Inferencing 1
Inferencing 2
Inferencing 3
Inferencing 4

Thanks for cleaning off the whiteboard, Alex,” said Mrs. Les. “Sure thing,” Alex replied as she grabbed her backpack and headed out the door. “See you tomorrow morning.”

Where do you think Alex and Mrs. Les are?

Alex and Mrs. Carson are in a classroom at school.


Three-year old Mary was crying and pointing to something in the sky. Mom looked up. “It's okay, we can get you another one,” she said. “This time I'll tie it to your wrist.”

What was Mary pointing at?

Mary was pointing at a balloon.


Shamus looked at all the people on the other side of the bars. They were all watching him. Some of them waved or called out. He shook out his giant mane and walked over to the tree, hoping to sunbathe. 

What can you infer about Shamus?

Shamus is a lion.


Jack's temper-tantrum was in full swing. He wailed loudly, screaming, “Mine! Mine! Mine!” “Sorry,” Mom said to the check-out girl as she took the candy bar away from Jack and put it back on the shelf, “two is such a difficult age.”

Why was Jack upset?

Jack was upset because he did not get the candy bar.


Grace wrinkled her nose as soon as she opened the door. It always smelled awful in there. She looked around to make sure the place was empty. When she was sure they were all outside, she went from nest to nest, filling her basket with eggs.

Where was Grace?

Grace was in a chicken coop.


Cannonball!” Carl  yelled. Suddenly, Anna, her towel, and the magazine she was reading were soaking wet. She picked up her soggy belongings and stomped off toward the gate.

Where was Anna?

Anna was at a pool.


Andy tried the button again, but it still didn't work. He unscrewed the top, took the old batteries out, and put new ones in. Then he tried the button again. It worked! Now he was all ready for the big camping trip.

What was Andy working on?

Andy was working on a flashlight.


They weren't on the hook by the phone and they weren't in her purse. Makenzie checked the pockets of the jacket she'd worn the day before, but they weren't there either. She looked at her watch and realized she would be late for work if she didn't leave soon.

What was Makenzie looking for?

Makenzie is looking for her keys.


Anna did not want to go, but Ginger was clearly very excited. It was rainy out, so Anna put on her raincoat and her rain boots while Ginger waited impatiently by the door. Finally, Anna grabbed the leash and out they went.

What can you infer about Ginger?

What makes you think so?

Ginger is a dog.


“Well, what do you think?” Lainey asked. “Wow, it's really short! You look like a whole different person,” Diana replied. “I wanted something really different. I've had the same style my whole life.”

What are Lainey and Diana talking about?

Lainey and Diana are talking about Lainey's new haircut.


Elizabeth had been on her feet all evening. It was a weekend, so of course it was super busy. Finally, her shift was over. She counted her tips and headed home to relax. 

What is Elizabeth's job?

Elizabeth is a waitress at a restaurant. 


Ryan stepped out onto the court. He could feel the sand between his toes. The net hung so high above his head that he could barely touch it. He couldn’t wait for the match to begin.

What can you infer?

Ryan is playing beach volleyball.


“Okay, one....two....three!” Dad said. No one moved. Dad looked at the small screen in front of him. “Pretty good, but Nouha's eyes are closed. Let's try it again. Everyone ready?”

What is Dad doing?

Dad is taking a picture of his family.


Luke walks into the store and takes out his list. He gets a cart and her coupon book and begins putting items in the cart.

What is Luke doing?

Luke is food shopping at a grocery store. 


As soon as Kelly saw the menu, she knew exactly what she wanted to drink. When her steaming cup came, she tasted a spoonful of the whipped cream from the top before taking a small sip of her yummy, sweet drink.

What do you think was in Kelly's cup?

Kelly's cup is full of hot chocolate.


Abby stopped wearing glasses. She sees as well as she did while she wore glasses. What happened?

She was wearing contact lens


Ahmed liked the first pair better, but they were a little uncomfortable. The second pair wasn't as cool, but they fit much better. He decided to buy the second pair because he would be wearing them nearly every day.

What was Ahmed buying?

Ahmed is buying shoes.


“How on earth do people wear these without falling?” Ducan asked. “Try holding onto the railing,” his father suggested. “You'll get better with practice.”

Where are Duncan and his dad?

Duncan and his dad are at a roller skating rink. 


A few days after Thanksgiving, Jeremy put on his favourite jeans, or rather, he tried to put them on, but they didn't fit! They were too tight. Jeremy sighed, took off the jeans, and put on a pair of sweatpants instead.

Why didn't Jeremy's jeans fit?

Jeremy's jeans didn't fit because he had eaten too much at Thanksgiving.


Ray put his finger down on Australia. “I want to go there,” he said. “That would be fun,” Jack replied. “I wonder if I can find where my Aunt Maddie lives.” He flipped pages until he found the one that showed France. “There it is!”

What are Ray and Jack looking at?

Ray and Jack are looking at a map.