Trigger Features
Contrast Principle
Animal Mimics
Weapon of Influence
Dr. Robert Cialdini

With proper execution, exploiters of trigger features need hardly straing a muscle to get their way -- which is analogous to this martial-art form. 

What is jujitsu?


This is the bad thing that truly had happened to Sharon, the college coed (who wrote her parents a letter).

What is flunking Chemistry and getting D in American History?


This animal mimics a blinking courtshop code that indicates they are "ready to mate."

What is a Photuris firefly?


To use this weapon of influence, give customers a gift so they feel like they owe you...

What is reciprocation?


Cialdini is the Regents' Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at this university, whose colors are maroon and gold.

What is Arizona State University?


It's the sound that serves as the trigger feature for a turkey not to attack the stuffed pole cat.

What is "cheep-cheep"?

This is the kind of house Phil the real estate agent first showed clients.

What is a dumpy, set-up house that's purposefully overpriced?


This is the type of fish that gets tricked by the saber-toothed blenny, who pretends to be a cleaner fish.

What is a grouper?


To use this weapon of influence, doctors should prominently display their diploma on their office wall.

What is authority?


It's the trigger feature that caused the torquoise jewelry to suddenly sell out -- after it had gone for weeks without selling.

What is doubling the price?


The cause of amused bewilderment after sticking both hands into a pale of lukewarm water.

What is having one hand feel like it's in cold water and the other hand feel like it's in hot water -- even though both hands are in the same pale of water.


Alligator snapping turtles rest on the bottom of a lake and capture fish by wiggling their tongue to make it look like this. 

What is a worm?


This weapon of influence is being used here.

What is scarcity?


It's the one-word that serves as the trigger feature given that people are much more likely to let you cut in line (at the photocopy machine) when you use it

What is "because"?


The $95 dollar sweater does not seem nearly as expensive to customers who did this.

What is first bought an expensive (~$500) suit?


Young copperhead snakes catch and eat frogs by wiggling their yellow tails to make it look like this.


What is a caterpillar?


This weapon of influence is being used here.

What is social proof?


It's the trigger feature that causes a male robin to attack a rival male robin that has entered his territory.

What are red-breast feathers?


Male college-dormitory residents rated the photo of a potential blind date as being less attractive after watching this TV series (HINT: the TV show is from the late 1970s, but it's been re-made as a movie just a couple years ago).

What is Charlie's Angels?


The zone-tailed hawk catches prey by mimicing this scavenger bird.

What is a turkey vulture?


To use this weapon of influence, find small things to persuade people to do, then move on to larger things from there

What is commitment and consistency?