his happens when your body temperature is very high
a fever?
You get this blue spot when you fall and hurt your knee
a bruise
If you have a ________, it means your ear hurts.
an earache
A fever means your body is too cold.
If you have a fever, what should you do?
rest and drink water.
When your head hurts, you have this?
a headache
When you cut your finger, it’s called this
a cut
You might feel going to bathroom often_ in your if you eat bad food.
A bruise is when your skin turns purple after an injury.
If you cut your finger, what should you do?
clean it and put a bandage on it
This happens when your nose is blocked, and it’s hard to breathe.
a stuffed-up nose
If you twist your ankle, you have this injury.
a sprain
When you have a ________, you always rub your eyes.
Itchy eyes
You need a doctor for every small cut.
If your nose is stuffed, what should you do?
use a tissue and drink warm liquids.
You do this when you have something in your throat
When your bone is broken, it’s called this.
a fracture /broken arm or leg.
If your teeth hurt, you have a ________.
A toothache
You feel dizzy when the room feels like it’s spinning.
If you feel nauseous, what should you do?
sit down and drink water
When you feel like throwing up, you feel this.
If something hot touches your skin, you get this.
a burn
If your chest hurts, you feel ________.
Chest Pain
You can get a headache from not drinking enough water.
If you sprain your ankle, what should you do?
rest and put ice on it.
This happens when your skin is red and itchy.
a rash
When your neck hurts , you feel this.
stuff neck
When you have a bad headache, you have a
A sprain is worse than a broken bone
If you feel dizzy, what should you do?
sit down and take deep breaths