What does Interferon gamma cause?
Causes neutrophils and macrophages to phagocytize bacteria
What does the lacrimal apparatus do
washes eye
What is the functiom of basophils?
What is an antigen?
substance that provokes an immune response in specific lymphocytes
What is histocompatibility?
recognition of self by the immune system and in rejection of foreign tissue
How is the Complement system activated?
Protein C3b & Antigen-antibody reaction
How does pH help with immunity?
Most microbes are in moderate temperatures and not in extreme pHs.
List 2 advantages of fever and 1 disadvantage.
Advantages: Inhibit multiplication, Impede nutrition, increases metabolism, stimulates immune rx.
Disadvantage: Tachycardia, acidosis, dehydration
What is an Epitope?
small molecular group that is recognized by lymphocytes or antibodies
Where do B cells come from and what do they do?
Come from bone marrow and involved in antibodies.
How is interferon produced?
Response to viruses and various antigens
Where are Lysozymes located?
Persperation, tears, saliva, & Urine
What is Herd Immunity?
Large proportion of susceptible population is immune so little opportunity for infection to persist.
what are the major functions of receptors?
1. recognize and attach to nonself or foreign molecules
2. Recieve and transmit chemical messages among other cells of the system
What do CD8 T cells bind to and what do CD4 T cells bind to?
CD8= MHC class 1 molecule
CD4= MHC class 2 molecule
What is step 6 of antiviral actions of interferons?
AVPs degrade viral mRNA and inhibit protein synthesis, causing interference with viral replication
What is the ciliary escalator
Microbes trapped by mucus are transported away from the lungs
IgE location & function
On mast cells, basophils, and in blood. Allergic rx and lysis of parasitic worms
What is neutralization?
Antibodies fill surface receptors on virus or active site on microbial enzyme to prevent it from attaching
What are Class 1 markers in MHC
Markers on every cell except RBC that display unique characteristics of self molecules and regulate immune rx
What is opsonization?
Enhanced phagocytosis by using opsonin as a marker
Besides Intact skin and mucous membranes/secretions. What else is included in the 1st line of defense?
Normal microbiota
What are the two features that characterize immunity?
Specificity & Memory
What is agglutination?
Antibody aggregation, cross linking cells or particles into large clumps.
What are cytotoxic T cells?
CD8, destroy foreign or abnormal cells via secretion of perforins that lyse cells