American Women
Women of Color
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Comp Sci

Who was the mathematician and aerospace technologist whose calculations were instrumental in the successful orbit of Friendship-7?

Katherine Johnson 


She became the first Hispanic woman to fly to space on her 9-day mission on the shuttle Discovery. She has since been to space 4 times and became the second female director of NASA's Johnson Space Center. 

a) Sabrina Gonzalez Paterski

b) Dr. Ellen Ochoa 

c) Gabriela Farfan

d) Lucía Gallardo

Dr. Ellen Ochoa


Susan Soloman helped discover the cause of the Antarctic Ozone hole:chlorofluorocarbon free radical reaction mechanism. What 1999 award did she win?

a) William Bowie Medal

b) BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award

c) National Medal of Science

d) Vetlesen Prize

National Medal of Science


Susan LaFlesche Picotte became the first Native American woman to earn a medical degree, graduating top of her class, in what year?

a) 1858

b) 1907

c) 1935

d) 1889

d) 1889


First computer programmer

Ada Lovelace


This woman was a naval admiral before designing a standardized system of computer language for the Navy. She also helped create the first commercial computer. 

a) Mollie Orshansky

b) Grace Hopper

c) Rachel Carson

d) Hedy Lamarr 

Grace Hopper


Dr. Wangari Muta Maathai was the first female professor in Kenya and the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace prize. Her ongoing Green Belt Movement led to the planting of how many trees in Kenya?

a) 32 million

b) 1.5 million

c) 112 million 

d) 51 million 

51 million


In 2014 Maryam Mirzakhani became the first woman to win what prestigious mathematics award?

Fields Medal



Gerty Theresa Cori became the first woman to win what award for the Cori System which explains how glucose is metabolized.

Nobel Prize in Science (1947)


Sister Mary Kenneth Keller became the first woman to earn a PhD in computer science in what year? 

a) 1947

b) 1987

c) 1965

d) 1953

c) 1965

Keller also helped develop the BASIC programming language.


Who was the first woman to receive a medical degree in America? 

a) Lillian Gilbreth

b) Ruth Rogan Benerito 

c) Elizabeth Blackwell

d) Edith Clarke 

c) Elizabeth Blackwell 

She went on to open a medical college for women in 1867!


Elizabeth Anionwu helped create the first UK centers for what condition?

a) Sickle Cell

b) Leukemia 

c) Lymphoma 

d) Myeloma 

Sickle Cell


Regina Agyare founded the organization Soronko Solutions, which applies technology to promote social development. What is a major project of the company?

a) Developing technology for the visually impaired 

b) Providing remote areas of Ghana with access to technology 

c) Developing apps that help make communication more accessible for deaf people

d) Provide a fund for girls interested in STEM

c) Developing apps that help make communication more accessible for deaf people

The use of sign language in Ghana is very limited. 


Mary Putnam Jacobi won Harvard’s prestigious Boylston Prize for her paper, published in the late 19th century, debunking myths surrounding what? 

a) Post-Partum Depression 

b) Menstruation 

c) Dementia 

b) Menstruation


Joy Buolamwini is on the Global Tech Panel, advising governments around the world on what? 

Use of AI
A biologist who wrote about environmental pollution. Her most famous and influential book was Silent Spring (1962).

Rachel Carson


Who created the GPS system?

 Dr. Gladys West


Anne-Marie Imafidon, founder of the Stemettes which promote female participation in STEM, became the youngest graduate of Princeton Master's at what age?

a) 14

b) 16

c) 10 

d) 19

d) 19


Virginia Apgar developed the Apgar scale, which determines what?

a) Heart Health 

b) Oxygen levels

c) Safe Anesthesia Levels

d) Infant Heath 

d) Infant Health 


Margaret Hamilton wrote code for what NASA mission? 

Apollo 11

First American woman in space.

Sally Ride 


Mary G Ross was the first Native American woman to do what 

a) Become an engineering 

b) Earn a medical degree

c) Become a professor 

d) Go to space 

a) Become an engineer 

Mary G. Ross was an aerospace engineer, notably working on the Polaris missile. 


Alba Colon is the lead engineer of what company? 


b) Sony 

c) Ford

d) Microsoft 


She is the lead engineer of the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series for Team Chevrolet, her work leading to 160 wins.


Dr. Patricia Goldman-Rakic's mapping of what area of the brain is the foundation for understanding of Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia.

Prefrontal Cortex 


Jeannette Wing's work is credited for influencing K-12 schools and colleges worldwide to incorporate what into their curricula.

computational theory