Key Ideas
Author's Craft
Author's Structure
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Contrast is what keeps a room exciting, and art can play a big part in creating that excitement. So consider art from different eras to create a robust and compelling collection. In a traditional room, a piece of modern art can create a striking focal point, just like classic pieces can lend some tradition to more contemporary spaces. And when used together in the same room old and new pieces can complement each other in wonderful and unexpected ways. It can also be a lot of fun to mix colors and themes, so when choosing art don't get stuck in a rut—mix it up!
What can be inferred about choosing artwork, based on the author’s ideas? 

  1. If it is done right, it is going to be expensive.  

  2. Classic artwork is often difficult to find.  

  3. Older artwork is better than newer art work.  

  4.  Much thought should be given to particular art choices.  

4.  Much thought should be given to particular art choices.


(1) The liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a female tiger. (2) It is the largest of all the felids, with adults often standing taller and weighing more than both parent species. (3) Ligers exist only in captivity because the habitats of the parental species do not overlap in the wild. (4) Legends of ligers living in the wild are common around the world. (5) These myths are mostly propagated by liger breeders in the United States trying to justify their practices.  (6) Today the United States holds the largest number of ligers, around 30, followed by China with about 20, and South Korea, Germany, Russia and South Africa each have a few. (7) There probably exist less than 100 ligers worldwide.

Which sentence contains a negative detail concerning ligers?

Sentence 5:

(5) These myths are mostly propagated by liger breeders in the United States trying to justify their practices.


Miss Henry listened to Carley’s speech on climate change and said it was very articulate.  

What does “articulate” mean?

A.  clearly understood

B.  extremely informed

C.  difficult to hear

D.  quite popular

A.  clearly understood

Miss Henry listened to Carley’s speech on climate change and said it was very articulate (clearly understood).  


Sodium Hypochlorite is the active ingredient in chlorine bleach. It is found in household bleach and many other disinfectants. Sodium hypochlorite reacts with ammonia, drain cleaners, and other acids. Many household products state that they contain bleach on the label. Don't mix bleach with ammonia, acids, or other cleaners. Mixing bleach with common cleaning products can cause serious injuries. Be sure to always read the product label before using a cleaning product.

The main purpose of this excerpt is - 

  1. to warn people about the dangers of mixing bleach 

  2. to teach people how to clean with bleach

  3. to define the active ingredients found in bleach

  4.  to encourage people to thoroughly clean products with bleach

1.  to warn people about the dangers of mixing bleach 


It’s a concrete fact that women earn less than men do. The crucial question remains its cause. One common explanation is that women are less likely to negotiate raises. We’ve seen this in both bestselling business memoirs like Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In and in previous studies like the research-based Women Don’t Ask. Gaining access to a more recent, and more detailed, dataset allowed us to investigate this question anew. What we found contradicts previous research. The bottom line of our study is that women do “ask” just as often as men. They just don’t “get.”

Integrate the information from this excerpt.  What is the main argument?

  1. Women need to negotiate for higher salaries more often.  

  2. Women need to investigate current salaries before negotiating.  

  3. Although women ask for raises, they don’t get as many as men do.  

  4. Although women work harder than men, they don’t make as much money.

3.  Although women ask for raises, they don’t get as many as men do.  


When it’s completed over the next decade or so, the dog park nestled inside Lincoln Yards could be the best pet playground in the nation. With its splash pool and pug-mug video installation, the only thing that is missing is an oversized mirrored bone. In Chicago and beyond, dog parks are a reliable source of neighborhood drama, serving up friction week after week, such as the stand-off between professional walkers and the local owners who consider their dog parks theirs and theirs alone.

How did the central idea change in this excerpt?  

  1. The focus changed from all dog parks, to just one. 

  2. Dog park activities went from ordinary to exotic.  

  3. The dog park went from being positive to negative.  

  4. The perspective went from one dog to many.

3.  The dog park went from being positive to negative.  


(1) The word "moth" may conjure up images of drab brown insects sticking to your screen door on a summer night. (2) But there's much more to these mostly-nocturnal fliers than meets the eye. (3) They are extraordinarily diverse in color, shape and size. (4) They pollinate plants, and also feed birds, bats and even people around the globe. (5) There are some 160,000 species of moths in the world, compared to 17,500 butterflies.  

Which sentence contains positive effects of moths?

Sentence 4:

(4) They pollinate plants, and also feed birds, bats and even people around the globe. 


Jared was described as someone who was spontaneous and eager to learn.  What does “spontaneous” mean?

A.  Intelligent

B.  Impulsive

C.  Inquisitive

D.  Insecure 

B.  Impulsive


There is never enough room to pack all of the clothes you want to bring on vacation. On your next trip, remember the fold, roll, and tie method. Soldiers are pros at this technique, and it's also among the best military packing tips to teach yourself. Rather than folding and stuffing your bag, consider rolling your clothing after folding it neatly. This will make more room when packing, because you're tightly rolling your clothing and lessening its capacity.

