'Central'ize your Mind
(RI 8.1/RI 8.2)
It all has to mean something... (RI 8.3/RI 8.4)
Finding Perspective in the Structure (RI8.5-RI8.6)
Find me the Evidence!
(RI 8.1/RI 8.8)
The book was better...
(RI 8.7)

Astronauts cautiously opened the newly installed solar wings on the space station after replacing a bolt that had been put in the wrong way.
     A highlight of the mission, the long, careful process of unfurling the panels began the morning after the repair was made. The solar panels, which look like the glistening wings of a dragonfly, provide electric power for the space station.

Which of the following can be inferred from this passage?

A. The brain stem is in the middle of the human brain.

 B. The brain stem is crucial to life for human beings.

 C. The arteries of the brain stem are often blocked.

 D. The brain stem provides blood to the whole brain.

B: Because the brain stem controls breathing and heart rate, which human beings need to stay alive, it is crucial for life.


   The riverboat Columbia Queen takes passengers on an almost-1,000-mile journey along the route taken by explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in the early 1800s. Along the way, the boat makes stops where passengers can disembark and see wildlife and artifacts onshore.

What is the meaning of disembark as it is used in this paragraph?

 A. to take photographs
 B. to go ashore from a ship
 C. to buy a ticket
 D. to meet new people

B: Passengers on a ship must go ashore to see things on the shore. The keyword is onshore. To get a good look at something onshore, the passengers would have to leave the ship.


What structural form would be best suited for writing directions for constructing a functional helium balloon?



Which type of supporting evidence would best convince readers that a neighborhood needs a fire station?

 A. personal testimonies from neighborhood residents who do not like noise pollution
 B. personal testimonies from officers on how neighborhood crime has decreased
 C. data on the large number of neighborhood houses that burned down last year
 D. data on how many fire hydrants are located throughout the neighborhood

C: Readers who are considering whether to support the building of a new fire station would benefit from knowing how effective the city has been at putting out fires in the neighborhood. Data on the large number of neighborhood houses that burned down last year would provide the reader this information. The other answer choices do not directly support the argument.


Which form of media would be LEAST effective in giving a vivid depiction of the aftermath of a deadly tornado?

 A. newspaper
 B. radio
 C. television
 D. magazine

Television, newspapers, and magazines are well suited to depict the aftermath of a tornado because they can show pictures. Radio can be used to verbally describe a scene, but often a picture can be much more descriptive than words.


Shuttle Endeavour will thunder into orbit this week with an American flag on its right wing. The ship will carry its most international crew ever launched. The spaceship is headed for the International Space Station. Four Americans are on board, along with Russian, Canadian, and Italian astronauts. This multinational crew will be symbolic of those who will work and live on the growing outpost. The station is a joint project of 16 nations on four continents.

This paragraph is mainly about

 A. the cultural crew aboard the space shuttle.
 B. the brand new International Space Station.
 C. the Russian aboard the American space shuttle.
 D. the American flag on the space shuttle's wing.

A: This paragraph tells you about the "multinational" or diverse crew that will be launching into orbit on the Shuttle Endeavour, including astronauts from Russia, Canada, Italy, and America.


Hank Aaron was an American baseball player nicknamed Hammerin' Hank. His nickname came from the 755 home runs he hit that broke the all-time record previously held by Babe Ruth. Aaron was noted for his remarkable consistency. Although he led the league in home runs only four times, he hit 30 or more homeruns in a season 15 times. During his 23-year career, the right-handed slugger set more than ten major league records, including most home runs, runs batted in (RBIs), extra-base hits, and total bases.

     On April 8, 1974, Hammerin' Hank hit his 715th home run over the left field wall in Atlanta's Fulton County Stadium, taking sole possession of the career home run record. In 1975, he broke Ruth's career RBI record. When Aaron retired after the 1976 season, he held many career records, including most home runs (755), runs batted in (2297), total bases (6856), extra-base hits (1477), and times at bat (12,364). Any list of baseball's greatest players will have Hank Aaron near the top.

adapted from Microsoft Encarta

Which of the following relationships is most similar to the relationship below?

