Define infinitive phrase
Define Participle
A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective.
True or False: most infinitives begin with "to"
How many weeks are in a year?
What is the infinitive phrase: She always wants to be sure.
to be sure
what is the participial phrase: Done with his tricks and stunts, the clown accepted everyone's applause.
Done with his tricks and stunts
What is the participle: The crowd remained standing.
Define infinitive
A verb form that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb
What is the smallest prime number?
What is the infinitive phrase: This would be a perfect time to start a club.
to start a club
What is the participial phrase: Charcoal grills glowing with embers dotted the park.
glowing with embers
What is the participle: A shining star is beautiful.
to paint
What is the most popular pet in the US?
What is the infinitive phrase: We gathered in the park to clean up the Fourth of July picnic.
to clean up the Fourth of July picnic
What is the participial phrase: Giving us a copy of the report, Jim began his speech.
Giving us a copy of the report
What is the participle: Beneath the porch, the cat hid from the pouring rain.
What is the infinitive: It is easy to find.
to find
Who was the youngest president of the United States?
Theodore Roosevelt. He became president at age 42.
What is the infinitive phrase: We need a ramp to get the wheelchairs into the auditorium.
What is the participial phrase: Mr. Smith, being a tall man, was not comfortable in a small car.
being a tall man
What is the participle: Honored, she accepted the award.
Is the infinitive a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb: She's the swimmer to watch.
Adjective (the infinitive to watch modifies the noun swimmer)
What year was the first iPod released?