Anshu and Sanjana
Who are the captains?
Name of the run that they make freshman do during BGR.
What is Fountain Run?
What is Tandava?
number of people on the team
what is 12
Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi
Team playing against purdue tomorrow
Event during comp where line up is revealed
What is the mixer?
Freshman cannon event
What is bct
Number of years that Aharya has been a thing.
What is 8 years?
Name of the week before finals
Dead week
Most needed thing during comp?
The most popular library on campus during finals week.
What is Hicks?
The theme we competed with last year?
What is savitri?
Scariest part of purdue
What is the tunnel under pmu?
Most common food item given at comps
What is pizza?
Purdue Aharya's official team drink.
What is boba?
Most traumatizing line from last year diwali show.
What is all i do in win?
This Purdue rivalry game is for the Old Oaken Bucket, played against this university
What is IU
Best part of comps
The capital of Canada.
What is Ottawa?