Riddle me this #1
Riddle me this #2
Riddle me this #3
Riddle me this #4
Riddle me this #5

I am a bird that moves on 2 feet, Lives in a pond, And says quack.

What animal is it?



I'm at a place were there's water, A sign nearby that says "No Running", And People in red and white clothes who help people when there drowning. 

Where am I?

Swimming Pool


I am in the sky, but mostly no sun, I am crying, but with no eyes, And I am darkness in the sky.

What am I?



Nick got brand new video game and he played it for 2-3 hrs that night and then...

What's going to happen next?

Nick got up feeling tired.


Mari Chorrlete and Lisa are in school with other classmates, and then there was a fire drill coming there way, and then...

Whats going to happen next?

The alarm is going sound and everyone needs to line up and stay together outside.


I am an animal thats green, It hops up and down, And it says ribbit.

What animal is it?



I'm at a place were employees work, Where there's lots and lots of food and drinks, And you pay for the foods and drinks before you leave the store.

Where am I?



I am full of water, but not wavy, I am still, but not moving, And I am sometimes in the end or the middle of a big field.

What am I?



Isabella and Zach were both for baby chick the hatch out the egg and then that night they fell asleep and then...

Whats going to happen next?

In the morning the baby chick is going to hatch.


Maya and Micheal are packing the car for a 8 night trip, then they buckled up so they can be safe and ready and then...

Whats going to happen next?

Their going to follow the map.


I am an bird thats bigger then a regular bird, It has big wings, And its a great animal you talk about at EHS.

What animal is it?



I'm at a place where there's a big screen, Where the speakers make sounds, And Where people need to be payed attention to the screen and very quiet.

Where am I?



I have keys, but no door, I can go on sites, but not up the mountains, And it's a device that will never let you leave.

What am I?



Ryan is going on a picnic so their packing food, drinks and silver wear and then...

What going to happen next?

Their going to set the picnic table.


Athena is having recess with her class, she's was slide down the slide until she got thirsty, and then...

Whats going to happen next?

She's going to use the outdoor water fountion.


I am an animal thats long, It lives in the out back, It's legless, And it loves the letter S.

What animal is it?



I'm at a place where its nice and quiet, A place where you can get books, And A place where you in a few days to return a book you borrowed.

Where am I?



I am a face, but no mouth nose or eyes, I have hands, but no fingers, And I have numbers that tells time.

What am I?



All the freshman is running the Java lounge, they first put on gloves and were going to serve food, and then...

What going to happen next?

Their going to make eye contact, their going to smile, and their going to talk.


Danny is getting ready for bed, So he needs the shower, get in PJ's, brush teeth, and then...

Whats going to happen next?

He's mom is going to read hi a story.


I am animal with 4 legs, It moves very fast, And wears gold shoes to help it run fast.

What am I?



I'm at a place where you get food and drinks, A place where make eyes contact with the employee, And A place where you can eat at the table.

Where am I?



I'm a bowl, but bigger, I am in the bathroom with a fosit, And You use me all day long to wash your hands.

What am I?



Madison and Aliya are spending time together, there going to make juiliy, and then...

What going to happen next?

There going to swing on a swing.


Robbie is going the park with his friends, and going to walk to the park and then...

Whats going to happen next?

He will play catch with a few friends.