What is the MAIN structure of this excerpt?  

  1. Chronological Order

  2. Problem and Solution

  3. Compare and Contrast

  4.  Classification – Division

2.  Problem and Solution

The problem is not have enough room, and the solution is using the military packing technique.


Since the adoption of new technology, such as smartphones, people began to fear that we are losing our ability of face-to-face interactions. Research scientist Tom Kearney set up two studies to test this theory. The first study found that change in social media use was not associated with changes in direct social contact. The second study found that social media use earlier in the day did not have any impact on future social interactions. “People are spending increased amounts of time using the internet and other media that may replace the time they could use for speaking face to face, but that doesn’t mean that they are worse for it,” Kearney says.

Integrate the information in this excerpt.  What is the main argument?
A.  Since people are spending more time on social media, they are missing out on face-to-face interactions.

B.  Even though people are spending more time on social media, they are not losing the ability to connect face-to-face.  

B.  Even though people are spending more time on social media, they are not losing the ability to connect face-to-face.


The role of women in science became more prevalent in 1903 when Marie Curie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physics. However, there are still not enough women in the sciences today. Less than 30 percent of the world’s researchers are women. Not every female has the opportunity to follow in Marie Curie’s footsteps. To reduce the gender gap, we need to persuade more women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Which is an objective summary of the excerpt?

  1. Marie Curie was a very talented scientist.  

  2. It isn’t fair that there are more men than women in science.

  3. More women should be encouraged to enter the STEM fields.

  4. Men should be discouraged from entering the STEM fields.

3.  More women should be encouraged to enter the STEM fields.


1) So, you’re thinking about running for a local office? (2) Great! (3) Local officials are empowered to help improve public schools, set policing practices, raise the minimum wage, and improve the public transportation system. (4) Your work may even inspire national action! (5) Communities often serve as a testing ground for innovative new policies that are later adopted at the state or federal level. (6) That being said, running for office is very difficult. (7) It requires hard work, commitment, and a willingness to ask for help. (8) It can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to local politics. 

During which sentence does the tone of the excerpt begin to change?  

Sentence 6: 

(6) That being said, running for office is very difficult.


The clock was ticking ever so slowly.  Two minutes until spring break! thought Alice.   Mrs. Jackson was smiling and wished the class a happy and healthy vacation.  Then, she started writing an assignment on the board.  Apparently, the class will be writing informational essays on historic landmarks.  It is so considerate of Mrs. Jackson to give us all of this homework during spring break, Alice thought to herself.  Which tone do Alice’s words help create?  

A.  Enthusiastic  

B.  Aggressive

C.  Serious

D.  Sarcastic

 D.  Sarcastic


(1) A printing plate, which is most often made from aluminum, contains an image of the content that needs to be printed. (2) When the plate is inked, only this image part holds ink. (3) That inked image is subsequently transferred (or offset) from the plate to a rubber blanket and then to the printing surface. (4) The process can be used to print on paper, cardboard, plastic or other materials, but these have to have a flat surface. (5) This is the most widely used technique for printing.  

Which sentence is the BEST source for explaining the purpose of a printing plate?

(4) The process can be used to print on paper, cardboard, plastic or other materials, but these have to have a flat surface.


(1) When preparing raw chicken for cooking, remove as much of the fat as possible to make your entree healthier. (2) Although a small amount of fat might help impart flavor to the cooked chicken, removing the visible fat will reduce calories. (3) Take a few extra moments to trim the skin off the chicken. (4) Other types of meat don’t have skin to remove.  (5) Rinse the chicken under cool water and you are all done!

Which sentence needs to be omitted because it is unnecessary and doesn’t help support the purpose?

(4) Other types of meat don’t have skin to remove.


(1) Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a phenomenon that was born at the same time as Facebook—and it’s one of the most common negative effects of social media. (2) FOMO is basically a form of anxiety that you get when you’re scared of missing out on a positive experience or emotions that someone else is getting. (3) This fear is constantly fueled by your social media engagement. (4) The more you use social networks, the more likely you are to see that someone is having more fun that you are right now. (5) And that’s exactly what causes FOMO.

 Which sentence BEST expresses the negative effects of FOMO?

 (2) FOMO is basically a form of anxiety that you get when you’re scared of missing out on a positive experience or emotions that someone else is getting.

This is the best choice because the other sentences define FOMO and show its increase, but this is the only option that contains a specific negative effect – anxiety. 


(1) After a number of accidents involving elderly drivers, police in Devon County became very concerned.  (2) They spoke with several experts before making a decision. (3) The Department of Transport said drivers over 80 are more likely to have accidents than any other age group. (4) The charity, Age Concern, praised the skills of older motorists. (5) The Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired noted that visions problems are prevalent in drivers over the age of 60.
(6) After speaking with these organizations, it was decided that it was time for some elderly drivers to hand in their car keys and catch the bus. 

Which sentence contains a counter claim?  

Sentence 4:
(4) The charity, Age Concern, praised the skills of older motorists.


