Centria Foundations
Principles of Behavior
Interfering Behavior
Data Collection

Using a Foundations of Care Lens means to...

What is to view the world and our actions in a way that prioritizes Centria's Values?

Conducting a preference assessment by observing the client in the environment & what they gravitate toward is called...

What is a Free-Operant Preference Assessment?


The four functions of behavior.

What is sensory, escape, attention, & tangible?


These are the four types of interfering behavior.

What is detracting, precursor, high intensity, & dangerous?


Counting every instance of a target behavior during an observation period.

What is frequency?


Our Foundational Values are

What are Safety, Dignity, Client-Centered?


Breaking down larger skills into smaller steps in order to teach.

What is a Task Analysis?

A trial consists of these 3 components.
What is the sD, target response, & consequence?

When the appropriate behavior (communication) receives better reinforcement but the interfering behavior still receives reinforcement (although somewhat less).

What is Differential Reinforcement without Extinction?


Recording the entire length of a target behavior using a stop watch.

What is duration?


Teaching empowerment & self-advocacy skills is an important part of _____- ____ care.

What is Trauma-Informed?


Extra support provided to assist a learner in completing a skill.

What is a prompt?


When a correct target response is emitted, the consequence delivered should be ____.

What is reinforcement?


3 High-Probability tasks are presented are followed by 1 Low-Probability task.

What is the High-Probability Request Sequence?


Trial by Trial data includes collecting data immediately after ____.

What is every trial?

Teaching through joy means our client should be ____, ____, & _____.

What is Happy, Relaxed, & Engaged?


Presenting many different types of sDs, targets, or programs together is called Successive Discrimination and is a form of this.

What is Discrimination Training?


My alarm wakes me up in the morning, in this situation, my alarm is _____ for me waking up.

What is an antecedent?


Antecedent Interventions are implemented ___ the behavior & Consequent Interventions are implemented ___ the behavior.

What is before the behavior & after the behavior?


Only recording data at the end of interval and instances occurring outside of the end of the interval are not counted.

What is Time Sampling?


The vocal or non-vocal agreement to participate in an activity and a requirement for every session.

What is assent?


These abbreviations (F, P, G, M) stand for:

What is Full Physical, Partial Physical, Gesture, Model?

Identify the A-B-C in this vignette: Rosie is working to earn playing on the iPad, Rosie's brother walks over and takes the iPad off the table and starts playing on it, Rosie starts to scream loudly, and her BT asks Rosie's brother to put the iPad back.

What is: A) Rosie's brother takes the iPad B) Rosies screams C) The BT asks Rosie's brother to give the iPad back?


My client is allergic to peanuts and wants to eat peanut M&Ms, I should use:

What is STEAM?


Some best practices for data collection.

What is Knowing what type of data to take, being trained on how to collect that data, recording data immediately, & recording data only observed by you?