Author's Purpose
Main Idea
Text Structure I
Text Structure II
Greek Roots

Define author's purpose.

It is the reason an author writes something.


Define main idea

the central or most important point an author is trying to convey in a paragraph or piece of text. 


What are the 5 types of text structure?

Description, Cause/Effect, Problem/Solution, Chronological/Sequence, Compare/Contrast


Which text structure?

The life cycle of a sloth first starts with the birth of a baby sloth. Shortly after birth, the young sloth wraps itself arounds mother and clings to her to feed. Then, the mother sloth nurtures the young sloth and teaches it to eat leaves. For six moths, the young sloth grows bigger and stronger. Finally, when the young sloth is strong enough to leave its mother, it goes off to find its own food. 



Which one means four?






What are the three most common reasons authors write something?

To persuade, inform, and entertain (P.I.E.)


What is the main idea?

Found in southwestern Asia, the Dead Sea isn't a sea at all. It is a salty lake, and it is much saltier than the ocean. In fact, the Dead Sea is so salty that no animals or plants can live in it. The water is even too salty for plants. In fact, there are only a few plants that can grow in the salty dirt near the lake.  

The Dead Sea is too salty to support plant or animal life.


Which organizational pattern:

subjects are presented to show their similarities and differences.



Which text structure:

Humans are cutting down red mangrove trees. As a result, the pygmy sloth has less food and fewer places to live. The pygmy sloth feeds almost exclusively on the leaves of red mangrove trees that where it makes its home. Another consequence of cutting down red mangrove tress is that the pygmy sloths are now endangered. Over the last decade, their population has decreased by eighty percent. 

Cause and Effect


The word microscope contains the root scope. What does the root scope mean? 


look at or observe


look at or observe


What is the author's purpose in the following passage:

Samuel was scared. He usually walked with others to the village. But today he had to get to his job, and no one else was able to go with him. He was walking alone on the path to the store when he heard a rustling in the woods. He started to walk faster. What if the rustling was a bear, he should not run. The bear would chase him. There was a loud cracking of a stick, and a deer bounded out on the path in front of Samuel. Samuel breathed a sigh of relief. Only a deer!



What is the main idea?

For some animals, being too slow can put them in danger. For sloths, though, moving slowly is a way to protect themselves. Sloths hardly move at all. They actually stay so still that green plants called algae grow on their fur! The algae help the sloths hide in the green leaves around them. Being slow also helps sloths in another way. Animals like hawks and big cats hardly notice the slow-moving sloths.

Being slow helps sloths stay alive. 


Which organizational pattern can use a timeline?

Chronological/Order & Sequence 


Which text structure:

Sloths are furry, tree-dwelling mammals that have many interesting characteristics. For example, their fur patterns make their eyes appear sad, but makes their face look like they are smiling. Sloths are best know for other characteristics, such as their sleep pattern and slow movement. Sloths sleep an incredible twenty hours per day. When they finally wake, they move slowly. 



Which one means life? 






What is the author's purpose in this passage?

Ever wondered which pet is a better pet- a dog or a cat? In my opinion, it isn't even close. A dog is much better than a cat. To start with, a dog will be very loyal to you for life. As soon as you walk in the door, your dog will be waiting with a tail wagging. The cat will be hiding behind a curtain. Dogs also help to keep you healthier because they love to walk. Try taking a cat on a walk. Trust me- stuck with a dog when getting a new pet. 

To persuade


What is the main idea?

Black widow spiders are far more deadly to animals than they are to people. The spiders catch beetles, flies, and other insects in their webs and wrap them in silk then eat them! People, on the other hand, are usually safe from black widows. The spiders only bite to protect themselves. It is rare for a person bitten by a black widow to die.

Black widows are more deadly to insects than they are to people.


Which organizational pattern:

Provides information that gives the reader a mental picture



Which text structure:

The pygmy sloth has a major problem. It's now endangered due to the destruction of red mangrove trees. It will take cooperation from different people to help solve this issue. Lawmakers should make it illegal to cut down red mangroves. The construction industry should use renewable materials that won't impact the environment. People should donate to foundations that protects the environment. They can also help to grow and plant red mangrove trees along coastlines so that pygmy sloths have places to love. 

Problem and Solution


The word uniformity contains the root uni. What does the root uni mean? 

own or self 





What is the author's purpose in this passage?

Pain is a natural aspect of the human body that alerts us when something is amiss.

To inform


How is the main idea found?

By reading the text and looking for supporting details. Main ideas are always supported by text evidence.


Which organizational pattern:

Information is presented to show the relationship between ideas and events.

Cause and Effect


Which text structure:

Sloths and koala bears have common traits. They are both herbivores, have long claws and live in trees. However they are many differences between these two animals. Koala bears look like little bears with think fur. Sloths, on the other hand, have short coarse fur. 

Compare and Contrast


The word diameter contains the root meter. What does the root meter mean? 

write or draw