Hank Aaron : baseball

 A. Yankees : Braves

 B. Michael Jordan : basketball

 C. Ludwig von Beethoven : classical

 D. President : George Bush

Hank Aaron is famous because he set many records playing baseball. Michael Jordan is famous because he set many records playing basketball. You might recognize Beethoven as being famous, but his fame came from his musical compositions. To say that he was famous for his "classical" does not make sense. Also, you might think that George Bush is famous for being president of the United States, but that analogy is presented in the wrong order.


Have you ever wondered who writes the Nancy Drew mysteries? Many fans of the series may be surprised to learn that there is no Carolyn Keene. Carolyn Keene is a pseudonym created by the series' father, Ed Stratemeyer, and it is shared by an unknown number of ghost writers. The first "Keene" was Mildred Wirt Benson, who fleshed out the outline Stratemeyer had developed for the titian-haired detective. Writing one book about every six weeks, Benson is credited with a majority of the first 30 Nancy Drew mysteries.

What is the definition of pseudonym as it is used in this paragraph?

 A. a female author
 B. a character in a book
 C. a mystery novel
 D. a made-up name

Look at the context clues. The paragraph says, "Carolyn Keene is a pseudonym created by the series' father, Ed Stratemeyer, and it is shared by an unknown number of ghost writers." This tells the reader that Carolyn Keene is an example of a pseudonym, that a pseudonym is created, and that a pseudonym can be shared by ghost writers. A pseudonym is "a made-up name."


When developing an argument, it's helpful to think about what the opposition might think. What might be an opposing argument for the following thesis?

Residential recycling should be required by law.

 A. People won't recycle unless there's a law.
 B. Such a law would violate personal rights.
 C. The government should ban recycling.
 D. Recycling reduces the waste in landfills.

B: Any law could be interpreted as a violation of personal rights and freedoms, so some people might view a recycling law the same way: They should have the right not to recycle. Two answer options argue in favor of the law, not opposition to it, and no one is likely to want to ban recycling.


From which media source are you most likely to find accurate information on a candidate for public office?

 A. a book on the history of democracy
 B. a radio advertisement for the candidate
 C. an Internet message board
 D. a televised candidate debate

A televised debate gives you the opportunity to hear directly from the candidates in an environment controlled by a moderator.

A radio advertisement and an Internet message board are media sources that are likely to contain biased and possibly misleading information.

A book on the history of democracy would not contain any information on a specific, current candidate.


 Walking is just about the perfect type of exercise. It boosts both your heart rate and your spirits: A brisk walk gets the blood flowing, so those mental cobwebs disappear. If you are depressed when you start, you won’t be when you finish, that’s for sure. Walking also burns calories – I lost 15 pounds! If you walk in your neighborhood, you have the chance to meet your neighbors. It doesn’t take any special equipment, so you can do it wherever you are. You can even walk in place if space is limited.

Which of the following can the reader infer from this paragraph?

 A. The author is a postal worker.
 B. The author doesn't have friends.
 C. The author is severely overweight.
 D. The author walks for exercise.

D: Because the writer points out the many benefits of walking and says "I lost 15 pounds," the reader can infer that he or she walks for exercise. The other answer choices may be true, but there is not enough evidence to infer that. Remember, all inferences must be supported by the text! 


from "Third Inaugural Address of Franklin Roosevelt" 

Monday, January 20, 1941

     A nation, like a person, has a body—a body that must be fed and clothed and housed, invigorated1 and rested, in a manner that measures up to the objectives of our time.

     A nation, like a person, has a mind—a mind that must be kept informed and alert, that must know itself, that understands the hopes and the needs of its neighbors—all the other nations that live within the narrowing circle of the world.

1. to give life

Why does Roosevelt use a simile in the first paragraph?

 A. to show that a nation and its people must be taken care of so that the nation can achieve its goals
 B. to show that a nation and its people must be protected from external enemies and threats
 C. to show that a nation and its people must have equal opportunities of housing and shelter
 D. to show that a nation and its people should never face hunger in order to avoid the spread of diseases

Consider the needs of a human body. For a human to reach his or her potential and succeed, his or her physical needs including having access to food, housing, adequate rest, and refreshment should be fulfilled. Similarly, Roosevelt feels that a nation and its people must be taken care of so that the nation can achieve its goals.


