1st line of defense is also known as
Innate Resistance
Inflammatory Response
Three components of the inflammatory response that the complement system can activate
Opsonization, chemotactic factor release, histamine release
Interleukin that is pro-inflammatory
4 examples/ types of granulocytes
Three types of barriers in the first line of defense and an example of each
Physical barriers (skin), biochemical barriers (antimicrobial peptides), mechanical barriers (sloughing off of cells in GI tract)
Local manifestations of the inflammatory response
Vasodilation, increased vascular permeability, emigration of cells, thrombosis, pain
Definition of opsonization
Type of cytokine that protects against viral infections
Histamine binds this receptor and causes this response
H1 receptor, inflammation, increased vascular permeability, bronchial constriction
Features of the skin that make it inhospitable to bacterial growth
Skin acidity, cold temperatures
Classic Symptoms of vascular response
Pain, redness, heat, swelling
Clotting system lays down this to create a framework for repair and to prevent the spread of infection
Fibrin/ fibrinous meshwork
Cytokine that acts as an "endogenous pyrogen" and how it works
Tumor necrosis factor, kills bacteria by increasing body heat
The directional movement of cells along a chemical gradient
Some examples of biochemical barriers
Saliva, tears, earwax, sweat, sebum
Four examples of chemical mediators of the inflammatory response
Complement system, clotting system, kinin system, cytokines
Primary kinin and what it causes
Bradykinin, dilation of blood vessels and pain
One molecule may have varied effects depending on the target cell it activates
Pleiotropic nature of cytokines
4 types of mast cell synthesis products
Leukotrienes, prostaglandins, cytokines, platelet activation factor
Prolonged antibiotic treatment can kill normal gut flora and lead to opportunistic pathogen growth (an infection called _____)
Clostridium difficil
Complement system destroys invading bacteria by
Cell lysis, activating other components of the inflammatory response
The "growth factor of the immune system" and three examples
Cytokines- interleukins, interferons, tumor necrosis factor alpha
Cells with enzymes containing granules
Type of drug that inhibits prostaglandin production
NSAIDs-- lower inflammatory response