Inferences & Observations
Context Clues
Oedipus Rex
sight, taste, hearing, touch, smell
What are the 5 senses?
An author's message or lesson.
What is a central theme?
Point; Evidence; Analysis.
What is a PEA paragraph?
I ate a portion of everything on my plate when I ate a small piece of meat, a small piece of bread, and a small piece of chocolate pie. What does portion mean?
a piece
The blind prophet who warned Oedipus that he was responsible for the plague.
Who is Teiresias?
The implied meaning of a word based on its use in context.
What is connotation?
True or false -- you have to agree with all themes.
The author's central case, hypothesis, or what they are trying to prove in an essay.
What is a thesis statement?
A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes, can be very helpful in solving crimes. What does sleuth mean?
someone who solves crimes -- detective
The characters with the final lines of the play that warn the audience of being blind to fate, like Oedipus.
Who is the chorus?
One of your teachers signs you up for after-school tutoring. What is something that you could correctly infer?
failing a class, missing work, behavior issues.
The title of a text, the first paragraph of a text, and the last paragraph of a text.
Where can I find a central theme?
They indicate to the reader where you are going with your argument or explanation in an essay or paragraph.
What are transition markers?
Matt has such a kind disposition that he always helps people. What does disposition mean?
attitude, personality
High Status, Hubris, Hamartia, Peripeteia, Catharsis.
What qualities does a tragic hero need?
"Those two must be brother and sister" is an example of an observation or an inference?
Give me the theme of a popular book or movie that you've read or seen.
Name three purposes of transition markers.
Adding information, stating examples, showing contrast, showing similarity, showing sequence, showing results.
The runner was last in the race. He began to feel great duress to get ahead of the other racers. He needed to win to keep his standing in the sport. What does duress mean?
Human achievement is temporary, even when we're talking about great empires and kings.
What is the central theme of "Ozymandias" and Oedipus Rex?
Make one observation and one inference based off of how Mr. Becker has decorated his classroom?
In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest. "Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?" "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same." "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper. “We have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. What is the central theme?
If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.
Oedipus demonstrates hamartia through the play. ??? He turns on Creon, suspecting him of conspiring with Teiresias in order to steal the crown. ??? Oedipus has no evidence for this. ??? He is acting rash. ??? He won't listen to reason. ??? He is responsible for his own downfall. *Come up with two transition markers (words or phrases) that can be inserted into this paragraph.
For example, for instance, this is shown when; Here, in this instance; Furthermore, additionally, also; Clearly; As a result, consequently, thus
An ephemeral ring surrounded the moon as it rose. It was there for a moment, and then it disappeared. Ephemeral means what?
Eyes represent the ability to see the truth; swollen feet represent instability and being marked by the gods; the three -way crossroad represents choice.
How is symbolism used in Oedipus Rex?