 Mammals share three common characteristics. Mammals have hair for fur. Also, unlike reptiles, mammals are warm-blooded, which means that their body temperatures do not change to match the temperature of their surroundings. Finally, in the early part of their lives, mammals feed off of milk that their mothers produce.

What type of context clue is used to help you define the word characteristics?

 A. antonym
 B. explanation
 C. example
 D. synonym

C: In the passage, it gives 3 types of traits or characteristics that mammals share. By giving examples, the passage helps you to understand what the word characteristics means. 


Researchers at Wake Forest University found that in periods of high emotional strain, like before major exams, students were 23 percent more likely to experience acne breakouts.
Which thesis statement does the evidence above best support?

 A. Stress is one of the many causes of acne.
 B. Students should study hard for major exams.
 C. People experience the most stress in college.
 D. Teenagers with acne are often depressed.

The piece of supporting evidence says that students are more likely to get acne in times of stress, such as before major exams. The evidence would best support the thesis, "Stress is one of the many causes of acne." The other answer options are not correct because the evidence does not mention college, studying, or depression.



     I just wanted to let you know that Sally and I will be having lunch at Izzy's today at 1:00. You are welcome to join us.


What was Ted's purpose in writing this note to Jim?

 A. Ted was trying to inform Jim about a lunch outing.
 B. Ted was trying to persuade Jim to join him for lunch.
 C. Ted was trying to entertain Jim with a story about lunch.
 D. Ted was trying to criticize Jim for not going to lunch.

In this note, Ted is simply informing Jim that he is welcome to join the lunch outing. Ted is not trying to persuade, entertain, or criticize Jim.


 Sixteen-year-old children do not know what they are doing when they are behind the wheel of an automobile. I don't mind if they drive with a parent in the car, but they shouldn't drive by themselves, and they certainly shouldn't be driving with their friends in the car. They have no attention span, and because of that, they do not have the ability to concentrate in the way that a person who is driving a car needs to concentrate. A person cannot safely operate a vehicle if, like 16-year-old children, he or she is distracted by passing cars, billboards, or the radio. Don't even get me started on cell phones. I cannot count the number of kids who look and drive like they are fresh out of driver's education I've seen barreling down a crowded highway while talking on their cell phones. Who is going to stop these children from making our roads more dangerous? I think the government should. I think it should pass a law that makes it so that children cannot get their driver's licenses until they are 18 years old.

Which of these is most likely true about the author of the passage?

 A. He or she is a parent of a 16-year-old.
 B. He or she is a police officer.
 C. He or she does not like children.
 D. He or she is over 16 years old.

C: The fact that the author writes so much about his or her mother's rules and her attitude toward rules in general gives the reader enough evidence to infer that she was a strict mother. Some of the wrong answers may be true, but the passage doesn't offer the reader sufficient evidence to make such inferences. 


The Constitution grants power to the President of the United States to veto a bill if he or she thinks the bill is not up to the required standard. In order to prevent the bill from being disapproved by the President, the content of the bill goes through various changes before it is presented to the President.
What do the words veto and disapprove mean in the sentences?

 A. Veto means "to decrease," and disapprove means "to greatly reduce."
 B. Veto means "to refine," and disapprove means "to slightly filter out."
 C. Veto means "to reject," and disapprove means "to object to."
 D. Veto means "to throw," and disapprove means "to mildly toss out."

C: Despite their similar literal meanings, veto and disapprove have different connotations. In this context, "veto" indicates "to turn down or reject something," whereas "disapprove" has a more negative connotation and indicates "to object to" something.


Serious about Saving Bees
adapted from the US Department of Agriculture

     Pollinators are a vital part of agricultural production. In the United States, more than one-third of all crop production—90 crops ranging from nuts to berries to flowering vegetables—requires insect pollination. Managed honey bee colonies are our primary pollinators, adding at least $15 billion a year by increasing yields and helping to ensure superior-quality harvests.

     Beehives are man-made structures built to house bee colonies. In addition to producing honey, beehives serve other purposes including repopulating areas that have experienced a decline in bee colonies. Bee nests are naturally occurring bee colonies usually found in protected natural environments, like the hollow of a tree, or under roofs or in corners of buildings.

