Text Features
Text Structures
Central Idea

Why would an author include a map in an article about New York City's subway system? 

To show the reader the subway routes and stops


What are some key words you might find in compare and contrast text structure?

both, same, different 


If you read an article and it asks for the central idea, what are you looking for?

the main thing the author was trying to say 


What might be inferred from the fact that insects are on own their own as soon as they are born?

They are able to survive on their own.


What is an informational (nonfiction) text?

Gives facts/true information


Why would an author include a timeline in an article about Drake?

To show his progression from an actor to a rapper over time


What are some key words you might find in a sequence of events text structure?

first, next, last


How is central idea different than theme?

Central idea is what the text is mainly about. Informational texts do not have a theme. A theme is what a character learns by the end of a story. 


What does the word "infer" mean?

to make an educated guess


What is Mrs. Lara's baby's name?



What would be an effective text feature to add to a textbook page with the title "How Your Brain Develops"?

a diagram of the brain


A text is describing what a giraffe looks like and its habitat. What is the text structure?



Most people think that gorillas are mean, but actually they are shy. It seems that such a huge animal with very large teeth would be aggressive. Hollywood movies help convey this image of the scary, ferocious gorilla. In fact, gorillas only attack if they are provoked.
This author belives that:

Gorillas are misunderstood. 

Mrs. Lara doesn't show up to work tomorrow. What is the most logical inference you could make?

She got sick, or she has a doctor's appointment. 


When is Mrs. Lara going to have the baby?

February or March


What would be an effective text feature to add to a newspaper article about a new restaurant coming to town?

a photo of food off of the menu with a caption 


A text is describing WWII and the events that led up to it. What is the text structure?

cause and effect


School uniforms are far cheaper than the currently popular fashions. Many students work long hours at a paying job instead of doing homework because they feel they have to "keep up appearances." If students wore uniforms, there would be no need for most of them to have jobs that take away from their study time.
Central idea?

School uniforms are a good idea.


Sam said he is going to fail the test next period. What can you infer Sam didn't do?



What was the last informational text we read in class?

the insect or football article 


Name 3 text features not yet mentioned in this category. Tell why ONE of them is important. 



A text is describing why kids don't like the school lunch and offers an alternative. What is the text structure?

problem and solution


It's no surprise that exercise increases energy. The physical challenge prepares your body in a variety of ways. Blood sugar is more quickly converted to fuel, more oxygen is supplied to your cells, and fight-or-flight hormones are released. Instead of leaving you exhausted, exercise energizes. Do it in the morning for an all-day high or later in the afternoon for a pick-me-up.
Central idea? 

Exercising increases your energy.


Amanda said a month ago that her family may get a puppy. Amanda got called out of class early yesterday and came back to school today eager to show the class a photo. What can you infer the photo is?

the puppy 


Which would you rather read- informational or literary text? Why?
