Inferences A
Inferences B
Inferences C
Inferences D
Inferences E

Splat! "Oh, rats!" thought Katie as she stooped to clean up the mess. "I hope we have another one." She looked in the fridge and pulled out the carton. One left! Breakfast wasn't ruined after all. 

What did Katie clean up? How do you know?

Eggs. Eggs are kept in the fridge, usually in a carton. Eggs are commonly served at breakfast which explains why she thought finding another egg would save breakfast. 


Jenna went upstairs and quietly peeked into a dark room. She listened for a moment and then went back downstairs. She washed the dinner dishes and then she studied for an Algebra test until Mr. and Mrs. Olson got home.

Why did Jenna go upstairs? What makes you think so?

Jenna went to check on the children she is babysitting. I know this because the room was dark and she listened and then she studied for a test while waiting for parents to get home. 


Ana and Sophie sat in their chairs staring straight ahead for nearly two hours. They did not talk or hardly move, but they were not bored at all.

Where were Ana and Sophie? What makes you think so?

They are at the movies because they did not talk or move for nearly two hours and weren't bored. 


Derek ran up the court. "I'm open!" he yelled toward the boy with the ball. The boy passed the ball to Derek and he made his shot. The crowd cheered as two more points were added to the scoreboard.

What game was Derek playing? How do you know?

Derek was playing basketball. He made a shot that was worth two points. 


Micah hid behind the bushes. Soon a group of older boys walked by talking and laughing. Micah's heart was beating fast. He tried not to make any noise. Micah waiting until he could not hear the boys anymore. Then he picked up his books and walked home.

Why was Micah hiding? What makes you think so?

He was hiding from the boys who pick on/bully him. 


It was 8:30 on Thursday night. Emily stared at the large, empty poster board on her bed. Then she looked at the stack of books about Abraham Lincoln on her desk. Emily began to cry.

Why do you think Emily was crying? How do you know?

She didn't have her project on Abraham Lincoln done for the next day. The books are on her desk and the poster is empty. 


People kept coming over to visit Rachel's family. They brought food and gifts. Many of the visitors asked her how she liked being a big sister. 

Why were so many people visiting Rachel's family? What makes you think so?

They were coming to see the new baby--they asked her how she likes being a big sister. 


The bus was full of children. Everyone was laughing and talking. Ben scratched a mosquito bite on his leg. It had been a fun week but he was glad that tonight he would be sleeping in his own bed instead of in a sleeping bag.

Where was the bus coming from? How do you know?

Camp--Ben has a mosquito bite and was sleeping in a sleeping bag.


When Ethan woke up, the room was bright with sunlight. He looked at the clock and leapt out of bed. He threw on his clothes, grabbed his backpack, and ran out the door without eating breakfast.

Why was Ethan in such a hurry? How do you know?

He was late for school--he looked at the clock and grabbed his backpack as he ran out the door


Mom lit three candles. "There, that's better." she said. Claire turned off her flashlight. The house was quiet except for the sound of the wind blowing through the trees outside.

Why did Mom light candles? What makes you think so?

They had no power--the wind is blowing outside and Claire had her flashlight on while Mom was lighting the candles. 


"Ouch!" Lucy had fallen again! She shivered and picked herself back up. Then she spotted her older sister Sarah gliding backwards. She was so graceful. Sarah made everything look so easy.

What was Lucy doing? How do you know?

Lucy was ice skating. We know because she shivered and her sister was gliding backwards. 


Cody knew he was in big trouble. He looked glumly at the math test on the desk in front of him. The door opened and Mr. Anders came into the office. "I've called your parents and they are on their way" he said.

Why is Cody in trouble? What makes you think so?

He cheated on his math test. He looks at the test sadly, he's in the office with his parents coming, and he knew he was in BIG trouble. 


Sasha handed the book to the librarian. The librarian opened the book and found crayon scribbles on almost every page. "I'm really sorry," said Sasha, "I should have kept the book in my room."

What happened to Sasha's library book? Why do you think so?

Her little sibling colored in it. There are crayon scribbles on the pages.


Mr. Jones stood on his front porch watching the boys run away down the street. He walked slowly to the sidewalk and picked up the bat that was laying there. Then he looked at the broken window on his house and sighed.

Why were the boys running away? How do you know?

They broke his window--there was a bat on the sidewalk and Mr. Jones looked at his window. 


Kim turned off the lights and everyone found a place to hide. Nicky hid under the table where everyone had put their presents. He peeked out and saw the front door starting to open.

What will happen next? Why do you think so?

They will jump out and yell surprise--the lights are off, everyone hid, there are presents. 


It was May 10th. Luis shut the door to his bedroom. Then he found the present he had hidden in the back of his closet. He wrapped it carefully in pink paper. "Only three days until Sunday" he thought.

Who will Jason give his present to? Why do you think so?

His mom. We know this because the wrapping paper is pink, and he's waiting for a Sunday in May which is Mother's Day.


Cara tried not to fidget in her new dress. There were at least a hundred people in the audience. What if she messed up? She heard her name and for a moment she couldn't move. The girl next to her gave her a gentle push and she walked onto the stage and toward the piano.

What was Cara feeling? What makes you think so?

Nervous/scared--she was worried about messing up and she froze when she heard her name called. 


Keisha looked down at her beautiful dress. She looked like a princess! The music started to play. She held the basket of flowers tightly and started to walk slowly towards the front. Everyone smiled as she walked by dropping petals.

Where is Keisha? Why do you think so?

She is the flower girl at a wedding. She is holding flowers and walking slowly as music plays.


"Can I play the winner in the next game?" Maya asked. "Sure," Lydia replied, moving her piece diagonally to a new square, "but you'll probably be playing Maria. She has four kings and I only have one."

What game are Lydia and Maria playing? What makes you think so?

Checkers--because Maria has four kings.


Dad and Krystal were finishing a project in the garage together. "Can we paint the roof red?" asked Krystal. "Sure" said Dad. "When when the paint dries we can find a place to hang it in the backyard." 

What do you think Krystal and Dad are making? Why do you think so?

A birdhouse--they are painting something will a roof that will hang in the backyard.