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What is the name of pure alcohol? 

ETHANOL - also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, drinking alcohol, or simply alcohol. Ethanol is a clear, colourless liquid with a characteristic pleasant odour and burning taste, made from a variety of biomass materials feedstocks, the raw materials used to make a product. Ethanol feedstocks include grains and crops with high starch and sugar content such as corn, barley, sugar cane and sugar beets.


Country in which cherry blossoms are considered as a sign of the beginning of spring

JAPAN - Springtime in Japan is nothing less than magical. From late March to early May, the country's iconic cherry blossom, or sakura, captures the attention of visitors and locals.
But the sacred and iconic flower in Japan is the lotus flower which has been admired for its delicate, and spiritual symbolism, beauty, purity 


What is the definition of "eclipse" ?

OBSCURING OF LIGHT - the total or partial obscuring of one celestial body by another.
*A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth.
* A lunar eclipse when the earth passes between the sun and the moon.
The actual word "eclipse" comes from "EKLEIPSIS", the Ancient Greek word for abandonment.


Price of eggs is expected to rise significantly due to what?

BIRD FLU - Bird flu refers to the disease caused by infection with avian influenza virus. These viruses naturally spread among wild aquatic birds worldwide and can infect domestic poultry and other bird and animal species. Egg prices have now steadily been rising for months, and our omelette could become even more expensive as poultry farms around the country deal with an outbreak of bird flu.


Amount of weight ants can lift.

10 - 50 TIMES THEIR BODY WEIGHT - Some ants can carry up 10 - 50 times their body weight. If that doesn't sound very imopressive, consder that a 2-miligram ant carrying 10 times its own weight is about the equivalent of a 180-pound human carrying a full-grown cow. Meaning of the word 'ant' - a small industrious insect that lives in a colony. 


Alcohol that is made from potatoes.

VODKA - neutral potato alcohol is commonly used in the production of Vodka, as potatoes and grain provide a neutral flavor profile for the alcohol. Vodka can be sdstilled from pretty much anything that can be fermented to make alcohol, but its mostly produced from potatoes, sugar beets molasses and cereal grains. obviously , what ingredients are used to make a vodka will influence its flavour.


Natural phenomenon that takes place most frequently in the spring

TORNEDOES -  A tornado is a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system. Wide-ranging weather impacts occur in the spring because  of a battle between warmer air trying to push farther north and the last of winter's cold plunging farther south. The temperature contrast fuels a strong jet stream and highly variable weather conditions. 


She was 87 years old when she starred in the film "Sextette".

MAE WEST - The film "Sextette" is a 1978 musical comedy film which stars Mae West playing a 28-year old woman, alongside Timothy Dalton, Dom DeLuise, Tony Curtis and George Hamilton.
The film was actually a 'radical power move'. It demonstrated West's confidence as a woman trying to defy the taboo against sexual older women.
It was also her last movie.


Special once-in-a-life-time opportunity that will be observed tomorrow starting at 11:07am in Mexico.

ECLIPSE - the rare eclipse is expected to be observed in Mexico first around 11:07 am when the moon will move in between Earth and the sun. Its path will take it through the United States before it moves to parts of southern Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. The total lunar eclipse will be the first seen in Onrtario since 1979. National Geographic declared that Niagara Falls to be the best place to see it.


Meaning of the term 'compound eyes'.

SEVERAL TINY EYES  - Unlike humans, who have a single eye and lens, insects have what are called compound eyes. These compound eyes consist of several tiny eyes with one lens each, looking in different directions. Their number can range from hundreds to several thousands. Dragonflies, for example, have about 30,000 tiny eyes with one lens each. (Mosquitos have hundreds of tiny lenses)


Name of the first alcoholic drink?

MEAD - Mead is the oldest alcoholic beverage known to man and has been around as long as honeybees have been making honey, it can naturally ferment in the wild. Referred to as 'nectar of the gods' by ancient Greeks, was believed to be dew sent from the heavens and collected by bees. Mead, an alcoholic beverage made from honey, water and yeast, has captured the attention of Canadian consumers in recent years.


Flower that was once more expensive than gold.

TULIP -  The Dutch tulip bulb market bubble, also known as tulipmania, was one of the most famous market bubbles and crashes of all time. In 1634, in part of a result of demand from the French, speculators began to enter the market. By 1936 tulips were worth more than gold and at the height of the market, the rarest bulbs were worth six times a person's salary. Bulb prices rose and crashed dramatically which bankrupted many merchants while enriching many others. However, the tulip trade recovered and is still going strong today.


Music genre that peaked with the 1977 release of the film "Saturday Night Fever"

DISCO MUSIC - Disco music is a genre of dance music and a subculture that emerged in the 1970s from the United States' urban nightlife scene. Its name derived from discotheque, the name for the type of dance-oriented nightclub that first appeared in the 1960s. The full meaning of disco is described as " a nightclub for dancing to live and recorded music". This music genre really peaked with the 1977 film "Saturday Night Fever".