(1) Writing is a form of communication that permeates through almost every aspect of our personal, educational and professional lives.  (2) Although some parts of good writing are open to interpretation, effective writing always leads to compelling content, so writers need to polish up on their skills if they are to captivate their readers.  (3) Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer.  (4) The writer just needs to learn how to use it well.  

Which sentence is an example of an analogy?

(3) Just as a sword is the weapon of a warrior, a pen is the weapon of a writer.


(1) I have been a firefighter for a long time. (2)As a deputy chief on a major municipal fire department, I have preached for years about the life-saving benefits of smoke alarms.  (3) I also trust the lives of my family to the eight smoke alarms installed in my house. (4) Some of the available data regarding smoke alarms, however, raise disturbing questions about the actual effectiveness of smoke alarms at reducing fire deaths in the U.S. (5) If the batteries in a smoke detector are dead, or if the electric connectors have been disabled, the smoke detector is rendered basically useless.  

During which sentence does a change in the controlling idea begin?

(4) Some of the available data regarding smoke alarms, however, raise disturbing questions about the actual effectiveness of smoke alarms at reducing fire deaths in the U.S.


(1) It is not uncommon for candidates to get nervous before an interview.  (2) However, interviewing is a two-way street; it is an opportunity for you and the employer to get to know each other.  (3) Contrary to what you may have heard, interviewers do not want to intentionally ask you difficult questions just to see you make a mistake.  (4) In fact, employers want you to do well during the interview.  (5) Think about it: they invest a lot of time and money screening and recruiting candidates.  
(6) The sooner they can identify the right person, the sooner their job is done.  (7) Jobs are opening up in both the technology and food industries.  

Which sentence needs to be omitted because it is unnecessary and doesn’t help support the claim?

(7) Jobs are opening up in both the technology and food industries.


Most college students take out student loans. Let’s consider a typical $10,000 loan. Even though you’re responsible for paying back the full $10,000, the amount you’ll receive is $9,893, thanks to the 1.07 percent origination fee. If your educational costs amount to the full $10,000, you’ll need to account for that fee and tack on an additional $107 to the loan. On top of this, you’ll end up paying extra interest on the origination fee as well. This can be confusing to new borrowers. 

What can be inferred in this excerpt?

  1. People need to consider extra fees and interest when taking out loans.  

  2. People are always surprised at how much they owe on student loans.

  3. Most people take out only $10,000 in loans when they go to college.  

  4. The origination fee was invented to trick people into taking out loans.

1.   People need to consider extra fees and interest when taking out loans.


(1) Most people wash their cars, but never have enough time to wax them.  (2) This is a big mistake. (3) Waxing a vehicle makes it look glossy and new. (4) It also seals it against dirt, water vapor, and rust. (5) An unwaxed car will look a lot older than its age.  (6) If water doesn’t bead on the surface of the vehicle when it rains or when you hose it down, it needs waxing. (7) Even if you use a car-washing product that has wax in it, you still must give your car a thorough waxing at least twice a year.

Which sentence contains the strongest argument for waxing your car?

Sentence 4: 

(4) It also seals it against dirt, water vapor, and rust. 


The Bayer account is very important to Veronica Post.  Although the acquisition of this account isn’t guaranteed, it looks promising. She told her associates to keep her in the loop.

When Veronica Post said she wanted to be kept “in the loop” she meant that she wanted –

A.  to be in charge of the account

B.  to be informed of any new details

C.  the associates to work very hard

D.  the associates to realize its importance

 B.  to be informed of any new details


The youth vote has the potential to be extremely influential in this country. While young voter participation in 2016 declined by 2% from a record 52% at the 2008 election, today the voting population includes almost equal parts millennials and baby boomers. As the boomer electorate decreases in size, experts suggest it is merely a matter of time before millennials become the largest and most powerful group driving future elections in the U.S. Unfortunately, not all who can vote will, meaning that fewer young people get to directly influence issues that might affect their lives for years to come, including college tuition reform and federal job programs.

What is the speaker implying?

  1. Millennial voter participation is unnecessary at this time.

  2. Baby boomer voting populations are increasing.  

  3. Young people are not concerned enough about their futures.

  4. Millennial voters will change the cost of college tuition.

  1. Young people are not concerned enough about their futures.

Unfortunately, not all who can vote will, meaning that fewer young people get to directly influence issues that might affect their lives for years to come, including college tuition reform and federal job programs.


Our leadership programs offer students and recent graduates full-time and internship opportunities with unparalleled business experience and the chance to contribute and grow. You’ll find targeted learning, challenging assignments and plenty of feedback and coaching with a Fifth Third Bank career. You’ll also be participating in mentor relationships and engaging with bank leaders. There are lots of opportunities for team building, social events and community involvement. Come build your skills, relationships and a better future—for you and our customers.

Which would make the BEST title for this advertisement?

A. What is leadership?

B. Learning leadership in the real world

C. Banks can be good places to grow

D. Selecting the best bank is important

B. Learning leadership in the real world