     Over the years, beekeepers have been steadily losing colonies. The number of honey beehives in this country has decreased from 6 million in the 1940s to about 2.5 million today. There are some helpful steps that people can take in their own communities. One option is to consider setting up hives where possible, or at least to plant bee-friendly flowers and flowering herbs in gardens and yards. However, there is a need for research to better understand how bee colonies work and how the number of bee colonies can be increased.

What other form of media would bset support the idea in that passage that people need to take steps to protect bees?

 A. A chart comparing the difference between beehives and beenests.
 B. A map showing where bee nests and beehives are most common.
 C. A graphic showing the process of how beehives are constructed.
 D. A line graph showing the decline of bee colonies since 1940.

d: The passage focuses on the idea that bees are an essential part of crop production. A decline in bee population impacts pollination, and bee keepers have been losing colonies for many decades. Therefore, another medium that would support the idea from the passage that people need to take steps to protect bees is "A line graph showing the decline of bee colonies since 1940."


Wednesday, March 1, 2000

Proposition 26 will improve California's public schools

     California is one of only four states where you need more than just a majority of voters to approve a bond issue to build new schools. Not coincidentally, California ranks 49th out of 50 states in terms of classroom crowding. Most of our schools are 30 years or older.
     Proposition 26 would allow school construction bonds to pass with a majority vote instead of the current two-thirds requirement.
     A majority vote is only fair. Currently, every "no" vote counts twice as much as every "yes" vote.
     Of course it's easy to argue for Proposition 26 in Palo Alto, where voters understand the importance of a good education. Here, voters have been generous to the school system over the years, and bond measures have passed with far more than the two-thirds vote necessary.
     But that's not true elsewhere in California, especially where schools fall well below national standards. We're not saying that school spending means higher test scores, but it's hard for students to learn in crowded, cold or crumbling classrooms. And these students are the workforce of tomorrow we're talking about, which is why many employers in the Silicon Valley are backing Proposition 26.
    (6) Opponents say that if we go to a majority vote, seniors who own homes but are on fixed incomes will be outvoted by non-property owners who don't care how high property taxes go.
     But the number of seniors is increasing, and they're already casting the votes that decide many elections because younger people aren't registering to vote.
     And we think seniors understand that better schools mean a better educated workforce.
     Proposition 26 levels the playing field for school bond issues. It will mean that every "yes" vote will count as much as every "no" vote. And it will give schools, particularly in poor or impoverished communities, a chance to make needed improvements.
     Vote "yes" on Proposition 26.

In paragraph 6, why does the writer bring up the opponents' argument?

 A. Because only senior citizens read the PALO ALTO DAILY NEWS
 B. So the writer can dispute the opponents' argument in paragraph 7
 C. Because the writer is a senior citizen
 D. Because the writer has changed his or her mind

B: t is always important to be aware of your opponents' opinions, so you can give logical points to dispute the argument. Your argument is stronger if you can find ways to prove your opponent wrong even before your opponent begins to argue!


 Aquaculture is a type of farming. It's the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of plants and animals in the water for any commercial, recreation, or conservation purpose.
     Researchers and aquaculture producers grow both freshwater and saltwater species. Aquaculture includes seafood production from hatchery fish and shellfish grown to market size in cages, ponds, and tanks. Many farmed fish and shellfish begin life in a hatchery (where fish eggs are hatched and young fish are raised), and farmers transfer them to ocean cages or net pens as they grow.
     Popular marine aquaculture species include: oysters, clams, mussels, shrimp, and salmon. Seafood farmers also produce lesser amounts of cod, moi, yellowtail, barramundi, seabass, seabream and seaweed.
     In another form of aquaculture known as stock restoration, experts grow fish and shellfish in a hatchery before releasing them to rebuild wild populations or coastal habitats, such as oyster reefs. Aquaculture also includes production of ornamental fish for the aquarium trade, as well as growing plant species used in a range of food, bio-fuels, pharmaceutical, nutritional, and biotechnology products.
     Even if Americans consumed all of what we catch and grow, the U.S. would not be able to meet the current domestic demand for seafood. And, this demand is only going to rise as our population continues to grow.
     Here's the good news: Aquaculture is already an important driver in some United States economies. We can grow a lot of seafood in a small amount of space. New and expanded seafood farming operations in an area the size of Washington D.C could produce an additional $6 billion of seafood.
     In addition to reducing how much seafood we bring into the country, these farms could generate tens of thousands of new jobs on America's waterfronts. From employing off-season fishermen to installing new ice houses and processors, growing domestic aquaculture can play a critical role in providing economic stability to our fishing communities.

