Cirrhosis Interventions
General Nursing Care
Appendicitis Interventions
Gallbladder Disease
Pancreatitis Interventions

Tis intervention involves monitoring the patient's mental status for early signs of hepatic encephalopathy?

What is neurological assessment?


This type of diet is recommended for patients with pancreatitis during recovery to prevent exacerbation of symptoms?

What is a low-fat diet?


This nursing intervention involves keeping the patient NPO in preparation for surgery.

What is maintaining NPO status?


The gallbladder stores and concentrates this digestive fluid that helps break down fats in the small intestine.

What is bile?


Pancreatitis patients are kept on this status to reduce pancreatic stimulation and enzyme secretion.

What is NPO (nothing by mouth)?


To prevent fluid overload in a patient with cirrhosis, nurses often administer this type of medication?

What are diuretics?


This medication is given to cirrhosis patients to reduce the risk of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?

What are prophylactic antibiotics?


This type of assessment is crucial for detecting worsening appendicitis symptoms, including rebound tenderness and guarding.

What is abdominal assessment?


This imaging modality is commonly used to detect gallstones and assess the gallbladder.

What is an ultrasound?


This is the preferred positioning for a patient with pancreatitis to help alleviate pain? 

What is fetal position?


This dietary modification is essential for patients with severe ascites due to cirrhosis.

What is a sodium restricted diet?


Monitoring this vital sign is essential in all three conditions to detect early signs of shock or sepsis.

What is blood pressure?


Applying this to the abdomen should be avoided in patients with appendicitis due to risk of rupture.

What is heat?


This physical exam finding, characterized by pain upon palpation of the right upper quadrant during deep inhalation, is indicative of cholecystitis.

What is Murphy's sign?


These fluids are administered intravenously to maintain hydration and prevent hypovolemia in pancreatitis patients.

What are isotonic fluids? (normal saline, lactated ringer's)


Administering this medication helps reduce ammonia levels in cirrhosis to prevent hepatic encephalopathy?

What is lactulose?


This procedure may be performed in cirrhosis patients to remove ascitic fluid and reduce abdominal pressure.

What is a paracentesis?


This surgical procedure is the definitive treatment for appendicitis.

What is an appendectomy?


This non-surgical treatment involves using sound waves to break up gallstones in the gallbladder.

What is lithotripsy?


Monitoring this laboratory value is crucial for detecting pancreatitis-related hyperglycemia.

What is blood glucose?


In cirrhosis, this complication requires the monitoring of signs such as hematemesis and melena.

What is gastrointestinal bleeding?


Educating patients to avoid this substance is crucial in managing both cirrhosis and pancreatitis. 

What is alcohol?


This serious complication of appendicitis involves the release of contents into the abdominal cavity.

What is perforation or peritonitis?


This endoscopic procedure is used to remove stones from the common bile duct and relieve biliary obstruction.

What is ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)?


this condition, marked by severe respiraotry distress, is a potential complication of pancreatitis.

What is acute respiratory distress syndrome? (ARDS)