Basic Navigation
Rosters &
Seating Charts & Grade Book
Campus Tools

The App Switch, located in the upper left corner of the screen, can switch you between what three tools?

Instruction, Community, and Campus Tools.


Rosters are a helpful tool for teachers to utilize and can tell you information about your class, such as…..?

Number of students, The gender makeup of your class, and Student flags.


True or False, are you able to move the configuration of desks around on the “Seating Chart” tool to match your classroom setup better?



If you needed to make a phone call home to a parent, how do you find a student's contact information?

Campus Tools App Switch > Search Tab > Advance Search and type in the student's name


In order to access Rosters, Attendance log, grade books, and seating chart, what app switch tool do you need to be in?



What are some examples of student flags that you might see in IC? (Name three)

ELL (ML), SPED, RTI, RTI, Health Concerns, Parent Restriction, & No Media


At the beginning of the year, when you are setting up your grade book, you must create a _________ before an assignment can be placed in the grade book.

Category (Homework, quizzes, participation, projects, etc….)


How do you switch from the “Instruction” app to the “Campus Tools” app?

Click on “Instruction” in the upper left corner and select “Campus Tools”


What app switch tool do you use if you need to find a student's contact information?

Campus Tools


What two locations can attendance be taken from via the column on the left under the instruction app?

Teaching center or Attendance


Once you create an assignment in the grade book, what is the most important button to press to finish the process?



What other vital student information can be found under the “Campus Tools” app that might be useful for a teacher?

Attendance and Behavior


If you need additional help and resources to learn more about Infinite Campus, what app switch tool can you use?



What are the steps to create a Blank spreadsheet roster for field trips or substitute teachers?

Must be in “Instruction app” > click on “Reports” > click on “Blank Spreadsheet” > Select Context: Term and section > Make your edits: Title, Number of Columns, Row Height, Orientation, Styling Options > Generate PDF.


When weighing categories in the grade book, what sum must the weight of all listed categories equal?



How do you switch from the “Campus Tools” app back to the “Instruction” or “Community” apps?

The 9-dot grid (“waffle”) located in the upper right corner.