Context Clues
Inferences from Reading

You're going to do great in the play! Break a leg!

Good luck


I used to hate going to my aunt’s house, but now I kind of miss it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Being away from someone or something for a period of time makes you appreciate that person or thing more when you see them or it again


Will was being obnoxious in class when he continued to disrupt the other students, even though the teacher was talking. 

disgusting, rude, not great, unappealing to others, loud


Matt was finishing up the last few bites of his snack when his mom got home from work. She asked how his day was, and then she said, “Get your homework finished quickly because we have been invited to Aunt Sarah’s house for dinner. I told her I would bring the rest of the cake that we did not eat on Sunday.” Matt’s eyes widened, and he looked at the empty snack plate before him. What do you think happened? 

Matt probably ate the cake, as he was staring at the plate with wide eyes and he had a snack. 


David's father has three sons : Snap, Crackle and _____ ?



Don't get bent out of shape just because things didn't go the way you wanted it to. There's no reason to get upset about it. 

To get upset


I think their house is ugly, but they seem to like it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

What is “beautiful” is different for each person


I thought I heard a faint scratching noise, but I figured it was all in my head. 

Quiet, barely audible


Marissa had never really liked football, but her friends all wanted to go to the game. So, she reluctantly told Taylor over the phone that she would go. Marissa was putting on jeans and a sweatshirt when her Dad called out, “Hey, ‘Rissa, one of your favorite movies is coming on tonight!” Bummer, thought Marissa, as she put on her shoes. Just then, she heard a crack of thunder and the pitter patter of raindrops. With her shoe still in her hand, she redialed Taylor’s number. What is going to happen next? 

She probably is going to cancel her plans with Taylor. 


You live in a one story house made "entirely of redwood". What color would the stairs be?

There are no stairs, it's one story


A: You know, you should probably do the chores mom asked you to do today instead of playing video games. 

B: Ehh, I'll cross that bridge when I get there

Let's not talk about that problem right now


We’re going on vacation next week. It’s supposed to rain a lot, so we’re bringing our umbrellas and a bunch of board games. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

In any situation, be optimistic about the result, but always be ready for the worst outcome


When Kiki got a tiny cut on her pinky finger, she got all melodramatic and began sobbing and demanding a doctor.

Very Dramatic


"Oh man, not during my favorite show," thought Kenny. The TV went black. Kenny felt his way around the kitchen and found a flashlight. As Kenny looked outside he noticed the dark homes in his neighborhood. Bam... thunder boomed above. Then Dad walked in with candles. What happened at Kenny's house?

A power outage due to the storm


Samuel was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?

Sam was bald!


You know, no matter how hard I've tried, I just can't wrap my mind around this chapter of math! It's too hard!

Understand something complicated


You have 6 hours of free time now. You should start on that final psychology assignment. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

If you can do something today, do it. Don’t wait until tomorrow; don’t procrastinate.


When Tyler decided to bring a gift for his friend who was going through a hard time, he decided to remain anonymous and not put his name on the gift. 

not known, unnamed


Grace was at a concert. Everyone got a little crazy and people started jumping up and down on a few songs. It was so crowded that people were bumping into each other and knocking each other over constantly. The girl decided to go home. The next morning she woke up and noticed one of her toenails was black and blue. How do you think that happened?

Grace probably got her foot stepped on because everybody was crazy and jumping around


Five apples are in a basket. How do you divide them among five girls so that each girl gets an apple, but one apple remains in the basket?

Give the fifth girl her apple in the basket.


A: Hey, did you understand question number four?

B: Honestly, your guess is as good as mine

I have no idea


Don’t make him angry. If you play with fire, you’ll get burned.

If you get involved in something dangerous or beyond your abilities, you will probably experience negative consequences


When the wolves really did come, the little shepherd beseeched the villagers to save his sheep, but no one came.  

Convince, beg, ask, request


Pamela’s family was sitting down to eat dinner when the phone rang. Her mother answered, but it was for her father. Pamela could hear him talking. “Does he have a fever? Have you given him any medicines, yet? There is a virus going around, but I don’t want to take any chances. I will meet you at the south entrance.” Pamela’s father came back to the table. “I am sorry, guys,” he said, “I have to go to work now.” He donned his white coat and grabbed his satchel. “I will just take a couple of cookies for the road,” he said, winking at Pamela. What is Pamela's father's job? 

He is most likely a doctor, because they can get called in at anytime, they wear white coats and they deal with medicine. 


Which bird does not belong in this group? Finch, gull, eagle, ostrich, or sparrow?

The Ostrich. It's the only bird that doesn't fly.