At the end of the Ceremony of Initiation, all Daughters may sing what song?
The Welcome Song. (pg. 110)
Which committee prepares the pilgrims for the Ceremony of Initiation?
The Preparation Committee. (pg. 83)
What is the sign and response of the First Epoch?
I will beat you if you do not know this :)
What is the sign and response of the Second Epoch?
I will beat you if you do not know this :).
What is the sign and response of the Third Epoch?
I will beat you if you do not know this :).
The Guide and Marshal conduct the Pilgrims to the Recorder's desk to sign what?
The Permanent Record Book. (pg. 109)
How are the candidates lined up for the Ceremony of Initiation?
"The candidates are lined up according to height (shortest to tallest." (pg. 83)
What is the name of Job's first daughter?
Jemima, which means "dove". (pg. 94)
What is the name of Job's second daughter?
Kezia, meaning "cassia", used in incense. (pg. 100)
What is the name of Job's third daughter?
Keren Happuch, which means, "Plenty".
Which Officers explain and exemplify the Salutation Sign for the Pilgrims?
The Senior Princess will explain and the Senior Custodian will exemplify the Salutation Sign. (pg. 104)
Where are the Pilgrims when they take the Obligation?
Between the stations of the First and Third Messengers, facing east, kneeling, and assuming the Attitude of Prayer. (pg. 88)
What is the emblem of the First Epoch?
The White Dove, which symbolizes purity and truth. (pg. 94)
What is the emblem of the Second Epoch?
The Urn of Incense, which in all ages has symbolized prayer. (pg. 100)
What is the emblem of the Third Epoch?
The Horn of Plenty, which symbolizes the triumph of Job over the temptations of the evil one, and the reward for his piety faith. (pg. 103)
What is the emblematic flower of our Order?
The Lily of the Valley is the emblematic flower of our Order. (pg. 105)
What is the Order of Business directly before the Ceremony of Initiation.
The Report of the Ballot on Petitions. (pg. 60)
What is the mystic number of the First Epoch?
Seven, it alludes to the number of Job's sons and the measure of his flocks. (pg. 94)
What is the mystic number of the Second Epoch?
Three, it alludes to the three daughters of Job and his three friends from the far East. (pg. 99)
What is the mystic number of the Third Epoch?
Five, it alludes to the messengers informing Job of his misfortune and the five Messengers who relate the story to the Pilgrims in Job's Daughters. (pg. 103)
The three principal Officers of the Bethel are placed side by side in the East of the Bethel. Who are they and who do they represent?
They are the Junior Princess, Senior Princess, and Honored Queen. They represent the three daughters of Job.