What is Going On?
Where are They?
What is the PROBLEM?
What will Happen Next?

The little boy looked sheepishly down at the ground. His mom clenched her teeth together. She couldn't believe what he had just done!

The boy's mom feels:

a. sad                   b. angry               c. scared

b. angry


My legs trembled as I sat down in the small seat. The bars came over my shoulders, and I grasped them. As soon as I began moving, my eyes grew wide and I let out a scream!

What is happening?

a. they are on a roller coaster

b. they are in a haunted house

c. they are in a race car

a. they are on a roller coaster


David couldn't believe his eyes. It was even bigger than ever imagined it could be. He couldn't wait to see Mickey Mouse and ride the rides!

Where is David?

a. Valley Fair        b. Disney       c. Universal Studios

 b. Disney


Dad began tapping his fingers on the table. His stomach growled and he looked at his watch. Mom fiddled with her straw and eyed the food at the other table. The kids began to whine.

What is the problem? Choose the best answer:

a. The kids are hungry.     b. Dad is in a bad mood.  c. The family has been waiting a long time for their food.

 c. The family has been waiting a long time for their food.


The teacher glared at the kids and smacked her ruler on the desk. The kids stopped quickly and looked up, worry and shame coming over them. The teacher slowly stood up and...

What will happen next? 

a. The teacher will scream at them.   b. The teacher will walk over to them and tell them to be quiet.  c. The teacher will call Student Support. 

b. The teacher will walk over to them and tell them to be quiet.

Make up Points: If you answered incorrectly, explain why you chose a different answer to still earn 100 points!


Annabel carried her doll wherever she went. It was dirty and was missing its left ear, but she didn't care! No other doll could replace this one.

How does Annabel feel about her doll?

a. she loves it        b. she doesn't really care about it

c. she is tired of it

a. she loves it


All of the girls giggled while they painted their toenails. Next, they would tell scary stories and eat popcorn before going to sleep.

What is going on? Choose the best answer:

a. a birthday party               b. a girl's only night

c. a sleepover

c. a sleepover


"Ooh! Ahh!" said the boys. As another one sparkled in the sky, they jumped for joy. BOOM! As soon as the show was over, the tired boys went home. 

Where were they?

a. a laser light show       b. a military demonstration   c. a fireworks show

c. a fireworks show


When we woke up the next morning, we saw snapped trees and our neighbor's lawn chair in the backyard. We were thankful to be alive!

What is the problem?

a. their yard was vandalized.    b. a storm damaged their yard.         c. their house burned down.

 b. a storm damaged their yard.    


White flakes fell from the sky and covered the roads. Lucy crawled out of bed and peek out the window. Her eyes lit up when she realized she definitely wouldn't have school today!

What will happen next? Choose the best answer:

a. Lucy gets a snow day off from school.

b. Lucy will have to go to school.

c. Lucy will have to shovel snow.

a. Lucy gets a snow day off from school.

Make up Points: If you answered incorrectly, explain why you chose a different answer to still earn 200 points!


Annabel carried her doll wherever she went. It was dirty and was missing its left ear, but she didn't care! No other doll could replace this one.

How would Annabel feel if she lost her doll?

a. she wouldn't care        b. she would be upset

c. she would find it funny

b. she would be upset


When we woke up the next morning, we saw snapped trees and our neighbor's lawn chair in the backyard. We were thankful to be alive!

What had most likely happened?

a. a snowstorm            b. a severe thunderstorm               c. someone had vandalized their yard. 

b. a severe thunderstorm


Dad began tapping his fingers on the table. His stomach growled and he looked at his watch. Mom fiddled with her straw and eyed the food at the other table. The kids began to whine.

Where are they?

a. a family dinner party      b. a food court at the mall

c. a restaurant

c. a restaurant


Sophia threw on mismatched socks and forgot to brush her teeth. She ran out the door just in time to see the bus drive by.

