Muddy pigs
Muddy potatoes
Muddy Mrs. Governale
Muddy forks

Emma is playing with a ball when it rolls into the street and gets lost under a car. Tears start rolling down her cheeks. How does Emma feel?



Kevin’s little brother knocked down the tower he had been working on building the entire day. Kevin clenches his fists and his cheeks turn red. How does Kevin feel?



Daniel is at a new school for the first time. He does not raise his hand the whole day and talks in a whisper when his new classmates come over to say hello. How does Daniel feel?



John and his friend are sitting together by recess, telling jokes and laughing. How do they feel?



Ben walks into his house after school to find all his friends and family there with a big birthday celebration. His eyes light up as a big smile spreads across his face. How does Ben feel?



It is almost time for Eric’s big graduation speech in front of his whole grade and all the parents. His hands are sweaty, and there are butterflies in his stomach. How does Eric feel?



The fourth-grade teacher walks into the classroom and announces that the next day the whole class will be having a pizza party because they all did well on their exams. The fourth graders scream “YAY” as they clap their hands. How do the fourth graders feel?



Olivia goes with her mother to the supermarket. She finds a candy that she really loves and asks her mother if she could buy it. When her mother says no, Olivia pouts and goes to put the candy back. How does Olivia feel?



Sophia is helping her mom at the grocery store and grabs a cereal box off the shelf to put in the shopping cart when all the boxes on that shelf fall off. She begins to blush as everyone in the store turns to look at her. How does she feel?



Peter wins the grand raffle prize for the motor bike. As soon as he hears his name picked Peter jumps up and down as he goes to claim his prize.



Michael had been waiting all week for the trip to the park. He had awoken early in the morning to prepare and was all ready to go, when suddenly it started pouring outside. Michael's mom told him that the trip will be postponed until next week. “Oh man” said Michael, "I waited for so long for this trip and now I have to wait even longer!" How does Michael feel?



Everyone needs to line up to leave the classroom and someone cuts you in line. You begin to yell at them that they took your spot. How do you feel?



The teacher is giving instructions for the class but the boy doesn’t understand them. He lets out a deep breath and puts his head down on his desk. How does the boy feel?



Jason is sitting in class when the principal came to the door and asked to speak with him. Jason could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he walks out to the hallway to meet with the principal. How does Jason feel?



The man is driving on the highway when his tire pops and he has to pull over to the side of the road. It takes 2 hours for the truck to come and fix the man’s car. How does the man feel?



Mary’s sister is out at a party with friends while Mary is home bored with nothing to do. Mary wishes she could also be at a party. How does Mary feel?  



Katie tried out for the main part in the school play, and she was really hoping she would be chosen. Her best friend, Julie also tried out for that same part and Julie got the part. How does Katie feel?



Jennifer spent many hours studying for her math test. When she was taking the test, she felt confident that she knew it very well. When her teacher returned the tests, Jennifer saw a low mark on the top of her paper. How does Jenniffer feel?



Julia wakes up early to catch her 7 am flight to Florida. On the way to the airport there is a lot of traffic and Julia does not reach the plane on time. She has to wait until later that night to get on to a different flight. How does Julia feel?



You let someone borrow your book. When they give you the book back, some of the pages are ripped. How do you feel?
