Text Features
Main Idea
Name That Structure
Where you look to find page numbers where different topics start.
What is table of contents?
It is often said that lightening never strikes twice in the same place, but this isn't true. Go ask forest rangers. Rangers who spend their summers as fire-fighters will tell you that every thundershower brings several bolts of lightning to their lookout stations. Name the main idea.
What is it is often said that lightening never strikes twice in the same place?

The girl missed recess because she didn't do her homework. Name the cause.

What is cause and effect

MaKayla wants to know what it would be like to be firefighter. Name a good resource for her to use. A. TV show about firefighters B. dictionary C. encyclopedia D. interview a firefighter
What is interview a firefighter?
The writing underneath a photograph that gives you more information about the picture.
What is a caption?
Costs were low this year and the output is high. There was a good person for each job and the market remained firm. There was no losses from the fire. All in all it was the best years in the history of the company. Name the main idea.
What is it was the best years in the history of the company?

Linux and Windows are both operating systems.  Computers use them to run programs.  Linux is totally free and open source, so users can improve or otherwise modify the source code.  Windows is proprietary, so it costs money to use and users are prohibited from altering the source code.

What is compare and contrast 
Sherita needed information about pollution in China and India. Where would she probably find the latest and most accurate information? A. a history book B. an almanac C. the Internet D. a travel agent
What is the internet?
Like a dictionary, usually found in the back of the book.
What is a glossary?
There are great numbers of deer around here. This whole area is great country for hunters and fisherman? There are bears, mountain lions and coyotes. To the east there are streams full of trout and there are ducks and geese. Name the main idea.
What is this whole area is great country for hunters and fishermen?

Thousands of people die each year in car accidents involving drugs or alcohol.  Lives could be saved if our town adopts a free public taxi service. By providing such a service, we could prevent intoxicated drivers from endangering themselves or others.

What is problem and solution 

Where could you find information about how clothing is made? A. an Internet article about fashion B. a newspaper article about sizes of clothing C. an Internet article about clothing prices D. a magazine article about making clothing
What is a magazine article about making clothing?
In the back of the book, shows you where different topics are located inside the text.
What is an index?
Advertising affects our lives everyday. Brand names are common household words. We start each day using toothpaste, soap and breakfast foods promoted by advertisers. Ads have made the cars we drive signs of our success. Our choices of food, dress, and entertainment are swayed by ads. Not one aspect of American life is untouched by advertising. Name the main idea.
What is not one aspect of American life is untouched by advertising?

Dr. Miller doesn’t want the tigers to vanish.  These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate.  Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people.  If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference.  Dr. Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers.  Our donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers.  We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.

What is problem and solution 

Mr. Smith has asked his class to do current event reports once a week. What would be the MOST reliable and updated source for this type of report? A. Mom's history book she used in school B. 1995 World Book Encyclopedia C. the world news report on television D. back issues of magazine in the library
What is the world news report on television?
When the size or type of "typing" looks different than the rest.
What is font changes?
Penicillin is one of the greatest wonder drugs. It has saved thousands of lives already and will save many more in the future. Unfortunately is has no effect at all on most of the ills of mankind. Penicillin is a very good drug, but it is certainly not a cure-all. Name the main idea.
What is penicillin is a very good drug, but it is certainly not a cure-all?

Before applying the screen protector, clean the surface of your phone’s screen with a soft cloth.  Once the surface of your screen is clean, remove the paper backing on the screen protector.  Evenly apply the sticky side of the screen protector to your phone’s screen.  Smooth out any air bubble trapped on between the protector and the phone screen.  Enjoy the added protectio

What is sequence?

Which of the following would support a presentation about how people catch colds? A. a video clip showing how the cold virus is spread B. an audio clip of someone who has a cold, talking C. a video clip of people standing in cold whether D. a PowerPoint of people who have colds
What is a video clip showing how the cold virus is spread?