What other form of media would best support the content?

 A. a pie chart showing the types of fish that are imported rather than harvested through aquaculture
 B. a timeline of the history of aquaculture and milestones in farming fish and shellfish
 C. a graph comparing how much seafood comes from the ocean and how much is produced by farms
 D. a map of the world showing where the largest aquaculture farms are located


C: The passage explains that aquaculture could help the United States produce more fish and shellfish. To understand how aquaculture could impact the amount of fish and shellfish, it would be appropriate to find a graph that compares the production levels of fish that are farmed and those that are caught. Therefore, the correct answer is "a graph comparing how much seafood comes from the ocean and how much is produced by farms." 


The most primitive time-measuring device was a pole planted upright in a sunny place that would cast a shadow on the ground. The position of that shadow marked time. Another ancient invention for measuring time was the water-clock. These primitive techniques were used for hundreds of years before modern clocks were invented.
     It is impossible to establish by whom, when, or where clocks were invented, but it is fairly clear that in AD 1000, a monk named Gerbert made a clock for the German city of Magdeburg. Clocks may have been made before this, but there is no evidence to establish this fact. Unlike modern clocks, the first clocks invented were large and stationary.
     Later, the bulky, stationary clocks were replaced by more portable ones. Portable clocks appeared around the beginning of the 14th century, though the inventor and the exact time or place of invention of these portable clocks is unknown. The invention of portable clocks marks an era in the development of the clock. However, the introduction of the pendulum was the greatest event in clock development. This invention has been credited to Huygens, a Dutch philosopher, who not only discovered the pendulum but also put it to use in 1657.
     The modern watch is a developed type of the clock. The earlier clocks had originally only one hand, which indicated the hour. Minute and second hands were added later. Within recent years, clocks operated with electricity have been invented. With the beginning of clock and watch manufacture by machinery, the cost has been so reduced that practically anyone may own an accurate time-piece. The United States is one of the foremost countries of the world in the manufacture and sale of clocks as well as watches. 

Which paragraph best summarizes the passage?

 A. Ancient techniques such as shadows cast by upright objects or water clocks were first used to measure time. In AD 1000, a monk named Gerbert made a clock for the city of Magdeburg. This was followed by the discovery and use of the pendulum by Huygens. Many improvements were made to the earlier types of clocks, which were large and stationary. Thanks to the use of machinery, modern-day watches are handy, accurate, and inexpensive.

 B. After the invention of the first bulky and stationary clocks in 1000 AD, the use of the pendulum was introduced by Huygens in the year 1657. After this invention, the minute and second hands were added to create modern-day clocks. Soon, clocks as well as watches that functioned on electricity were developed. These watches were not only small and accurate, but also inexpensive.

 C. The first clock was invented by a monk named Gerbert in a German town in AD 1000.This first clock was bulky and required many improvements. In the year 1657, the Dutch philosopher Huygens introduced the use of the pendulum in clocks. Several modifications were made after the introduction of the pendulum. Today, the United States is a leading manufacturer and seller of clocks and watches.

 D. Shadows cast by poles and water clocks were initially used to measure time. As they were inaccurate, there was a need for better clocks to be created. The first modern clock was made in a town named Magdeburg in Germany in AD 1000. These clocks were bulky and stationary. Since then, various improvements have been made to clocks. The invention of the pendulum completely changed how clocks worked.

A: A summary is a shorter way of writing a passage. It includes only the most important ideas from a passage. The important ideas are (1) ancient techniques such as shadows cast by poles and water clocks were initially used to measure time, (2) in 1000 AD, a monk named Gerbert made a clock for the city of Magdeburg, (3) this was followed by the discovery and use of the pendulum by Huygens, (4) many improvements were made to the earlier types of clocks, which were large and stationary, and (5) thanks to the use of machinery, modern day watches are handy, accurate, and inexpensive.


