Inference 1
Inference 2
Fact inference
Inference 4
Inference 5

Troy stuttered, blushed and shook as he addressed the crowd." What can you infer about Troy from this statement?

Troy is nervous talking in front of an audience. 


Carrie heard footsteps behind her. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She began to quicken her pace, hoping that whoever was following her wouldn't notice, but at last she gave in to a run. What can you infer how Carrie is feeling from this passage?

Carrie is scared because she is being followed. 


If yesterday was Monday what day is today?



The noisy classroom fell silent as soon as Mrs. Barker stepped through the door. The students shuffled nervously, their eyes darting back and forth from the broom in Gabriel’s hand to the broken light fixture swinging overhead. What can you infer from the passage as to what happened?

Gabriel broke the light fixture with the broom. (Hopefully he is sweeping it up, too.)


Every morning, Mr. Anthony gets up early and puts on his uniform. He makes sure his badge is on straight and takes his gun from a locked box in his desk. He walks out to his driveway where his car, with the large lights on its roof, is waiting. He gets into his car and drives to the station. From this passage you can infer that Mr. Anthony's occupation?

He is a police officer?


The sun was low in the sky. Kay's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down on the big pile of leaves and headed for home. What can you infer from the passage of how Kay has been doing all day?

Kay worked hard all day doing yard work.


Ben slammed down the phone. Why did Steve always have to be right? Why didn't he ever listen? What can you infer from this passage?

Ben and Steve were fighting. Who is being stubborn? 


If a word in the middle of a sentence starts with a capital letter what kind of noun is it? (Hint the answer will start with either a p or c)

Proper or the name of something


Dalton twisted the handlebars from side to side, trying to keep the bicycle upright. His feet pumped the pedals, and as the bike picked up speed he found he could steer it much more easily. “Look, I’m doing it!” he shouted. What can you infer from the passage as to what is going on?

Dalton just learned to ride a bike.


Over a loudspeaker, a voice announces that Flight 240 for Los Angeles is now boarding. You see dozens of people pulling wheeled suitcases up and down a wide hallway. At one end of the hall is an area with several uniformed men and women talking to each person who passes through a gate. What can you infer about where you are?

In an airport going to Los Angeles. 


As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied and his backpack was unzipped. He had traveled only one block when he heard his mother shout his name. He looked back and saw her waving his brown bag lunch. What can you infer from this passage about Jim? (Character traits)

Jim is disorganized and forgetful.


By the time Amy arrived at the café, Juan was drinking his third cup of coffee. "I'm so sorry," she called out when she saw him and gestured to her naked wrist where her watch used to be. What can you infer about Amy from this passage?

Amy is late. She didn't have her watch so she lost track of time. 


You see your classmate's mouth moving but cannot hear anything. You can infer?

They are on mute or the volume is turned down


A little boy is sitting with his mother in a doctor’s office, listlessly leaning against her. When she gives him a cup to sip some water, he slowly pushes it away. After a while, he begins to whimper and puts a hand to his neck. What can you infer from this situation?

The boy has a sore throat.


Max stepped up to the plate. He held the bat up and stared intently at the pitcher as he watched several balls fly by. Then, he walked back to the dugout and sat down. What can you infer from this passage? (What sport and what happened.)

Baseball and Max struck out


Rubin made a mental checklist: Do laundry. Go to supermarket and get groceries. Clean house. Fix hallway light. Change the bed sheets in guest room. Wrap presents. His parents were coming in the morning and he didn't know how he would get everything done. What can you infer about how Rubin is feeling? Why?

Rubin is stressed because his parents are coming to stay over. It might be a holiday. 


Joyce straightened the tablecloth and turned the crystal vase so that it caught the light of the setting sun. She placed two wine glasses on the table, dimmed the lights and lit the candles. Dinner was in the oven. All that was left to do was wait. She checked her hair in the mirror one last time and sat down on the couch. What can you infer?

Joyce was going to have dinner with a date


If my birthday month starts with a J when could my birthday be?

January, June or July


A mother is pushing a cart through the grocery store. A little girl, around three years old, is sitting in the cart. The girl reaches for a brightly-colored box, and the mother gently takes it away from her. The girl begins to cry. What can you infer about this situation?

The girl wanted to buy the box, but the mom would not let her. (I think it is cereal. What do you think?)


Mary rushed through the door and called out, “I’m here! I’m sorry! I’m here!” Her mother appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, looked at her watch, and glared at Mary. “Well hurry up, then,” she said. “Don’t make us wait any longer than you already have.” The reader can reasonably infer?

Mary was late. (I wonder what she was late for. Any ideas?)


"You don't know what you're missing," Susan shouted into the phone over the loud music of the party. "Nah, I'm too tired," Tim said. "Well, suit yourself, but you'll be sorry," Susan replied. What can you infer that Susan wants from Tim?

Susan wants Tim to go to the party


Rubin dug frantically through his backpack. It has to be here, he thought. How many times had his mother told him not to take his iPod to school. He searched his locker again without much hope. He knew he was in trouble. What can you infer from this passage?

Rubin lost his iPod


If it is 10:55 am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. I can infer what?

Class is almost over


When he got home, Pete took off his muddy boots and left them on the front steps; he would clean them off later. He went directly into the bathroom and took off his dirty overalls, changing into clean jeans and a t-shirt. He’d spent a long day in the fields, but he was satisfied that he had accomplished quite a bit. What is most likely Peter’s occupation?

He is a farmer.


As Martin walked down the street, he noticed that most people were carrying closed umbrellas. Although he had not seen a weather report, what could Martin infer?

It was going to rain later that day.