer of a book, article, or report.



Daisy can't wait to get there. She has wanted to go for weeks. Her friends say that it's fun. Daisy hopes to get a front row seat. She wants to be right under the screen. Daisy will want to tell her friends all about it. Where is Daisy?

A movie theater


Beep! Beep! It was raining hard and some of the drivers were losing their patience. "I wonder why there is so much traffic", Valerie thought. As she drove, she saw an ambulance and police cars. What is causing the traffic?  

There was a car accident and it is blocking some of the lanes in the road.


If I saw on television that there is a storm coming, I could infer that ...

I might need to bring an umbrella tomorrow. I should wear my rainboots tomorrow. It will be cold, windy, and rainy.


What paragraph and sentence in the text does it infer that protection of crops and livestock might be diminishing the Hyena population?

Paragraph 11 lines 1 and 2

Only about 10,000 of them still roam areas from North Africa to India. Striped hyenas are often killed by farmers.


A significant point or central theme given by the author on a book, article, or report.



The hamster looked through the bars. Where is the hamster?

A cage


Damien enjoys school but he thinks math is too difficult. He had a final test on Wednesday. Glen and his family went out to dinner on Friday. His family members kept telling him they are so proud of him. Why do you think they went out to dinner?

Damien got a good grade on his math final test. His family members took him out to celebrate his good grades.


If I went to sleep late at night, I could infer that...

I will be very tired and sleepy the next day.


 Which choice best describes Lucy Cooke's point of view about ugly animal?

A. She doesn't think they are very important. 

B.  She wants to save only strange-looking animals. 

C.  She thinks we should focus on helping cute animals. 

D.  She thinks people should protect all animals, ugly ones included.

D.  She thinks people should protect all animals, ugly ones included.


The reason for which a book, article, or report is written and can be to persuade, to inform, and to entertain.



You need a big blanket, a friend, and some food, Then a warm sunny day to put you in the mood. A smile and a song, (No rain, if you please!) Just add a few ants and you'll have one of these! Where am I?

At the park


Splat! Splat! Splat! Everybody outside was using an umbrella. Though I don't like rain, I sill love the flowers it brings. I'm excited to pick the flowers once the rain stops. When is this? a) daytime/ spring b) daytime/ fall c) nighttime/ spring d) nighttime/ fall

a) daytime/ spring


If I see a dog barking, I could infer that...

It sees a cat and wants to chase it. It sees a stranger and is warning them to stay away. It is excited to see me. It is asking for food or to go outside to play.