What is the problem?

a. Sophia is going to repeat 6th grade.   b. Sophia is late for school.        c. Sophia is in trouble.

 b. Sophia is late for school.  


Dad began tapping his fingers on the table. His stomach growled and he looked at his watch. Mom fiddled with her straw and eyed the food at the other table. The kids began to whine.

What will happen next? Choose the best answer.

a. The server will come over and fill their water glasses. 

b. Mom or Dad will find the server and ask them what is going on with their order.

c. The family will get up and walk out. 

b. Mom or Dad will find the server and ask them what is going on with their order. 

Make up Points: If you answered incorrectly, explain why you chose a different answer to earn 300 points.


My legs trembled as I sat down in the small seat. The bars came over my shoulders, and I grasped them. As soon as I began moving, my eyes grew wide and I let out a scream!

How does this person feel?

a. happy         b. scared            c. confused

b. scared


Sophia threw on mismatched socks and forgot to brush her teeth. She ran out the door just in time to see the bus drive by.

What happened to Sophia?

a. she got sick this morning      b. she forgot to do her homework last night      c. she is running late to school

 c. she is running late to school

Tina's eyes grew larger as they turned the corner onto the street. It was the biggest house she had ever seen; much larger than her previous home. If she could make friends, she knew this would be a great new place to live.

Where is Tina?

a. at a new school.    b. at her new house         c. at her cousin's new house.

b. at her new house


Rachel climbed under the covers and got out her flashlight. She snuck out her book and began to read. Before she knew it, the clock read 1am! As she heard her mom walking toward her room, she quickly turned off her light and pretended to snore.

What is the problem? Choose the best answer:

a. Rachel is staying up too late.    b. Rachel will get in trouble.             c. Rachel is tired.

a. Rachel is staying up too late.


Lauren worried when she handed her mom her report card. She carefully watched mom looking over the paper, and a feeling of relief swept over her and a smile spread across mom's face. 

What happened next? Choose the best answer:

a. Mom said, "let's go get ice cream to celebrate your good grades!"

b. Mom said, "I am so disappointed in you."

c. Mom said, "You need to study harder."

a. Mom said, "let's go get ice cream to celebrate your good grades!"

Make Up Points: If you answered incorrectly, explain why you chose a different answer for 400 points.


All of the girls giggled while they painted their toenails. Next, they would tell scary stories and eat popcorn before going to sleep.

How do the girls feel? Choose the BEST answer:

a. scared mostly         b. mostly happy                    c. mostly agitated

b. mostly happy


Fred pounded on the keyboard and clicked the mouse. "Why won't this thing work?" he said angrily. Finally, he gave up and stomped off.

What is going on?

a. Fred is struggling with his homework.   b. Fred's computer isn't working.    c. Fred's car isn't working.

b. Fred's computer isn't working.


Kody packed his suitcase, snorkels, and sand castle bucket. Mom packed the sunscreen, towels, and a picnic lunch. Unlike at their house, the sun was shining at their destination, and they knew it would be a perfect vacation!

Where are they going? Choose the BEST answer:

a. to Disney World         b. to Lake Minnetonka   c. to a tropical beach

c. to a tropical beach


As the boys sat outside the principal's office, with torn shirts and muddy faces, they knew they were in trouble. Fighting was strictly against the rules. They would be so embarrassed to call their parents and tell them what they had done!

What is the problem? Choose the best answer:

a. The boys are in trouble for fighting at school.         b. The boys are in trouble for stealing lunch money.  c. The boys were caught cheating and are now in trouble.

a. The boys are in trouble for fighting at school.  

Caitlin knew she had to make this shot. The whole game depended on her. She dribbled the ball and threw it. She closed her eyes and hoped she made it. She heard the "swish" of the net and her teammates cheering with joy. 

What happened next?

a. Caitlin missed the shot.

b. Caitlin made the shot.

c. Caitlin lost the game. 

b. Caitlin made the shot.

Make up points: If you answered incorrectly, explain why you chose a different answer to earn 500 points.