Population vs Sample
Biased vs Unbiased
Dot/Box Plots
Proportions with Inferences

Identify the Population:
Gwinnett County Public Schools randomly selected 230 teachers to find out which technology resource is the most effective. 30 teachers chose Safari Montage, 45 selected Learn Zillion, 100 chose Ed Puzzle, and 55 chose Kahoot. GCPS concluded that all teachers prefer Ed Puzzle.

A) 230 teachers

B) All teachers

C) 100 teachers

D) 55 teachers

B) All teachers


Biased or Random?

Audi wants to find out how students get to school at Menifee Elementary so she places the names of all students into a fish bowl and pulls out 50 so she can survey them.



Which group has a greater median shopping time? (See image 1)

Group A


Nike produces 900 shoes in an hour. A random sample of 50 shoes found that 2 of them had defects. Based on this, how many of the 900 shoes will have defects?

36 shoes


You live of two different brands of 60-watt light bulbs are shown in the box-and-whisker plots. Which has a greater spread? 

(See image 7)



A toy store owner tracking how much kids spend each month on toys. Which choice best represents a population?

A) All of the kids who buy toys.

B) 227 wealthy kids.

C) 228 boys age 7 - 15

D) 235 kids from age 10 to 15.

A) All of the kids who buy toys.


Biased or Random?

John wants to find out what the favorite soda flavor is at Menifee County. He decides to ask all the students in Mr. Goldsmith's class as a sample group.



Which plot has an outlier? (See image 2)



Shannon made the last 12 out of 20 shots for the varsity basketball team. How many shots would you expect him to make in his next 160 shot attempts?

96 shots


A university wanted to compare the heights of women on the basketball team and women on the swim team. The data is in the dot plots provided. Describe the overlap. (See image 6)

A) Complete overlap

B) Partial overlap

C) No overlap

B) Partial overlap


Identify the Sample:
To determine if the class understood the homework assignment, the math teacher checks the top 3 papers in the pile of collected homework. The teacher finds that all students understood the homework assignment.

A) 3 students

B) All students

C) None of the students

A) 3 students


A school randomly chose ten English teachers and asked them which type of juice their students would prefer. Which reason best shows why this sample is biased?

A) The sample didn't include students.

B) The sample can only be accurate if each teacher is included in the sample.

C) The sample is too small.

D) She needed to survey every person at the school.

A) The sample didn't include students.


What is the range in gas mileage for cars? (See image 3) 



The results of a random survey showed that 42 out of 84 people plan to vote for Coach Vasquez for teacher of the month. Which is the best prediction of the total number of votes he will receive if 2,000 people vote?

100 votes


What is the difference in the medians of both sets of data?

(See image 8)



A mayor wanted to see if the people in his town thought he was doing a good job. Which choice best represents a sample?

A) 1,000 unemployed voters.

B) The mayor's family.
C) 242 voters.

D) The residents of the town.

C) 242 voters.


At a middle school, the 7th graders will conduct a survey for where to go on a field trip. Which method will result in the least biased decision?

A) to randomly ask 8th grade students who went on a field trip last year

B) to randomly choose some 7th grade students to select a location

C) to ask all 7th grade teachers and administrators for a location

D) to ask the student council to choose a location

B) to randomly choose some 7th grade students to select a location


Which car has more than 185 in jumped 50% of the time? (See image 4)

Car B


There are 480 students in Marla’s school.  In her classroom, there are 3 left-handed students and 17 right-handed students.  Predict the number of left-handed students in the whole school.

72 students


Which of the following statements about the two populations is true? (See image 9)

A) The medians are the same.

B) The ranges are the same

C) The temperatures for City A are typically higher.

D) The temperatures for City B are more consistent.

D) The temperatures for City B are more consistent.


Your school newspaper is conducting a survey to find out which school sports team is most popular.  How would it most likely get a random sample from the student population?

A) By asking every fifth person entering the basketball game

B) By asking the parents

C) By asking the students on the pep club

D) By asking 10 students from every homeroom

D) By asking 10 students from every homeroom


A factory manufactures light bulbs. The factory currently has 300 boxes of light bulbs in its warehouse. To test the quality of bulbs, Alex decides to take out a sample of bulbs and test them to see if they work. Which surveying method will give him the least valid results?

A) selecting ten boxes randomly, mixing the bulbs of these boxes together and then selecting ten bulbs randomly

B) selecting ten boxes randomly and then selecting one bulb randomly from each box

C) selecting one bulb randomly from every tenth box

D) selecting one box randomly and then selecting all the bulbs from the box

D) selecting one box randomly and then selecting all the bulbs from the box


Which group has a smaller interquartile range? (See image 5).

Group B


Students were asked to vote for gift cards to their favorite fast-food restaurants to be given to students at the end of the year. In a classroom of 30 students, 9 selected McDonalds, 14 selected Taco Bell, and 7 selected Kentucky Fried Chicken. Based off of this survey, how many Taco Bell gift cards should be bought for the school if it has 450 students.

210 gift cards


Using the given double box-and-whisker plot, determine the percent of the boys and then the percent of the girls who are 66 inches or shorter. (See image 10)

Boys: 50% 

Girls: 25%