Infer what?
Idioms (sentences)
Idiom (no clues)

A substitute teacher flicked the classroom lights off and on. Why did she do that?

  • The students were being too noisy

A police officer asked a driver for his license and proof of registration. Why did he do that?

He stopped the driver for speeding or breaking the law.


She hit the nail on the head during the trivia competition. Hit the nail on the head means:

 to describe something exactly right.


Your friend was shooting baskets in gym and missed every shot. How do you think he felt?

                Sad, mad, embarrassed, annoyed.


No pain, no gain

                You have to work hard to get better


Bo was sure there had been an accident on the street. What made him so sure?

  • Traffic was backed up for blocks

A student sat on a chair in front of a large screen. The lights were adjusted. Then the student smiled and the camera clicked. Then the next student sat on the chair. What was happening?

It was school picture day.


 She looked at the car and thought, it's a lemon. What does a lemon mean? 

describes something that doesn’t work well or is of poor quality. 


Jessica was picked last for kickball teams. How might she feel?


        Sad, disappointed, that people don’t think she is good at kickball.


Her hair was like silk

Her hair was super soft


Nikki remembered it was a federal holiday as soon as she looked in her mailbox. How did she know?

  • Her mailbox was empty

Tyrone bought a bag of Bow Wow Treats. What kind of pet does Tyrone have?

A dog/puppy


The coach said, "we will play it by ear." What does play it by ear mean? 

Figure it out as you go


Sam doesn’t have a pencil for math AGAIN, so she asks Paul for one. Paul rolls his eyes says no. Why might Paul say no?


   Because she always forgets a pencil and never returns the ones she borrows.


I dropped the ball on that one.


I made a mistake, it was my fault


A sign on a restaurant window said the Blue Cow Restaurant is expanding. Please excuse the mess. What does this mean?

  • Business is good and more customers are eating at the Blue Cow.

Cactus flowers are in bloom all around you. Where are you?

                The desert


She smiled and said you’re pulling my leg. You’re pulling my leg means...

You are messing with me


Your friend is eating dinner at your house and accidentally burps at the dinner table and his face turns red. How does he feel and what should he say?


 Embarrassed and say excuse me.


Sly as a fox

Foxes are known for being clever and tricky. When someone is “sly as a fox,” it means they’re really smart and can outwit others.

Foxes are known for being clever and tricky. When someone is “sly as a fox,” it means they’re really smart and can outwit others.


The sun keeps the earth warm. Without sun, plants, animals, and people would die. The sun’s rays can be harmful. Some rays are dangerous, they can cause skin cancer. What is the important message in this information?

  • Something helpful can also be harmful.

Karen knew as soon as she saw her son that he had passed his math test. How did she know?

                He looked happy.


What does it mean when someone says they have butterflies in their stomach.

Nervous/excited feelings


Your brother wears your shirt without asking. How might you feel and what could you say?


 Mad or upset, please ask before wearing my clothes.


Like a bull in a china shop

Imagine a big, strong bull inside a delicate shop filled with fragile dishes. If someone is moving around clumsily and might break things, we say they’re “like a bull in a china shop.”