Inferencing 1
Inferencing 2
Inferencing 3
Inferencing 4
Inferencing 5

Tyrone bought a bag of Puppy Chunks. What kind of pet does Tyrone have?

A puppy


Cactus flowers are in bloom all around you. Where are you?

In a desert


The kitchen was clean when Mom went to work. When she came home, it  was a mess. Dishes were in the sink, the counter was messy  and empty glasses were on the table. What had happened?

Someone foxed a snack and did not clean up. 


Karen knew as soon as she saw her son that he had passed his math test. How did she know?

He looked happy.


Wes knew the Magic Carrot Restaurant was a popular place to eat. How did he know that?

There was always a long wait for a table. 


Zane was in his room. He said, "We must be having bacon for breakfast." How did he know that?

He smelled bacon cooking. 


Abby stopped wearing glasses. She sees as well as she did while she wore glasses. What happened?

Abby is wearing contact lenses. 


A substitute teacher flicked the classroom lights off and on. Why did she do that?

The students were being too noisy. 


Bo was sure there had been an accident on the street. What made him sure?

Traffic was backed up for blocks. 


Nikki remembered it  was a federal holiday as soon as she looked in her mailbox. How did she know?

Her mailbox was empty.


A sign on a restaurant window said "The Blue Cow Restaurant is expanding. Please excuse the mess." What does that mean?

Business is good and more customers are eating at the Blue Cow Restaurant. 


A police officer asked a driver for his license and registration. Why did he do that?

He stopped the driver for speeding or breaking a law. 


A student sat on a chair in front of a large screen. The lights were adjusted. Then the student smiled and the camera clicked. Then the next student sat on the chair. What was happening?

It was school picture day. 


Sam broke his leg. He has to walk with crutches for three weeks. Then the doctor put a walking cast on his leg. What had happened?

His leg started to heal/get better so he was able to stop using the crutches and walk with the walking cast. 


Many homes were destroyed or severely damaged by a storm. Kendra's family was lucky. What happened to Kendra's home?

It did not get very damaged. 


Patients were evacuated to hospitals in nearby cities during the blackout. Why were these patients moved?

They needed to move to a full-functioning hospital so that they can receive the care they need; they needed to be connected to machines and their original hospital did not have power/electricity. 


Maggie read the directions and knew she had to take I-95 and I-76 to get to the airport. What type of transportation was she taking?

She was driving a car. 


The team put on their uniforms, tied their shoes, picked up their helmets and walked out onto the field. What game will they play?



Troy wants to be healthier. He exercises now and eats healthy foods. What foods will Troy try not to eat?

Junk food, sugar, ice cream, candy


In the morning people were dressed in sweaters and pants. By the afternoon most of them had changed into short-sleeved shirts and shorts. What happened to the temperature?

It increased / It got warmer


Insects are attracted to the color yellow. If you wore a yellow shirt outside, what might happen?

The insects might come to you / go onto your shirt. 


Ray set the timer for 40 minutes and the temperature for 350 degrees. What is Ray doing?

Cooking or Baking


Dark green vegetables have strong antioxidants that help fight some kinds of cancer. Lily tries to protect herself against disease with food. What foods might Lily eat?

Broccoli, kale, spinach, bell peppers


Baby squirrels are born in the summer. The adult squirrels make a nest far out on a branch of a tree. Closer to winter, the adult squirrels make another nest. This one is next to the tree's trunk. Why do they build this nest in a different place?

It  snows in the winter. The snow weighs down the branches. If they keep their nest far out on a branch of a tree during the winter, the snow will weight down the branch and the nest can fall. The branch is thicker/stronger closer to the trunk of the tree. 


Oil and water do not mix. Oil floats on top of water. Birds have oil in their feathers. How do you think the oil in feathers protects birds? 

The oils protect them when they get wet. The oils keep the water from penetrating the feathers, allowing birds to fly when they are wet.