Which organization celebrated its 75th year on April 4th.

NATO -  (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Since its creation on April 4, 1949, the transatlantic Alliance has grown from 12 founding members to 32 member countries, all working together to keep our people safe. Canada, a founding member of NATO, was one of the first countries to propose the idea of transatlantic defensive alliance, working closely with their American and European colleages. 


The average housefly can live for how long?

15 to 25 DAYS - Adult houseflies live up to 25 days, but my live up to months. Without food, they survive only about 2 to 3 days. Longevity is enhanced by availability of suitable food, especially sugar. They typically lay eggs on animal feces and garbage. Compost piles, clogged dish drains, uncovered trash cans, leftover food and waste can quickly become breeding grounds for flies.


Name of the Japanese rice wine?

SAKE - also referred to as Japanese rice wine, is an alcoholic beverage of Japanese origin made by fermenting rice that has been polished to remove the bran. Similar to beer and wine, sake is not distilled but a brewed alcohol, made from fermented rice juice. Even though rice has a rather bland flavor, sake has fruity flavors similar to apples, bananas and various fruits.


What is the earliest spring flowers to bloom in Canada each year.

CROCUS - Crocuses: One of the purple spring flowers in Canada, these delicate purple and white blossoms are often among the first to emerge, even through the lingering snow in some areas.
Daffodils: with their sunny yellow petals, daffodils add a cheerful touch to gardens and public spaces across Canada. 


American cooking teacher, author and television personality from 1960 until 2004.

JULIA CHILD - Julia Child is recognized for bringing French cuisine to the American public with her debut book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and her television program "The French Chef" in 1963.
Child had a large impact on American households and housewives. Because of the technology in the 1960s, the show was unedited, causing her blunders to appear in the final version. She was known for her use of ingredients like butter and cream, which was questioned by food critics and modern day nutritionists.


Iconic 'wealthy' 18th. century fountain in Rome, Italy.

TREVI FOUNTAIN - The Trevi Fountain, built in the 1700s, is perhaps one of Rome's most iconic structures. The myth, originating in 1954 with the movie "Three Coins in the Fountain", that if you throw a coin in the fountain something beautiful will happen to you. Today, almost US $1.5 million is collected every year and given to a Catholic charity to help the poor and homeless.


Type of insect that produces a special kind of fabric.

SILKWORM - the silkworm is the larvae or caterpillar of a silk moth. The silkworm is of particular economic value, being a primary producer of silk. Silk has been made for at least 5000 years in China. The silk moth is entirely dependent on humans, and it no longer lives in the wild. Silkworms eat mulberry leaves and often called the mulberry silk worm. 


What are the two original names for rum?

KILL-DEVIL or RUMBULLION - The first recorded rum, however, came about in the West Indies around 1650. At that time the first rums were known on records from Barbados as "kill-devil" (kill a devil) or "rumbullion" (a great tumult). Rum was invented in the Carribbean, in the 17th. century, by slaves on sugercane plantations, who discovered that molasses, a by-product of the sugar refining process, could be fermented into alcohol.


What is the main spring allergy trigger?

POLLEN - Pollen is a fine powdery substance produced by the anthers of seed-bearing plants, consisting of numerous fine grains containing the male gamete (reproductive cells). Pollen exposure can trigger various allergic reactions, including symptoms of hay fever. Hay fever occurs when allergens like pollen enter your body and your immune system mistakenly identifies them as a threat.


What can be damaged when watching the eclipse without proper eye protection.

RETINA - People who view the eclipse without the proper protective eyewear can experience serious permanent damage to their eyes, a condition called solar retinopathy, which can cause blindness, Even looking at a small portion of the sun before, during or after the eclipse without eye protection can harm your eyes and vision.
"RETINA" is the thin layer of tissue that lines the back of the eye on the inside.


Successful Canadian prominent retail chain that grew during the pandemic and after.

DOLLARAMA - Dollarama is a prominent Canadian retail chain that specializes in offering a wide variety of products at affordable prices. The first 'all-dollar' store was founded in Montreal in 1910 by a Lebanese immigrant. It was taken over by his son and then grandson. By 1992, the discount retailer grew to 44 stores and it converted into Dollarama. It now operates more than 1500 stores and is active in all of Canada.


Insect that was the first living creature sent into space?

FRUIT FLY - while many flights into space may have accidentally carried bacteria and other forms of live on board, the first living creatures intentionally sent into space were fruit flies. These were transported aboard a V2 rocket on February 20, 1947. The purpose of the experiment was to explore the effects of radiation exposure at high altitudes. The fruit flies safely returned from the suborbital space flight, which paved the way for human exploration.