   The brain is a large and extremely complex organ. Different parts of the brain perform different functions. Scientists believe that different parts of the brain developed at different points in human history. One important section of the brain, the brain stem, controls some of the body's most important functions. For instance, the brain stem controls breathing, heart rate, swallowing, and some aspects of speech. Because the brain stem is in charge of such important functions, scientists think it was one of the first parts of the brain to evolve. The brain stem is located at the base of the brain, at the top of the spinal cord. It is made up of three parts: the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla. Six different arteries bring blood to the brain stem. If any of these arteries becomes blocked, a stroke or other life-threatening problem is possible.

Select the correct location on the image.

Read the following sentence from the passage.

Different parts of the brain perform different functions.

Select the correct definition of functions based on the context.

1. a public or social gathering to celebrate

2. a factor related to or dependent upon other factors
3.the purpose for which something is designed or exists
4. the contribution made by culture on a social system.

3. The use of functions in the passage describes the many purposes of the brain and how it specifically controls the human body. Therefore, the correct definition based on the context in the sentence is "the purpose for which something is designed or exists."


How would a newspaper report and a TV report likely differ in their coverage of the Super Bowl?

 A. The newspaper report is more detailed and accurate because it is printed.
 B. The TV report is more thorough because it takes longer to produce.
 C. The TV report relies more on pictures to describe while the newspaper report relies more on words.
 D. The TV report is biased because there is commentary with the pictures.

C: Although newspapers do print photographs, they cannot match TV when it comes to showing visual images. Newspaper articles often contain many descriptive words that "paint a picture" of an event so that the reader can understand what happened without seeing pictures.


Give Praise for Hard Work, Not Intelligence

     Americans want to know what is wrong with the U.S. education system. American children consistently score lower on tests than students from many other countries. One possible reason for this failing is that Americans put too much emphasis on intelligence. American students are taught that if a person is intelligent, he or she does not have to work hard to succeed.
     Psychologists Claudia Mueller and Carol Dweck have performed studies to determine the effects of praise. In one study, a group of fifth graders were given a challenging test. After they took the test, some of the children were praised for being intelligent. The other children were praised for working hard. The children were then given a choice. They could take another challenging test, or they could take an easy test. The majority of the students who were praised for being "intelligent" chose to take the easy test. Conversely, the majority of the students who were praised for being "hardworking" chose to take the more challenging test.
     Personal accounts from teachers also support the idea that praising students for their intelligence does not encourage success. Some teachers reported that students tried to conceal how hard they worked and how much time they spent studying. According to the teachers, the students did not want to be seen as unintelligent for putting too much effort into their schoolwork.
     These findings show that when adults praise children too much for being smart, the children receive the wrong message. The children mistakenly believe that schoolwork should be easy for smart kids. Another effect is that students who believe they are smart will not try as hard. The best way to solve these problems is to put the focus back on hard work.

Select ALL the correct answers.Which two statements best explain the author's purpose for writing the passage?

A: to show that intelligent students learn differently than hardworking students

B: to prove that Americans have much to learn from students in other countries

C: to encourage praise for students' effort in order to promote academic success

D: to offer a reason for the poor performance of American students in school

E: to highlight the embarrassment felt by students who put forth a lot of effort

C & D- In the passage, the author explains that praising students for intelligence rather than hard work discourages students from trying hard to succeed, resulting in low performance rates at American schools. Therefore, the correct answers that best explain the author's purpose for writing the passage are "to offer a reason for the poor performance of American students in school" and "to encourage praise for students' effort in order to promote academic success."


What is the purpose of this political cartoon?

 A. to instruct the audience how to babysit their children using technology
 B. to convince the audience that television is important in the life of a child
 C. to persuade the audience that parents rely too much on television to babysit
 D. to encourage the audience to allow television to babysit their children

C: The purpose of political cartoons is to humor, entertain, and politically persuade. In this case, the author is making a point to persuade the reader that parents rely too much on television for monitoring or babysitting their children.